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Everything posted by treeis

  1. Umm.. I have quite a good recording of stealth launch on my itunes... how do I post it so all of you guys can hear?
  2. OMG!!! that is soo sad! with that now gone, its gonna be SOOO hard to lose my woode coaster virginity!!
  3. I was gonna say; BLUE IS BACK!!!but I like orange best cos it actully tastes like what it should.
  4. ummm...I'm having trouble finding out if any new ride music is coming...could there be a small part for updates on the audio section? thx.
  5. creepy and eeiry, I luv it!
  6. treeis

    Logger's Leap

    when I went on saturday, I got absalutely DRENCHED! I was a little suprised because its never been like that before...
  7. well, I WAS going to bring my foto camara... but my bro has taken it instead. even though I need it more... sorry guys, maybe next time...
  8. OMG! this is fantastic!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!
  9. cool! well, maybe not so cool...Does any1 have the thorpe park entrance music? at the bigggggggg gates b4 you go onto the bridge? thx
  10. parkwide problem? wow! what like?has one ever happened?
  11. treeis


    I had a dream about ex... oh wait I had a dream about X! - lol thats too cheesy! even for me.its true though. for some reason it was a skwartsproof (or however you spell that)
  12. example.nltrack Big blue and funfunfunroar.nltrack Big and wooden! I luv the eurofoghter! The track design is really cool and twisted!
  13. Well I discovered thorpe park last summer so I have never really heard the old dettie music actully ON the ride...TBH I luv the music last year, but thats probably because it brings back memories...I LUV the clicking bit!!!!
  14. MMMM they were yummy! Lovely airtime BTW.For anyone who doesnt have nolimits....a vid:http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzr_PqZyBzsNEMESIS RAGE!!!!!!
  15. treeis


    I had the alton dream again....
  16. YAY!!! I LOVE NOLIMITS SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!here are sum of my good rides:Nemesis rage.nltrack - One of my favoriot, with a ground hugging loop for a finali!storm.nltrack - Another inverted ride! Still very goodIll bring m,ore later!
  17. treeis


    umm I keep having dreams where I'm in alton towers and ICANT FIND MY WAY TO NEMESIS!!!!it gets frustrating when I get lost, then my dream takes me sumwhere else...then I cant go on my beloved nemmie!
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/page/item/b00...on_pid=b00937j3here it is! just skip to 2:55 and voila!YAY
  19. I saw alot of it on blue peter. (not that I watch that cr*p), I just happened to see it while going through the channels.They were transporting the fish into the aquarium and I got to see alot of it! From the outside though, it looks weird and boxy...THEY HAVE AN UNDERWATER TUNNEL!!!
  20. you know your a fanperson when you say "3...2...1...GOGOGO!" out aloud without realising it.OK I ADMIT IT, I DO IT ALL THE TIME!!! SO WHAT!?!!
  21. you know your a fanboy when you name you two sons Bolliger and Mabillard.(add "etta" on the end for girls)
  22. does anyone know if they have the queue line X no way out music?its easy to remember and gets in most peoples nerves. all it is is just pomp pomp clank....pomp pomp clank....ect....I cant find it atall... it might be "x no way out 2007" but that refuses to play. thx
  23. You know your a fanboy when your on a diet of only eating hot doughnuts!
  24. You know your a fanboy when...your local radio station is WWTP radio!
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