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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer


    LOL! I know someone's sister (who's a right terror anyway) who tried to steal from Primark and they're only 12!And being arrested/going to prison is certainly no joke! Especially when someone goes in for something petty which is happening everywhere (I know it doesn't excuse what they've done but prisons are so overcrowded, police over-react and waste time investigating when there's really no need and there are serious crimes going on etc) Yet there are REAL criminals running free. Where's the justice in that?Grr.
  2. Why is it acceptable to say to a thin person "Ew you're so bony, do you ever eat?" and crap like that, when saying to a chubby/fat person "Ew you're so fat, do you ever stop eating?" would be bloody insulting?And why is it acceptable to mock someone for looking young for their age (particularly young people, who are the last people who want to look below their age!) but insulting to say somebody looks older than their age?:blink:I get faced with these insults all the time Yes, they are insulting. But because being thin and young-looking are supposedly good things, people don't think how it actually makes me feel. I'll tell you...inferior. Particularly the age thing. The way they gawp at me and go "SERIOUSLY?!" Well for these rude people's information: I DO eat, I'm always eating, yes I eat enough food, yes I weigh myself regularly and for my height and age my weight and BMI are normal actually!! Many people in my family are slim so that probably explains why I'm like it too.Same goes for looking young. I'm lucky to have young-looking parents and I've inherited that from them, clearly! :)Well whatever, when all these people are middle-aged, depressed about their bodies, fretting over wrinkles and wasting time and money on anti-ageing crap, I'll be sitting on my firm little arse, laughing my lovely young-looking face off!
  3. Mer


    What's life without a little risk? I'd go on that coaster! :blink:Not the one in the gif, the helter-skelter thingy-bob!
  4. Mer


    Great song, great film!
  5. Wow!I know 12 isn't ancient, but its a senior age for a cat Most cats live to about 15 on average, 20 if they are lucky...your cat must have been well looked-after and healthy!
  6. I know he's not a member of this forum...but Happy Birthday to my gorgeous cat Tango (And Poppy up in cat heaven).12 years old today, which is 64 in cat years! I spoilt him and got him a new collar and a toy the other day And he's had lots of Whiskas Temptations treats!
  7. Oh dear, and there I was feeling sorry for myself that I've not been to Alton this year!
  8. Outfit: I still say please and thank you, like in a shop, buying train/bus tickets, I thank my mum when she makes me a cup of tea and makes dinner etc.Will: I've had this happen to me too, it sucks. Best thing I can say is try to get people to understand. If they don't put the effort in not to be ignorant and to understand you as a person then they're not worth the effort and anger/upset. Screw 'em!
  9. Wow I didn't even know this thead existed! ;) Good thread though!Ooh I was wished Happy Birthday in 2008 I see...and a photo of me at Thorpe in their oversized coat and a bottle of Dr Pepper in my pocket! Because yes, unlike Chessie, Thorpe DO allow drinks other than water on park! Or back then they did, I dunno about now. Hmm.Happy belated birthday to everyone I didn't wish happy birthday to on this thread because I didn't know it existed! :DI must go now, to get ready for my little cousin's 3rd birthday family-gathery thingy!
  10. I understand that, it's more a case of me thinking, "I wish all I had to worry about was an iPhone". Which kinda sounds silly cos life is not easy, but I'm sure people will understand what I'm trying to say
  11. Mer


    Yeah I noticed that too. The one in Charlwood where I used to live suddenly had no sails last year, I think they're restoring them now though.I'd love to see the South Downs when it's snowing
  12. I agree about the I-can't-go-on-holiday-thing too.Me and my family have been through hell over the past 10 years or so and have moved house about 10/11 times now, mainly due to money problems. Affording to go on holiday? It would be a luxury HAVE any spare money!It's sort of all happened since my mum had breast cancer in 2003. Firstly, when you're ill like that in hospital and off work, shouldn't you be entitled to incapacity benefit or one of those things? Well apparently my mum wasn't! So her parents had to sort her finances out, lucky they could really or I dread to think what would have happened!The operation has also affected her left arm, and the chemo seems to have given her a lot of arm problems, as well as other aches and pains. She had a well-paid security job at BAA at Gatwick which she had to leave because of this.Plus all of this has, as you can imagine, taken its toll on her mental health so she's been suffering with depression and had a few nervous breakdowns.So since then she's been in and out of work, on and off of benefits, hence why it's been a struggle She did buy a house before all this but had to sell it, and we've been renting since.My mum hasn't been abroad for 8 years. We had a nice week away in the Isle of Wight in 2004 but actually, that was ruined by money too, bloody British Gas took too much money from her account.And then I go on Facebook and see people fretting over the iPhone 4 and if they should get it or not...
  13. Mer


    I actually saw a working windmill today! Obviously I've seen them stationary before (infact lived in the same little road as one, in Charlwood) and seen them turning on TV etc, but never seen it for real, it was one of the Jack and Jill windmills on the South Downs. This might sound sad or geeky or a so-what-who cares-thing, but it was pretty to see and quite cool :DInfact, even though I'm familiar with the South Downs and how breath-taking parts of Surrey and Sussex are, when I'm there I realise how me and probably a lot of British people take our country for granted. There are so many beautiful places, yet all people want to do is travel miles away to hot sandy beaches when we live in such a beautiful country.You may have gathered, I went there today. With my mum and my brother, we did some stuff in Crawley then decided to drive to Plumpton to show my brother the college and the beautiful views, and Ditchling Beacon is nearby so we drove up there (passing Jack and Jill on the way), up a very long drive up a very high hill, was absolutely stunning! Parked and walked around, lovely weather, brilliant views.Meh I forgot my camera though but we'll probably go again, this summer is looking to be a good one so we're going to make the most of it and explore the country...well, money and time permitting of course!
  14. Well...they can't be :DNot unless there are bouncy castles!
  15. So last year my aunt and uncle decided to get new furniture, and my nan and granddad wanted their old chest of drawers. It's been at our house since they got rid of it, because my mum considered having it and then changed her mind etc. Nan and grandad have only just got round to picking it up And grandad kindly asked my uncle to help him lift it into the car, then out of the car into the house, it's heavy, needs two people to carry, and my brother isn't that strong bless him :DMy grandad has done loads for my uncle, you'd think he'd help out...and they discussed it last week so it's not like we're asking at the last minute. But no, tonight he tells my grandad - his own dad - that he can't and doesn't want to, cos he's been at work for 10 hours and wants to see his kids, and he wants his dinner. Er!!! That's not only out of character for him, but bang out of order! Omg he hasn't seen his kids for 10 hours - so? It's not like he's been away for months or weeks! It would have taken about half an hour, we all have things to do when we're tired and hungry!And as for my aunt...sometimes she just has no common sense. She apparently wanted to come with him (obviously before he decided he wasn't coming) with the kids, aged 6 and nearly 3. Yeah, we're right in the middle of moving house, so a great idea! Plus she's a lazy cow, she never gets up to tell them off etc, she always asks my uncle to do it, even when he's busy working at home! She always goes with him with the kids even if it's not ideal. Like visiting my nan in hospital, would be nice if my uncle could have had some time to talk to her properly without the kids. But no!We used to really enjoy seeing them, we always had a lovely time, but now it's always chaos, mainly because they don't discipline the children enough. They get them ready for bed, they're supposed to be saying goodnight to the family..."I want to play on the Wii!" "No!" *Cries* "Oh ok then, because you've been such a good boy today." Erm, NO!
  16. Mer


    Sorry but what a stupid comment.Anyone can make mistakes, anyone can forget and leave the gas on. It doesn't automatically mean you come from a bad or stupid household! Maybe the gas was on very very low, and the dial looked like it was in the off position?My mum occassionally rests things on the hob (obv when it's turned off), like if she's cleaning the worktop. But we are the last people that would be stupid or ignorant about fire safety etc!There's a difference between making mistakes as all human beings do, and actually being a stupid ignorant person.
  17. Mer


  18. My thoughts exactly! I find it amusing but also a bit cruel when the moment someone acts funny they get labelled a paedophile and stuff. It happened when I was at school and it was all bull, the rumours and stuff that went round. Looking back now, as an older and wiser person, I realise that there was hardly anything wrong with the teachers that got talked about, they acted no different to the others, it was only because they were old and male that rumours got started! :(I also think it's just the way this country has ended up, people are too anxious and protective. Isn't there some rule now that teachers can't even pat a student on the back in a friendly, "well done you" manner, or something along those lines? Obviously if they do actually do bad things or evidently do wrong, that's a totally different story and very serious, and yeah they deserve to be fired etc! I just mean that everyone in general these days seems very quick to judge and be protective, kids don't have any freedom because apparently playing outside with friends automatically means something will happen to them! They're being imprisoned because the criminals that SHOULD be in prison aren't!Raaaar rant mode!
  19. AHAHAHA nice uniform! -_-And there's 2 adults in a boat?Depth Charge is fun, leave it alone!
  20. Sounds nasty and scary! Our crappy neighbours appear angelic now -_-Without sounding snobby or harsh...this is exactly why my mum would never consider signing up to get a council house. They bring trouble like that with them! We'd rather pay more rent and be happy and safe in a nice area.Besides, we'd be stuck on the list for centuries, after the immigrants and benefit-thieving-never-heard-of-contraception-let's-have-dozens-of-kids come first :(I'm so bloody glad I have a job and when I go full time I can free myself of the benefits system!
  21. Mer


    I'm enjoying my job so much! :(Even though it's cleaning out the cat chalets, just being around cats makes it much nicer (even the grumpy ones!) and knowing that I'm making a difference, making everything clean and comfortable for them, is great. And even though the cleaning routine itself is the same, it's different with each one. Some only have one cat, some have 2-3, some don't make too much mess, others are very messy and even manage to spill cat biscuits all over the floor And even in their beds...even though the food is on the floor and their beds are higher up...cats never fail to amuse me
  22. I'm sorry to hear this :(My mum had breast cancer in 2003, luckily it was dicovered quickly, she had chemotherapy then radiotherapy and has been fine since.So I know how it all feels, and I have my fingers crossed
  23. Thank you!Hope you feel better soon
  24. Mer


    Yaaay thank you Marc!Good luck Ellie!
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