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Everything posted by treeis

  1. oh yeah, I saw that. So sad I almost cried...as you can tell, chezzoe is my local park and INEVERGOTAGOONTHEOLDVAMP!!!:there is no crying emoticon but if there was I would put it here:
  2. Lol, I was there, and it was nice to see you hansom lot. but I was with another group. Anyway...I DID MY FIRST ROLLBACK!the first rollback of the day aswell. anyone on that train?
  3. Ill be going with a friend so I cant come. But I will be there on the day.Itll be cool seeing all you lot.
  4. what I want to know is...Will geurstular use those plain old boring cars as a template or those new ones that they used on "speed"?If you know what I'm on about...
  5. actully, when I went, it looked like thorpe had enough cobwebs to start with!
  6. I had a pretty good day at thorpe! Very foggy to begin with so stealth was doubly fun! Also, I was two trains away from a rollback! I saw it with my own eyes...from the station! ....so close...Stealth - 2nemmie - 3 Colossus - 1X:/ no way out - 2rush, slammer, zodiac, Samurai, loggers, rumba - 1and some other stuff...Nifty queues! Also, I got to see Dylan and the Curse! So I took a few piccies..."wheres stealth?" "I havent the foggiest..."Since its the 12th of october, theyve got up all the halloween decorations already.Nemmie inferno was really well done, with blue lights in the tunnel and everything... Thorpe have also put up loads of bloody written signs. Just before the lift hill, theres a sign that reads "stairway to hell"With all the fog, the atmosphere on dylan was gorgeous! The curse has all these bloody doors around it. Some staff were in there doing stuff to it. Thats MY kind of stealth queue!...drool...Also, at the end of the day, it turned out that john lewis bought thorpe park for the evening! The entrance queue was packed with families!Thus concludes my trip!
  7. the dragonfalls melody, the beggining, sound like the first few notes of "somewhere over the rainbow" just listen...ANyway, ahem, back to bubbleworks...Does anyone here miss (or remember) the bubble monster from the classic bubbleworks?
  8. I hate modern artHave you been to the tate modern recently?? One of their most famous peices of work is a load of bricks on the floor. REALLY. The stupidest one was a grey square. HOW THE HELL DO YOU BECOME RICH FROM A GREY SQUARE?!Its just a bunch of rich snobby people pretending their smart and getting money out of it.All I need to do is vomit, place an apple in the middle of it and tital it "peace of the angel air" And instantly Ill become rich.
  9. lol! that thriller thing is good!
  10. Nah, I remember being in the queue for 13 and there was an 11yr old kid next to us. He tried to sneak in as over 12 by wearing tall shoes but he got removed by staff.After my experiance on 13, I kinda wish I was removed aswell!
  11. I emailed thorpe park to see or find out how to get permission to take a POV and this was their reply..."Please be aware that at both THORPE PARK and Chessington & Zoo, we do not allow guests to take items onto the rides as it is a considerable health and safety risk to those involved, our staff, other guests on the ride and also on the ground. Your request is not something that we would consider as in order to undertake on-board filming we have to use a professional camera mount that has been approved by our external Health & Safety governing body. This is a lengthy process, that requires a number of resources from the Park internally and externally, that we will only undertake for professional production companies who have liability cover that insures them for a minimum £10 million. Footage that you see people have taken from on-board any of the rides at either Park (excluding those on the official Park pages) has been done so without our knowledge or permission. Anyone who is seen to take a camera, mobile phone, etc onto any of our rides will be escorted off Park for risking the health and safety of our guests and staff, and further action possible dependent on the severity of the offence. Kind regards, GARETH ARCULUS"Id just like to point out the "production companies who have liability cover that insures them for a minimum £10 million." part of that.
  12. treeis


    I hate it when they remove rides altogether...my ride on the corky was good aswell! I was on the back and the airtime was fun....See ya corkscrew old pal!R.I.P.
  13. if this is out of thorpe, then I LOVE the loud boom! of an S&S launched tower! So cool
  14. ive found an anagram....something to do with ice? I cant seem to find a word.... but I'm pretty sure the anagram is "Ecleetllice" Guess away everyone!
  15. I like what the a kid has done...but do I have to wait 4 days?? I want it now!
  16. I completely agree with sam
  17. the day I bought my anual pass...and they gave me an ultimate express pass! In summer! I just went nuts and did stealth like 6 or 7 times! not to mention other rides!being on the bannana boat with 5 of my friends! 3 on one end, 3 on the other. We had such a laugh! We even did the macerana!
  18. treeis


    I cant beleive someones wrists broke on a ride like rita! It should be stealth, or kingda ka, or dodonpa...
  19. ahh, they did that last year, and compared to any thorpe park maze, it was very fun and tame. Just right for me Also, I loved the witch actresses everywhere!
  20. A big fat nolimits project of mine that is superb in every way possible... Plead for mercy from...RIPSAW.Click - for a video of it.Clickagain - To download it from coastersims. Youll need trackpakager cos of all the 3D's. Click the link called "ripsaw".Enjoy!(btw, it took ages to make so come nice comments would be nice)
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