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Everything posted by treeis

  1. "W W TP raaaadio!!"briiing!
  2. treeis

    Bad Injuries!

    urrrI walked into a glass framed picture when I was 2...alot of blood.I fell on my face (teeth) when I was 5ish. Then I had one of my front teeth removed because of that when I was like 9...WITH NO ANISTHETICUmm I fell on my face once...not to serious but it did shock me...thats about it. I'm kinda lucky I guess.
  3. MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
  4. I've had this picture for yonks, and I took it myself.
  5. treeis


    how do you blow up a woman in thorpe park?you Detonate 'er
  6. treeis


    OOOH! a rollercoaster themed joke! I love it! I'm gonna think of one....its gonna be terrible....whats the worst ride to be at a special occasion?Detonator.... he just drops in unexpectedly!!!
  7. Impereal leather hacked it down with a knife and hid the evidence with either ducks...or bubbles.All the cheesy jokes the old bubbleworks used to have has been halfed. for example, the "ORANGE squash court" has been replased with..."squash court" But they still have some jokes kept in like the poster saying the area was highly imflamerbubble. All the cheesy jokes are what made the ride so damn fun.
  8. if a queue gets so big, doesnt the digital sign sometimes max out at 180min?
  9. I thought I'd start a topic on the big wide crummy world of queues and whats the largest youve seen in TP.for me its...120min for stealth120min for Colossusloggers leap COMPLETELY filled upand the asylum had an over 2 hour wait.any other experieances?
  10. heres my favoriut music vid of mine: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=fEhctoCejjkand I like this cos its cheesy: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KSCQcO4MFOY
  11. treeis


    what do you call a chav in a white tracksuit? A bride----------------What do you call a chav in a suit? The accused----------------What do you call 1000 chavs in the bottom of the sea? A start----------------A chav is in a car with the windows down and no music playing, what car is he in? A police car----------------What do you call a chav in a pond? Innit----------------What do you call a chav in a filling cabinet? Sorted----------------What do you call a 30yr old chavette? GrannyIve probably got loads more but these are the ones I can think of at the top of my head just now.
  12. treeis


    Ok...ok... I got some jokes...SO...An airoplane is destined to crash anto a mountain and everyone on the plane knows it. People are crying, going insane or calling their families. Just then, a woman jumps up from her seat, takes off her shirt and calls"If I'm gonna die, I wanna die feelin' like a woman! Who's man enough to make me feel like a woman???"Suddenly a man sprung from his seat, took off his jumper and said"here, iron this!"
  13. cos of the school strike...I might go to thorpe!!!I hope sammy the Samurai gets back working b4 thursday
  14. I think anyone will agree that having more rides is nicer. I love to find a reason for thorpe park to have one of these
  15. treeis


    I think A.T. just wanted space, so they used ug land but almost gave rita its own area. It should be called an area but it isnt. "THUNDER ROCK RALLY"
  16. I had an ok day at thorpe. I could have been fun if STEALTH WAS WORKING!good:it was a good day for the water rides and some additional water fountains on the rumber rapids made it really fun!most rides were working as normal. it was nice to see rush working, healthy as normal. also, like stevenG said. one of rushes arms was swinging alot higher than the other and took a whille to brake. Almost like it was loose.bad: stealth was not available. WAAAAAAAABack seat Colossus was just painful. JUST painful. I was so dissapointed.Tidal wave's splashes were migity! sometimes the boats were quite full aswell!I did time voyagers, but the plot is a little too complicated than pirates4d. Too many lights in x:/ no way out! its supposed to be DARK!ummm there's probably some other points I missed but these are what ive remembered from my trip.I hope this helps with any trips soming up ;)ps: What the hell was wrong with stealth?
  17. I got my 5 videos for £15.99 cos of the 20% of anual pass deal. AND I got a free single vidoe dvd cos I got it before 3.00. I think yourday is a bloody good idea.Also, there were more camaras than I thought. for example, in the montage inbeetween the lift and brake of nemesis. Go on slow mo and they have videos of you on the 0-g roll and stuff. ;)
  18. nemmie inferno for me. It has that feeling of uncontrolable mayhem all the time. you have no idea where you are and its SOOO fun.When I did Colossus, they had the track lit up which took the fun away.
  19. Yeah, but I HAD my videos... the only problem was I think the staff assumed me and my friend would have the dame dvd. I dont know who said it but it wasnt ME...
  20. how come you get 6 on ride videos? I only got 5...Also, I had a mix up with my video, and seemed to have got my friends. I'm with him in only THREE of the videos. I would send it back but I dont want to lose my dvd...
  21. if I had my way, they should build either an intamin giga coaster, or a 150ft B&M floorless. But this is just my opinion... ;)PS: I'm kidding I hope you know. It gets on my nerves when people try to correct me when I'm saying a joke...
  22. its funny tho, cos you have to shake your wristband in the station. But you look like an IDIOT and get strange looks from others.
  23. I went to alton towers yeaterday and the day before that, and It is definetly the best british theme park in my opinion. Nemesis is still my favortiot ride, cos of the sheer speed and the g-forces. Oblivion was ok but nothing special. I think going on detonator alot ruined it. Rita was amazing. The launch was barely a launch but the airtime is increadible! Its like an ejector seat! Dual I seem to love as well. I dont know why...Its just so damn fun. Spinball whizzer was ok but I feel that dragons fury is better.Munity bay was ok... Battle galleons looked quite fun, but I was in no mood to get wet. The munity bay area was quite cool, with a spinning boat ride and a spinning barrels instead of spinning teacups. But most of the area looked just like merrie england unfortunatly.I was dissapointed in submission most of all. The restraints just hurt your legs and lower parts sooooo much. Also, the restraint hit me in the head when raising. NO FUN-JUST PAIN. Also, the skyway was broken ALL THE TIME which made walking from area to area very hard. Beause me and my friend had anual passes, we gor early ride time which was SOOO helpful. We also had Yourday DVD's which werent as comlicated as we thought, but we did have to wear a really uncomfortable wristband.All in all: 9/10. It could have been top marks but the skyway wasnt working... still, an amazing day nonetheless.
  24. the best drop tower alton has is the frog hopper :Dbut if it went undergroud for a spooky feel...it worked for oblivion...
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