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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Get a lift from Staiiiiines with Marc. Go wherever first. Take random/funny photos (and have the same done to me). Lean forward on Rush when staff check the bars so they don't crush ma hips And get decent airtime!Wave to people on Loggers/say hello to it when on Samurai. Wave/say hello to people on Slammer, Detty, Rush, the lift hill and final turn on Colossus :PEat at Burger King (Chicken Royale with cheese). Hang around while Marc chats to Boyd :rolleyes:Wait in Marc's car at the end of the day and wait for Boyd. Nag Marc to get me to the station on time
  2. *Ahem*Come on guys, it's a day late
  3. Mer

    Logger's Leap

    Yeah. You can always have any photos collected at the dome if you don't want them getting wet and ruined. As for electrical items, I always have my camera and iPhone, plus purse in my bag and the water has never gone right through :/I always put my bag under my clothes to protect it :)Or take a raincoat which has waterproof pockets.Yep, the list is endless
  4. Mer


    Hehe this is cute!
  5. Oh Marc, all the hotel rooms you have trashed
  6. Well said Dan :DI am not the most popular person, not the most girly girl, I suck at making conversations, often people laugh at me...but I think positively and think about my friends and the people who don't care, and my family.
  7. Will, I totally sympathise with you. I will try and do more as a mod, now I am starting to feel better and have caught up with college work. Everyone should be treated the same, regardless of who they are as a person. You do seem to get a lot of negativity and it is bang out of order, I've said it before and I'll say it again: some people on this forum need to grow up and treat people with the respect they deserve. Some people are different and have difficulties which are beyond their control. They have to live with them everyday which is one thing; being singled out and bullied is another. I quote from Dr Seuss: "Be who you are and say what you feel; for those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
  8. Mer


    Blood Brothers :)One of the best shows I've seen at the theatre, apart from The Woman In Black (not a musical, but an awesome horror!). Very emotional but some great songs and humor! Saw it the first time for a GCSE Drama trip and again for my 16th birthday with my mum and brother
  9. Mer


    Did you get the Picsolve job?
  10. Hell yeah, I would have gone just to drink if I had the money! Seriously, I need it!
  11. One of the best meets? Pfft how can it be, I mean I wasn't even there
  12. I should really try and catch up on college work too so I'm a definite no now, plus money etc. It's a shame that you're also put off because of some members. People on here should feel welcome to attend any meet regardless of who is going. It's a shame people just can't get on and accept some of us are different...Also I see your post had 3 +reps, when it's saying you're unable to attend. Come on people, grow up.
  13. Mer


  14. Mer

    TPM awardssss

    Woop well done to the members who won!
  15. I definitely can't come if we do option 2. Public transport, on a Sunday, college the next day etc. Sorry to be a party pooper On a Friday or Saturday I'll stay out late but Sundays are a pain for getting home, college or not.
  16. Mer

    TPM awardssss

    Where are the results?
  17. Ok so this is random but I read this... Now feel free to call me stupid, if it's not true, but I've never been so I have no idea *And if it is true, then blimey, cos my brother went there in Year 8!* *Feels silly for not knowing*
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