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Everything posted by Will

  1. There's a reason I don't go on TPM or to meet-ups much. People know I've 'problems' and they give me so much stick. I know I can be annoying but I try to help myself and I have been getting better. What aggravates me, is that people act like they're not annoying. So 'they're' going to sit there and tell me that they're perfect and are in no way annoying and I'm the only person in the world that is.I've put up with so much crap from people on these forums and I tolerate it, but no-one can put up with any of the minor things I've done. I've been there for people in their darkest times of needs and when I need someone, I'm all alone. And there people are sitting on their ****ing high-horse acting like they're god's gift and they have the audacity to ignore me. People think that because I'm Autistic and have ADHD, they should avoid me and not be friends with me at all and declare that we have nothing in common, when they haven't even taken the chance to get to know me.I've found out along the way that they aren't actually god's gift and I then realise what a flipping hypocrite they have been and how they have double-standards. They are only tolerant to the way their mate acts because they're mates with them and they want to be on their good side. They say how I'm sooooo annoying but then I realise all of the bad things so and so have said / have done. However, worse have happened than anything I've done and if they weren't so popular, they'd be given unbelievable levels of stick, they would have been made to feel like crap and would have been treated like an outsider. If I've learnt one thing, I'm not a bad person but far from it. I'm nice, sincere and am there for my mates when they are in need because that's what friends are for. Yes, I can be annoying but think about one thing... If I didn't have Autism and ADHD, would I really be 'that' annoying? No of course not. I think people like that aren't worth the time and are immature, discriminating, intolerant and don't realise what is important in life.It's not like my life is a walk in the park. I may not be blind, or a quadraplegic or have cancer but mental health is often under-estimated or misunderstood; something Michaela touched upon. I've got enough health problems and enough self-esteem and confidence problems; I don't need anymore and I'm trying my best..what more can I do??I just hope that they realise the mistake they've made by making me feel like **** and avoiding me like the plague. I hope life goes up; I could do with some luck.
  2. I think if people are disappointed that they didn't get all A*s, then they really need a reality check and should be bloody, damn grateful they got any A*s at all. It shows how easy GCSEs have become. In my days and my sister's day (28 yrs), they were a lot harder. And it also depends on the quality of teaching too.The pass mark for A* Levels this year for A*-E has risen to 97.4% and 27.5% of all A* Level students have been awarded the A* grade. The government have said that GCSEs and A* Levels have been getting easier and this has been in the BBC news recently and the exact same thing was said last year.The students taking their GCSEs this year will say how its so hard but it's not as hard as it used to be. A close-family friend who has been teaching at the Ursuline for more than 15-years, said that GCSEs have become easier than they used to be. And she sees the statistics and all the teachers discuss the trend in their spreadsheets and whatnot. I mean who are we to argue with the government and say "No", GCSEs haven't become easier??
  3. I got the confirmation of my results and my confirmation of my place at uni. I got 'Triple Distinction' / DDD which is equivalant to 3 A Levels at A grade (360 ucas points) and a KS3 Communication which is equivalant to an AS in English.
  4. Are they getting anything new this year or next?
  5. My rant:I went up to Harrods with my Mum (She works there) and her collegues and friends were saying how 'gorgeous and handsome I look' and NO!...they weren't blind or trying to be nice. Most of the people who work there are young, goregous women from a wide-variety of nationalities. I heard one of my Mum's young colleagues saying to another, how handsome I am and I was like "Awww" and I had a huge grin; I tried my best to not get over-excited; which I'm famous for.Every older person 25+ I know or see talks about how old they look or how they wish they could change nip 'n' tuck something about them or wish that they weren't fat or weren't too skinny or how they wished they didn't smoke or drink too much alcohol, because of the long-term health effects. I never knew how image-conscience people were.I lead a healthy life and I don't smoke and I casually drink and I don't gorge myself on piles of junk food and sweet things. I never had many spots / acne / pimples and always had quite nice-looking and glowing skin, which is down to how well I take care of myself. I recently realised that I may be nice-looking, healthy and the appropiate heigh 'n' weight for my age right now, but it can catch up to me and it may be, that in 4-5 years, I become less healthier and have put on more weight.I does worry me and I hate that I always worry. I don't mind worrying a little bit but seriously...I need to start smoking weed (e.g.) and 'chillax'.
  6. I was always short and I was one of the shortest people in my high school class. I got people telling me how I've small feet and how I look so young. "You look like..10" and somehow I shot up and had an average-height and instead of size 6 feet shoe size, I now have size 11 feet and wear size 12 shoes. My Sis' friends ask my Sis when they visit:"OMG, whose trainers are those?" and my Sis says "My Brother's". They claim how "he has huuuugge feet". When I meet people especially new people they ask me how old I am. I tell them I'm 20 (Now 21) and they look like they incredibly-shocked. People tell me how I look so young and I'll be honest; I feel good about myself. I'm starting University in Mid-September and everyone else will be minimum 18-yrs. People tell me I look around 18/19 but I'll be dead-worried about what people will say, when they find out I'm like OLD - compared to them.Michaela: What people think about us does matter to us; we have feelings and we're only human to feel the emotions and thoughts that we feel. As long as you feel good about yourself than that will make you feel happier and you will be able to accept yourself. If you feel confident about yourself and you believe that you look good and feel happy about your appearance, than what people might say about you, won't actually matter. My friends tell me I'm too skinny and I shouldn't lose anymore weight but if anything should put on weight, it doesn't make me upset or offended.
  7. Your raising awareness about a girl who was a huge bitch and started on loads of people. She got what was coming to her and got massively-bullied, people are sending her personal death threats that she has to be protected by the police and ahhh, the consequences will never be the same.It's safe to say that, that girl's life will never be the same...I feel for her ^^Sebby-Baby, leave off the 15-yr olds; they're not ripe enough xD
  8. That girl is an absolute idiot; she dishes out **** to people but she can't take it. The girl talks about how haters hate on her and their jealous because she's so gorgeous, talented, pretty, popular, has loads of friends and how she is is 'perfect'. The image-website 4chan found out her personal details such as address, facebook and telephone number. Her Dad talks about how he's tracked the haters details and how she is placed in protective custody. The girl talks about how her life is ruined and them guys are sooo mean.It's ironic because I swear down, that a couple of days ago, she was being a mean little beeyotch.
  9. Josh is wasn't aimed at you; I understand you very-well with what we have in-common. Everyone has problems, some have more and far-worse problems that other people. Everyone's tolerance levels differ. Some people can cope very-well with stress, paranoia, heartbreak, loss of loved one, illness in the family or living with a disability and some find it harder to than other people.With me for example, I dont have an illness or haven't lost a loved one. But it feels that everyone is against me and that nobody feels how I feel. People are sitting on their computers thinking how I am such an attention-seeker and it's not that bad living with Autism. The truth is, it is that bad living with Autism because I am alone and nobody knows what goes on at home and whatnot and I do feel very alone and isolated and I feel that I am drowning constantly. I always wonder if people have as many different things happen to them. I tell some of my friends who I've known longer and they're suprised that all these different things are happening to me. I read articles in magazines and I watch TV shows about living with Asperger's / Autism / ADHD and there are people who have it worse but most of them have found out from a young age. I found out when I was 16, in A* Levels which I failed in the end due to the incorrect support and it's been a huge burden on the family. I hate the fact that I can't get rid of this and that when people my age are out having fun, I can't. I want to be able to live my life and have fun but I don't feel free and most importantly happy. I wish people found out when I was younger, I would have recieved better help in high school and on GCSEs and also on my A* Levels. I would have had friends who would have bettered understand meMy whole life my Dad has worked overseas and I hardly know him and when he comes back, we have a ****load of arguments. My Dad and his Brothers understand how I feel, but my Mum for example was born into poverty and into a totally different culture and she doesn't even understand the extent of this problem and she's not someone you can talk to about things. I hear on documentaries how Autistics experience high-levels of stress, anxiety, depression and thoughts about suicide or self-harm, and I think about how they are so-right and then I try to think about how to move forwards.What I've always wanted, is to be normal, accepted, liberated and free from this disability which confines me.
  10. What annoys me is that certain people have made me out to be a rude, nasty person. I am completely the opposite but it does get me down and everyone knows I'm a good person who would never do or say horrible things unless it was in my-defense or in a mate's defense.I don't know anymore, I feel really misunderstood. I don't know who to talk to about things because if I say things on Facebook, I would get made out to be more of an attention-seeker than Lady Gaga. I don't know if people are ignorant and going through a phase where they don't understand certain things or they are just getting the wrong end of the stick.
  11. Will

    I've sent you a last message

  12. My mate Mayank paid £149 or so for his iPhone 4 and he's on some tariff either £35 or 45. I got the HTC Desire which has recieved critical-acclaim and amazing reception and I am on £27.50 per month and it doesn't weight a ton, look like a brick or feel like a brick or hurts like a brick.It's safe to say that regardless of what Steve and I may or may not have in common, he will never call me, text me or photo message me. Which can't be helped due to the reception problems that the O'mazin iPhone 4 (not 4G like everyone thought) has, which isn't helped by the antenna problem or to the fact that, the "iPhone NOT 4G" will keep sliding out of his hands and hit the ground. The iPhone NOT 4G by Rotten Apple - Industry Leader of Computer Electronics"Does everything except stay in your hand""If you're not dropping the iPhone NOT 4G on the ground, you will be throwing it at annoying and ignorant individuals"£: PricelessOut of stock
  13. It's something that annoys me:I haven't been on holiday this year and my parents and Big Sis' have, which kinda makes me feel a bit left-out. It's not a big deal because when I have a part-time job or even a full-time job, I will have plenty of fun..and so will you Michaela. There are billions of people around the world who can't go on nice holidays even to somewhere like Spain, Greece or even on a Great British holiday and I appreciate how lucky I am. What you've said about people fretting with the iPhone 4 (not 4G), really annoys me lol; it's completely pathetic. It's just a ****ing phone and it's not even that good and it's not like it is an actual life-changing item. But it humours me.And if anyone has the right to moan its you Michaela; what with the financial problems, problems with your Mum & Brother, the chavy-Shameless-type neighbours and not-to-mention living with two disbilities / disorders / problems which doesn't really help things. I am quite sure that everything will eventually work out, and when it does, everything will fall into place.Take care xoxo *Big Hug*
  14. Will

    I miss not talking to you. Anyways I'm thinking about going to Chessington or Thorpe in the next week or two, do you want to go? I could ask Ellie, Andrew n some others?

  15. Will

    Hey, are you coming on msn Today at all?

  16. RnB is good too but everyone has their own tastes. I like Pop / Dance / some forms of RnB and Hip Hop but I cant stand Drum 'n' Bass or Heavy Metal.
  17. What annoys me, is hypocrisy. Its made out that is ok for black people to be racist to white people, but it's not ok for white people to be racist to black people. It's annoys when it's made out like it's ok for muslims to cause hatred or say negative things in England, but we aren't allowed to do the same. Another thing which annoys me is bullying. Teachers know that it happens - physical bullying and verbal racial / homophobic abuse but nothing is done about it.
  18. We have some seriously messed up / selfish / annoying neighbours, friends, family-members, pervey-teachers. Society is so crap these days.
  19. I thought it would be monster, it coincides with the fame monster theme. She said awhile back that she won't release any stripped / rock-ballads songs as singles because her record label don't believe they would be commercially-successful and it doesn't appeal to the mainstream market. She also premiered a new song from her third album called 'You & I / Me' at the recent Elton John Social Event saying that it's ok for her to premiere this song because she won't be releasing rock-type ballad songs. Speechless also got the worst reception out of all the FM songs.I'm quite certain that if Gaga did a new single it would be Monster or Dance in the Dark, and there's no reason not to release more singles from album since:1) Her album and lead single is not being announced until 1/1/112) The album is not being released until Q1 20113) We still have 6 months until the date comes, which means we could have 2 more singles; a summer and autumn gaga song (3 months each) - monster & DitD.
  20. Will


    That rough layout for the supposed B&M 4D Coaster looks a bit boring. It has a normal 45o degree lift with an interesting drop - heartline roll into the drop. It says the structure is 63.8 but the ride is 50.0 metres which means the difference is under-ground.
  21. Will


    Benin bruv ( ) what makes you say an aquatrax? I thought coaster 2 looks like a flyer.
  22. Will


    I love you! -_-Thanks a lot
  23. Will


    C'mon Ricky..you can do better
  24. Will


    A courtroom is hearing a case about a boy who is being abused by his parents. The judge says that because the boy is below the legal age, he must live with someone I.e. parent(s) or guardian.The Judge: "Do you want to live with your Mum?"The Boy: "No, she beats me"The Judge: "In that case, would you like to live with your Dad?"The Boy: "No, he beats me too"The Judge: "Well, you have to live with someone, who would you like to live with?"The Boy: "The England Football Team, they never beat anybody"
  25. I love you guys loads :)Mark, you nailed it perfectly and being a friend of mine, I'm happy that you know I'm trying and as long as people and friends, know I'm trying; then I'm happy. I think I shouldn't and should try to not worry about the past too much and look to the future, and what it holds.Thanks a lot for your words o' wisdom and I feel a bit better, knowing that things will fall into place...in the end.
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