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Everything posted by treeis

  1. photoucket say its been moved or deleated...use imageshack, its much easier
  2. yup, that is rightuse imageshack to upload foto's. and even paint is a good distorter.
  3. treeis

    Calgary Stampede

    wow that looks fun
  4. yup, tommy got it right! now you post the next distorted pic!
  5. I think they should move depth chargeto somewhere like butlins...OR chessington! that makes sence
  6. okay dokay, the rules are simple, I show you an editied pic of a coaster and you have to guess what coaster it is. then whoever guesses the coaster gets to post an edited picture. Ill give you an easy one to start off with:
  7. Discuss the fun, fast and zany ghost train that is....Duel! What I find funny about this ride is that it is definetly one of my favoriots in Alton, just beating RITA and AIR! And that zombie just before the tunnel scares the pants off me every time!
  8. TBH, its more of a fun classic. If you get your hopes up on this ride, you may get dissapointed. Not that I'm saying its a bad ride...
  9. treeis


    when I went on it, the launch wasnt too bad but the AIRTIME! WOW! Especially on the back seat
  10. that little detonator hiss, seconds before it hurtles you to your peril:);) Clickaroonie Listen carefully. hsss..BANG
  11. treeis

    The Flume

    amazing queue, theme(apart from the ducks) and AMAZING music! so funky! But the ride isnt good. And there is NO SPLASH on the first drop
  12. Colossus's cracking noise as it exits the incline
  13. treeis


    When I went on it I didnt see what the fuss is all about. I didnt get that bumped about and I actully really enjoyed my ride. Back seat on the first drop is AMAZING! Airtime city
  14. (rasberry sound) I dont peticuly find this a good ride. Very simple and dull. big queues aswell. Dragons fury is soooo much better.
  15. Here we go:STEALTH LAUNCH!!!!!! (recording)clicketyThe launch kicks in at 30 sec.
  16. treeis


  17. I went on the 29th. FUN!stealth. slammer and rush were closed but stealth finally opened half way through the day. big crowd of people all squashed themselves to the entrance so there was no room to see or move or anything. it was nice to see stealth back and healthy. those staff engineer people climed to the top of stealth with hooks and ropes and harnesses and stuff. verry cool.I did all the best rides. first, it was hot. then, it was rainy. the weather CANNOT make up its mind...thats about all. ps: I'm getting annoyed with storm in a teacup. why is it so hard to spin your own cup?!
  18. treeis


    go to a friend and say "how high is a chineise man?" they will guessand say "nonono! how high is a chineise man!"they will be confuseddo this for several times till you explain"NONONO there is a chineise man named how hi!"see if they gettit before you say the punchline
  19. treeis


    two snowmen in a field. one says to the other:"do you smell carrots?"
  20. treeis


    what do you call a chineise woman with a food prosessor on her head? !!!BRENDA!!!
  21. treeis


    its raining and a woman goes to a bus shelter for...well, shelter. Anyway, she sees a man lighting a cigarette and getting a condom out. The man then cuts the end of the condom off and uses it to cover his ciggy. The woman thinks this is a great idea and goes to the nearest chemists. She walks in and asks:"do you have a condom that will fit a camel?"LOLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PS. I think a camel is a type of cigarette.
  22. is it sad I know all the words?"raaaargh! who dares to steal the great dragon skips treasure? Now, you handeled my master? But if you take a spin on the dragons fury and ride his feiry breath, he might let you go in peace! MWA HA! good luck....your going to need it..."who calls himself the great dragon skips??? I like pringles more...
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