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Everything posted by treeis

  1. Thank god! I was getting tired of sir toungealot. Or whoever he is...
  2. yeah, cheers. The other link is a bit funny....
  3. Chavs and homework!ITS WHAT MAKES SCHOL A HIDEOUS UNBEARABLE NIGHTMARE.Oh, and games lessons.
  4. I think he means about the two main points...A big vertical/vertical+ drop and the trains have two cars. Not 5, or 6...
  5. Whoah, woah...you have a copy of the music?? Can you share it with me pleeease?
  6. treeis


    I just hate it when the queue is really big Inside the building...and then the chavs get exited....
  7. treeis


    what do you mean by inline twists? is that like corkscrews and 0-g rolls or what?
  8. treeis

    This Or That

    Middaydoctor who or robin hood?
  9. treeis


    what?!? I thought it was the biggest of them. not the only one.
  10. treeis


    the atmosphere is fantastic all throughout the area, and queue! But when I went into the amazingly themed station, all of that eeirieness was gone when they played this anouncement which went something like this:"NEMESSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! RIVERS OF BLOOD, CAN YOU TAKE IT!?!?" In this rubish voice. They did other anouncement like that aswell.Anyone else had the misfortune to hear that?
  11. I think hocus pocus hall is okay... I dont like the idea you have to go round in a group though... I know it makes sense, but sometimes you dont get a chance to look at everything cos your being shuffeled along.Ps, theres an easy way out through the mirror maze. Look down, theres a line! Pps, Just before you go into the spinning tunnel, at the libary bit, there are some funny jokes on the books, like "dealing with zits by U. sqeezem" and stuff. But before you go into the spinning tunnel, you have to turn a corner...however, if you dont and you keep on walking theres a book called "problems with viagra by Ivor biggun"!!! lol its true!. Theres another dirty joke somewhere aswell but I havent found it yet.
  12. Blackpool was AMAZING! The amount of rides they actully had there was staggering! And for only £26! Me and my friend worked out that we did 59 rides in two days! Also, the amount of themeing involved was HUGE! My favoriot ride was the wooden one called "rollercoaster". Not too bumpy and lots of airtime!:):):)ps: if anyone is going to pleasure beach, go on "gold mine" its just weird! And amazing.
  13. I thought this would be a useful thread to start...I Wont be posting for about 4 days because I'm off to blackpool pleasure beach!!! Ill bring back a report and stuff later. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  14. treeis


    I guess S&S power arnt that reliable...
  15. treeis


    Whats green and says "hey I'm a frog!"A TALKING FROG! HAHAHHAAHAHHAIts the funniest joke EVER when you have the giggles!
  16. yeah, something like that. Basicly, its definetly NOT gonna be permanent.
  17. The flume queue lineThis is seirously the funkiest music ive ever heard!Ive also heard it around thorpe park aswell...in the entrance and depth charge.
  18. anything organised by a school is always a disaster...
  19. LOL, I just got that! - well, it was done at the start of the day....
  20. I LOVE this foto! its got smoke, speed, green lights and everything. ps: Have I gone blind? cos I couldent find the stealth thread...:S
  21. OOOH! rollercoaster @ blackpool?(its actully called rollercoaster!)
  22. fantastic! just in time for tommorow! and activities day. I dont perticuly like Colossus but it IS a good queue eater
  23. hmm....white....some form of hypercoaster....judging from the track its B&M...its gotta be appolo's chariot!
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