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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Maybe, depends on travel and money and how I feel and all that stuff
  2. Hi Dave ^_^I think I remember you from SouthParks!Welcome to the wonderful world of TPM and Marc Simpson
  3. Mer

    TPM awardssss

    Haha same...I'd blates win weirdest/craziest member! Or ugliestBest impression of Jean Slater..."Sausage SURPRIIISE!"
  4. Mer


    On IP Board Mobile, in a thread in Thorpe Park - The Future...Back To The Future! :PI am easily amused/entertained
  5. Exactly! Walking up Colossus lift hill and testing rides ftw!
  6. Mer

    Social Networking

    Yes! Grrr! And when people spam on page/group walls like the "DON'T READ THIS MESSAGE" crap.
  7. My dad had a decent salary, my mum was in and out of work due to various health problems (see my post in the "Problems" thread for info, it's too much to post here). My dad did help me out and my mum did when possible, but I wanted to earn my own money, I felt responsible for my own money when I became old enough to work and had the time to do so, and would've felt bad if I didn't and continued asking parents for money. They might not have minded but I know truthfully it took pressure off my mum and they were proud of me for getting a job anyway
  8. Mer

    Social Networking

    Yeah but most of those quiz/app things are a good laugh But I guess if people actually take them seriously, like "Which friend will kill you in 2011" then...whoa!Although there is an Autism Quotient one, which is actually a real test, you can find it online and I believe it was made by professionals in that field, so it's actually accurate (but obviously isn't a way of being diagnosed). Was very interesting to see what friends got as results!
  9. Same, my birthday is in February and in May 06 I got a job. I wanted to earn money and not everyone has parents that can afford to give their children regular money. And it gave me something to do, and it was in a pet shop, I have an interest in animals...why not get a job if it interests you and gives you money? Especially in these times, the more work experience on your CV the better, (and the sooner you can earn/save money the better too) I'd say. Shows you have the motivation to work and that you're preparing yourself for full time work in later life. As Benin said, if you can balance both education and work then go for it
  10. I do agree about the awful tackiness (and awful music played) in pound shops, but there's nothing wrong with them if you want to buy big bags of brand name sweets at a cheap price Infact the ones in my area sell quite a lot of brand names, toiletries, batteries, painkillers - I mean how expensive are they at RRP! May as well buy them cheaper, it doesn't matter what shop they're being sold in. And with the state this country is in, we should be sensible with our money. Actually, pound shops must be the only shops that don't have a VAT rise! :PMaybe it's my age and my experiences as one of the older members (only 20 but most here are in their teens). I probably had the same attitude when I was younger. Having said that, I wouldn't go proper shopping there, I have limits. Tesco ftw xDAnyway, hello to all you newbies and welcome to the ManiaHub forums
  11. Mer

    Social Networking

    ^^ 'twas me once Hardly go on Farmville much nowadays though as I'm too busy...just proves how bored you get when you're unemployed!Facebook has let me contact old friends and for people like me with socialising difficulties, it makes making new friends etc easier and less anxious. Like I became pretty much myself with my college friends quicker than I thought I would, because my true personality/ craziness comes out on Facebook, which my college friends saw and mentioned, and voila, they're already starting to learn about who I am so I naturally started to act myself in person quickly Ok that may be a crappy way to explain it but hopefully people will get the gist. I don't use Twitter but have nothing against it. Stephen Fry and my brother use it and they are certainly not twits! They're two of the most intelligent and knowledgable people I know
  12. Mer


    Yaaaah Happy New Year to you all too!! xD
  13. The picture plus the caption "The end is coming" just put images in my head of X:\No Way Out being nuked
  14. Madame? :PI was only expressing my opinion too, and backing it up with personal experiences.Sorry if it was taken the wrong way...
  15. But people don't choose to fancy someone...it happens.I used to have a massive crush on David Tennant I didn't think "Oh no, I can't have a crush on him cos I don't know him!" I think people are misunderstanding the thread. Or have never had a celeb crush or something. Although it can happen with non celebs too. When I was in Year 11 I had a big crush on a boy in my year but wasn't in any of my lessons, I didn't know him, but I still fancied him. Surely people here must relate? So it's nothing to do with them being celebs...it's just because someone finds them attractive.
  16. I agree with Will and I don't get how people don't...surely people here must have had a crush/fancy/think someone famous is hot etc. Especially as a lot of you here are in your teens...we've all had celebrity crushes!I wouldn't go out with someone if I didn't know them...so you can't judge a celeb or their personality if you haven't met them...but you can be physically attracted to them. It's no different from seeing someone in real life and fancying them, before you even know them.The only difference is that celebs are on a screen etc. And no, I don't fancy any of them. Not Cheryl seeing as I'm straight, and Bieber...well...he looks like a girl tbh :PEDIT: What Dan said - if fancying someone is just being attracted to them and not actually wanting to go out with them. That's what this thread is meaning, not would you go out with them.
  17. Mer


    "I wish you a hopeful Christmas.I wish you a brave new year. All anguish, pain and sadness Leave your heart and let your road be clear." Love those lyrics, from Greg Lake's "I believe in Father Christmas". Happy Christmas Eve peeps!
  18. Mer


    Went for a family Christms time meal thing today with my dad and his side if the family. Had a lovely dinner, smoked paprika chicken breast with chips and salad, then a gorgeous but filling chocolate fudge sundae thing.
  19. Mer


    Hoorah! They found Rita! I lol'd when she said to them "Help yourself to some toffees" :)As I said I don't really watch Corrie (it's all about Enders!) but this week has been very good!
  20. Mer


    What am I listening to right now? Tango purring on my lap
  21. Mer


    Bye bye Molly!I thought the live ep tonight went very well, no fluff ups like in the Enders one with Jack And Ronnie not paying for her items in the shop!
  22. Yep, Sunday was a great day with some great laughs Haven't got round to uploading pics yet but hopefully will do it tonight! I have one of one of the elves at Madame Tussauds, next to the Christmas tree by the lifts :)It's a shame I had to dash off at the end but the time just went and I had to gety train. Maybe next time we should plan the meal or stick to the original plan of Frankie and Bennys I have to admit, I wasn't overly impressed with the food at Planet Hollywood, they've changed since I last went and it's not as nice. And I don't just mean how long it took for my pizza to arrive, it just tasted...well not like restaurant food, more like cheap supermarket food and the bottom was burnt. But that aside it was a great day! I love London at Christmas!
  23. Mer


    Wow! Corrie was pretty epic! And the whole storyline is carrying on all week, so there's more drama to look forward to!I think it may beat the Queen Vic fire in terms of how it was done, the build up etc. However, whoever dies, it won't be as sad/as much of a shame as Peggy leaving. And from what I've been reading on Digital Spy (yes I am so sad), the people apparently during aren't any of the major, well-loved ones. Well actually, the fourth hasn't been revealed
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