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Everything posted by Will

  1. It's been out for 4 days, I hope it's back soonAnyways, I get what you are saying Michaela. I've had people off these forums message me on Formspring saying stuff like my friend has Asperger's but he doesn't use it as an excuse like you do and he leads his life normally. It's a surprise that no-one wants to own up for it but has no problem saying it on a place, where I can't find out easily who they are.The sheer ignorance of people dumbfound me. Are some people so thick and stupid, they think I really enjoy and take pleasure in having the problems I do, that I used it as an excuse, whenever it suits me. I don't want to be the way I am but God or whoeever made me this way and I just gotta do the best I can.I get invited to parties at Uni and birthdays at restaurants, nightclubs and BBQs but I don't go, because I feel uncomfortable. I want to go out and have fun and lead a normal life but it's really hard and the stress has caused IBS and that has made things even worse. I'm trying to eat healthier and to get into a better routine and I'm trying to find ways to de-stress myself, so at least I'm making a huge effort on my part.
  2. I admit she likes to provoke and shock but she didn't intend to incite religious controversy. The song has a few religious metaphors but she didn't say anything offensive to Christians. I've got friends who are Christian and like Gaga and they didn't find Judas offensive. It's that type of song that is about a girl falling for the wrong, bad guy.
  3. Some shady mo-fo's in here The last time I checked the music topic, there was discussion about Linkin Park. Ryan was the one who posted info about Judas. Rant topic is for different things, deal with it kthankx bai.Lots of exaggeration:I don't talk about Gaga non-stop. I just happened to come across an article and thought I would talk about it.
  4. Super Gaga Rant:Lady Gaga's 2nd single Judas is causing quite a stir and much controversy in the media this week because of the religious themes dealt with in the song. Judas is about trying to find your Jesus in the light but can't falling for Judas in the dark. It's about falling in love with the wrong man and the song uses religious metaphors that are not even offensive in the slightest.And there's been 3 media channels talking about Judas and everytime, they talk about Judas...they PLAY A SNIPPET OF HER SONG which is promoting her music and making it more famous. More and more people will buy Judas because it's sooooo controversial and drama makes headlines.They are picking on Gaga because they don't like someone is taking a stand and is expressing themself without a damn. And the church and the community being typical as they are, are picking fights.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNbuvI1xUrM&feature=player_embeddedThe blonde needs to stfu, she's so annoying
  5. Will


    The only songs I like from Linkin Park are Numb, What I've Done and New Divide.
  6. Will


    Jord, if you like Mohombi, you should check out his song called the 'Dirty Situation'; it's the best song on the album
  7. I wish I drove, I'd come see you and bring bottles of alco. Michaela would have a lotta LOLs

  8. Will


    The song leaked onto the internet in LQ (lowQ) snippets, rumouredly by Gaga herself (since she favourited a tweet that promoted the leak) and another sample was leaked onto the internet by a UK DJ.Judas is awsome but the chorus reminds me slightly of the wooooooaaaah part in bad romance. But it's better than Born This Way and is a typical Gaga song, so I can't really complain.The next single is said to be a song called Marry The Night, which was going to be the first single. And in about 3-4 weeks, Gaga is releasing two promotional songs like she did with Alejandro and Dance In The Dark for the Fame Monster.
  9. Will


    Ahhh, it was named under something elseSo grateful!!
  10. Will


    http://ukrp.musicradio.com/capital/london/liveIt's on nowI can't find it on iTunes - help me
  11. Will


    Judas (full studio HQ) is coming today. Perez Hilton who's a close friend of Gaga says that it's being sent to radio today. And the song is quite awsome.
  12. Will

    Don't tell him this, but I want him so bad

  13. Will

    Don't tell me this, but I want him so bad :P (j/k)

  14. Will

    I like Ricky, even more that he's gay

  15. I really cba anymore; people can like or dislike me, I don't really care. A little birdie from this forum, told me that the reason why I've been called annoying by certain 'people' is because someone (who I don't know who that person is) compared that person to me. That person didn't like being compared to me and said some horrible and mean things about me...just not to my face. I felt bad about myself, but I also discovered a whole bundle of things about said person and now, I don't give a damn if said person finds me annoying because seeing how quickly the tables turn, I can go to sleep at night in the knowing that I am a good person with skills, talents, a brain, ideas and a good heart, who would never pull something nasty like that person did, to people that he calls his friends.At the end of the day, people like me for who I am and the people that don't, can go **** themselves because I really couldn't care. I may be occasioanally annoying but one thing I will never be is an arse hole who threatens to sell out his friends and get them into trouble. I am loyal to the friends that I have and will be there for them, when they need me.Haters who hate, will make my mistakes and the rest can sit down the hell down and stay mad.
  16. Well, Benin isn't it obvious that you should be paying her more?? When I next see Holly, I will give her hug, a big tip and a pack of Kleenexs.
  17. You get paid £20.00 a week? What do you do, do you still work at your Dad's hotel? I swear people are supposed to get paid £4.00-5.00 per hour
  18. I know people who have 'Audio Ripper' and can stream songs and rip them directly, which means they don't have to pay. I can understand why people can't be bothered to pay for music and download illegally.And I think, it's bad what's has happened but I can understand why it has happened. It's that saying that all good things come to an end. Maybe in 2007, times weren't as tough as they are now. Or maybe Spotify is under pressure to compete in what is not a declining and a tougher market.
  19. I don't understand something, what's the point of using Spotify? I have iTunes and I can play music for free. So atm, Spotify lets you listen to 20 hours of free music on the internet. And the new rules state that free account users, can only listen to 10 hours of free music per month and listen to each song, 5 times a month?? If so, this is effectively putting more pressure on free users to spend money, to use their services, which they might not have the money to use.
  20. Most of the music I listen to it, are unreleased or are not availiable for purchase, so how can I share you my songs? So via the instructions you gave, we can listen each other's unreleased music via spotify instructions??
  21. OMG there's this song by Porcelain Black (Formerly known as Porcelain and the Tramps) she has a Pretty Reckless-rock voice and her debut solo single is called "This Is What Rock And Roll Looks Like". It's quite good.I'm gonna have a mixture of songs ranging from Dark Pop (Industrial) to R&B bangers to Electro-Pop songs and I will throw in Dr Dre's "I Need A Doctor". I don't have spotify but I will re-download Spotify now and post the songs for 4th May
  22. I haven't had the chance to listen to your playlist yet LOL. I actually was going to do it tomorrow when I get back from town. But I know how people are on here (everyone on here in general) prefers heavy metal and indie-rock compared to what I like; and when it comes to my playlist, I hope EVERYONE that partakes in this, will be open-minded. I wasn't making a point aimed at you Dan not at all.Duh of course it's not the Biebs I mean who actually likes his music and thinks it's good??*cough* Kabab *cough*
  23. I am going to sign up but I don't have Spotify; I use Last.FM. Actually I remember Dan or someone giving me an invite to premium membership ages ago. I made an account, I'll see if I still have the invite.Also I think it's better if we choose 10 songs to review; Dan's had 12 songs. What I hope is that you guys won't just ignore the songs I've chosed...just because they are not the Indie-Rock and Heavy Metal stuff that you guys like. I won't be choosing a tracklist full of Lady Gaga but instead will be chose a mixture of songs from new artists and current artists.
  24. I'm afraid I won't be coming to the dinner/hotel because a piece of my brace has become dislodged, causing the wire to poke out. I'm in pain and will have to attend the dentist asap. I hope all of you guys enjoy yourself and take pics for me to see.
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