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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9

    This Or That

    Ohh dear errm...coasterforce.TTD or Kingda Ka?
  2. Dan9

    This Or That

    Erm Pen!And now for a question which WILL annoy people, including myself ( ):Nemesis or Nemesis Inferno?
  3. Dan9

    This Or That

    Crystal Palace.Loggers or Tidal?
  4. Dan9

    This Or That

    Me . Nah sorry, 02.eMac or iMac?
  5. Nah, we divided into 3 groups and then voted in those groups. Ill Edit the post. Sorry I just forgot to mention it.
  6. You really should do front row first time, as it is awsaume, and the front row experience especially on first time, really makes it better. Believe me, it really does.
  7. Dan9

    This Or That

    Me.Cedar or Magic Mountain?
  8. Dan9

    This Or That

    Bluey/Black.Rush or Vortex?This is going to turn into a favourite .
  9. Dan9

    How Old Are You?

    Meh, there will probably be some other people much older, but they will just be people who no one knoes about, because they lurk in the depths of tpm and dont post at all. Well Happy Birthday for Monday anyway!
  10. Dan9


    Ive been ill the last 2 days. I havent had any school which I dobnt mind, but the fact that I'm ill is annoying. Ohh yeah and Chaz, I think detty might be there, but considering it would be hard to see might be the reason. If I'm wrong please feel free to correct me.
  11. Well after a week of being open, Detonator is yet again closed. This actually ffrustrates me more than it has, considering that Detonator has now been closed about 75% of this year.Woopty Doo for Thorpe Park Manias best ride of 2007.EDIT: Yeah I know, it is still a very good ride .
  12. Its not actually a song, its just theme music. If I'm wrong, and I'm talking about something else, someone please corrct me.Welcome to the forums too!
  13. Dan9


    OMG I was such a n00b when I joined! . You can tell from my first few posts cant you?
  14. Then maybe I'm wrong about theming. Yes Chessies is amazing and *most* of thorpes could be much better, but then, I have never ever been to Alton Towers. This may be where I may be going all wrong. Ahh well, we shall see.
  15. Blah Blah Blah..Anyway glad you had fun!
  16. I suppose they arent anything special, but yet I still love them because I THINK they are great rides just to simply..ride.
  17. Dan9


    Pwned Iskander.
  18. I still have bruises from mine (), I got hit very hard indeed. Go Easy on him guys.
  19. Howd ya notice? Anyway, to Cringles point (:|), yes I s'pose Phantasia land would spend jillions on theming, and they still do, and yet, thorpe right now seems to be going for more rides to be added, which is annoying me, as right now Thorpe can calm down a bit, considering that they have added a new ride or more than one ride a year.Actually, I'm a person who doesnt always look out at theming, and if its rubbish, start badmouthing it and the whole park, I'm a person who just enjoys a ride for what it is, and what is there instead of saying what isnt there. Look at Samurai, there is NO theming. Look at Slammer...NO theming, and I love these 2 rides for wwhat they are, instead of what they arent.
  20. Dan9


    Spamhead Cringle .You guys are all so lucky your havent got any more. Ive still gotta get through 4 weeks of this year, and then another..4 years .Heey ho, at least its the weeked.
  21. OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES! If you were on here, id be here, stealing some more wwtp radio from you . Nah not really stealing but yeah Happy Birthday, and hope you have a good day tomorrow, and sorry I cant come.
  22. Dan9


    That was Human Nature deary . Smith and Jones was when they were in that hospital and went to the moon.Wow that sounded like sarcasm.
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