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Everything posted by Mer

  1. My dinner arrangements for tomorrow: Burger King! Don't like KFC chips.
  2. Mer


    Totally agree!
  3. Mer


    Yeah I had one too and they tried to add me on MSN. N00b.
  4. Mer

    Youtube Videos

    Can't beat a close up of a cricket pulling a camp face...taken on my awesome camera Ha reminds me of Dr Evi..."100 beeeellion dollarssss!"
  5. Mer


    Yup same Click on the ad (don't worry, once the ad opens you can close it, it's not dodgy). Yeah, embarassing fan video stuffs, but I did it yeaaaars ago (and you've all done it, or something similar) and they get a lot of views.May as well make people happy at the risk of being called a geek/fangirl
  6. Mer


    Paul Daniels and Ann Widdecombe epicly failing on Strictly Come Dancing - Saturday night entertainment! Ooh and there are rumours that Jedward and the Chuckle Brothers are in this year's I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! Major lolcopter!
  7. *To the people that wondered why we chose the 24th*That date is in half-term. Yeah it's busy but seeing as a lot of people (including me) are at college, or even school, it wouldn't be wise to chose a non half-term date. A lot of people I imagine would like to stay late (as that is pretty much the point of Fright Nights) and some people don't live locally so won't get home until late! I'm all for having late nights, but it's not just that - it will be a long day and I don't fancy a long day at college after 12 hours of Thorpe (and ride geeks ), long journeys, and a very late night!It wouldn't be fair to those of us in education to chose a different date. I'm shocked people are even asking such obvious questions!
  8. Ditto about the the council house thing. It's a dodgy subject in general - there's this view that anyone who lives in council houses are poor, on benefits and chavs, or young, single mums. Well I know people whose parents have seperated, the mum has the children, and can't afford with just their money to rent through an agent/privately, or buy their own place, so they have no choice but to live in a council house. Doesn't make them bad or scummy/chavvy! Quite often, council places are how people have to start out, especially with the cost of places these days! Back in the day my mum was in a council flat because it was all she could afford. My brother was on the way, parents got married, so they needed a bigger place, so they got a house with the council. Eventually, when I was 8, they could afford to buy their own house. ;)Anyway back on topic...
  9. Mer


    The radio :blush:Switching between Capital and Heart Sussex or whatever it's called now (previously Mercury FM, Surrey and Sussex's radio station ). It's the same as the normal Heart but with local adverts and news etc.Atm Heart is pretty good, Club Classics, just had Michael Jackson, now they're playing a classic 90s dance tune - Show Me Love by Robin S. Gotta love the 90s
  10. The Big Brother Diary room at Madame Tussauds is the only good thing about Big Brother."Big Brother appreciates the bauble.""Einstein is indeed, cool."
  11. Big Brother. Just because. Don't argue with me, I'm allowed my own opinion Don't care how many people love it, I'm glad it's finally over!
  12. Mer


    Bailey is so cute!Tango says..."It's exhausting being a cat!"
  13. The blood in my SAW syringe pen has randomly disappeared, no joke. Not leaked anywhere. It's been in the same box of pens since I got it and there is nothing in there, and nothing in the desk tidy that I put it in recently. :unsure:Did it just evaporate? LOL.The pen still works, but it has no blood and looks crap now Has this happened to anyone? (Yes it is just a pen and I can buy a new one if I'm that desperate, but I'm just confused!)
  14. Mer

    The News

    Can't believe it is 9 years since 9/11! The time has gone so quick.Rest In Peace to all those who died.
  15. Mer

    Lift Hill Speeds

    I don't know how fast it goes but it leaves the station slowly then once the whole train is on the lift it speeds up a bit.
  16. Mer


    Well me and my brother thought Eastenders was quite sad with Peggy leaving etc. I've only properly started watching it over the past year or so, but it's still a shame to see a big character leave. End of an era!Why didn't she say goodbye to Pat?
  17. Mer


    Eastenders in 5 minutes, Peggy's last episode! It won't be the same without her!
  18. Mer


    LOL! :unsure:Loads of people are going on about bad acting/saying they were over the top. Umm, maybe cos they just escaped from a burning building? Hello?! And it's a soap, it's not meant to be an Oscar winning performance! Besides, I didn't think it was bad acting at all. Yes all Peggy did was run around and scream...but her pub and home were on fire. I'd love to see someone escape from a fire and no panic :)However I have to admit that some things were pretty daft. Like no one notices the fire at first, no one hears Peggy screaming or wonders where she is, no one smells smoke, the pub doesn't seem to have any fire alarms/sprinklers (just like it has no CCTV!)...and Dot was smoking 2 cigarettes in a pub? Well I guess the smoking ban doesn't matter in this case! XDBut it's a soap, nothing is ever that realistic, nothing is meant to go smoothly, if it all did it would be crap!
  19. Mer


    Call me sad or over the top, but Eastenders was epic and quite moving I think. As my brother described it, "too much to handle" Poor Peggy though :PI thought she was saying "My pub" at the end, but she was actually saying "let it burn". I thought it sounded like she was saying the word burn but I couldn't work it out so I just assumed it was "my pub". :)I wonder how she will leave...
  20. Mer


    The Queen Vic is gonna burrrrrrn tonight!
  21. Well thank goodness **** Face has been removed! :unsure:I was about to have a right go at him (about the whole rules being made up thing, when I attended on that ride for 2 YEARS, and often staff had to ride if there were 13/14 guests to make up for the missing weight)!*Ahem* anyway...Assuming we don't count testing the rides as staff, no I haven't had a ride to myself Otherwise I've ridden Colossus and XNWO alone many times!
  22. I should be able to come to this, seeing as I'm on half term that week (or as Plumpton call it, "Study Week" )Cant believe it's nearly that time of year again!
  23. Mer


    Because pod 6 is nearest to the exit, meaning disabled people can be let off first, so it's mainly in case of emergencies.
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