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Everything posted by Will

  1. What is so offensive or annoying about what I said?I was talking about my time at university and how I've found it. And how my time at College is different, from how my time at University will be. I find that I work better at home because I can concentrate better, and it's just so happens that at University, we have fewer days and hours than College, because most of what we do, would be independent.Chris: I assumed, that you were making a reply to what I said previously. if you weren't, I'm aplogise.
  2. With me, I want to get married and have 6 kids (3 boys, 3 girls) but a part of me finds guys attractive. I don't want a boyfriend because I haven't even a proper girlfriend (Yay for Aspergers and socialising) and I won't have a boyfriend or have sex with one, until I experiment more or have a couple of good boy-friends. I can't stand most straight guys because the majority are cocky / arrogant / immature *****s and getting bullied by a bunch and seeing the darker side of the male sex, has put me off.Don't get me wrong, I still fantasise about having a three-way with Edward (Vampire) and Jacob (Werewolf) but the reality, if that ever came up for real with a boy; I'd probably feel uncomfortable and very reluctant. Homosexuality / bisexuality is forbidden in the UAE / Muslin world. If a man is caught with a woman and that woman is not his wife, they could get into serious trouble. Muslims are very strict about this. You can't have sex on a beach and you can't allow Muslin children to name a teddy bear Mohammed, even if the bear is a prophet =D. It goes to show how behind some people are and how severely these things are treated.JoshC: There should be a club for people with dyslexia, autism, tourettes. etc because you have no idea of how hard it is, to live with Autism / ADHD. 1 in 5 people have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and it's more common that the so-called virus that is called homosexuality / bisexuality but there is no club for that. So it goes to show how huge it is being what is described as a different sexuality and literally having the world and certain types of scumbags hate on you. There should be gay clubs because it's hard enough being a teen / young adult and its even harder being gay / bi / lesbian / transsexual
  3. Maybe its because there are not as many gay / bisexual / lesbians compared to straight people and the fact that gay's get spat at when they are in themepark queues, which is blatant acts of homophobic hatred and the fact, that there is gay bashing and bullying and like a billion other things. There are gays / bi's who don't get served in pubs because of their sexuality. It was on the news online some weeks back.The gay / lesbian club was probably set up in the college to show young students and young adults that, in a college where the majority of people are straight (UNLESS YOU LIVE IN BRIGHTON), that there are some people who are gay / bisexual / lesbian and here's a club to show you, that you are not alone. JoshC can you imagine how terrifying it would be, to feel like your the only open gay / bisexual / lesbian student in your school / college / university??Just because the teacher running / managing the gay / lesbian club is really nice and kind, it doesn't mean he's a paedophile @ (Seb).
  4. From what I know at uni, it will be what they call 'independent learning' which is what I'm used to. I found at college that I was doing 80% of my work at home because that way, I'm by myself and can concentrate a lot better and get more work done.I think as long as I do things when I get them done, and not leave them to the last minute, I will be OK. Since it takes me longer to do my work, I wouldn't be able to leave things to the last minute. I'm happy that the first year doesn't count in terms of marks / results but it's used to help you get comfortable. The thing is, I have to pass certain compulsory and required / recommended modules in order to choose something next year. E.g. - I can't choose Object-Orientated Programming or XML & Web Technologies in my 2nd year, unless I pass computer programming in my 1st year.
  5. Well as long as you feel better about yourself and you feel a little more confident, then my job's done =D
  6. You're not making a big deal out of nothing coz people think they're "cool" by making people feel uncomfortable. Only nasty people with **** lives do things like that.

    As for the msn / facebook thing, I hate people who do stuff like that. I wouldn't mind if they would try and talk it thru like adults. I forget most of them are just immature kids, who dont know the...

  7. I hate all those things too:I hate it when people block you off msn / facebook and they give no reason. The way I see things is, are you (them) that afraid of confrontation or just a coward, that you don't have enough respect and decency to talk things through with me. Millie, people like that are pathetic, cowardly and are not worth your breath, your energy or your emotions.Another thing you pointed out, is the way that people respond to things. I think its insensitive and rude when people think being sarcastic in a horrible way and NOT in a funny way is cool and good; I find people like that quite annoying, cocky and arrogant. If people are being sarcastic in a funny way or are having a little bit of banter, then that's ok. To the point, when you're hurting someone's feelings is just unacceptable and as people say, what goes around, comes around. And those people you were talking about or know, will one day get a big smack in the face from karma.=DHope you feel better!!
  8. I used to weigh about 12.5-13 stonnes and when I looked in the mirror, I used to think I was fat. I had a fat stomach and what I thought was a fat bum. This wasn't helped by Mum who said that too. I started to eat less and somehow I've stopped growing and my appetite has slowed down considerably. Most days I can eat 1-2 helpings and I've lost a lot of weight..nearly 2-2.5 stonnes.Holly, my point is the way you see yourself (IMO), could be just a phase. You're under a lot of pressure what with A* Levels and if you're not sleeping well and / or are run-down; that can add. When I got older, I started to see myself differently. I don't see myself as ugly and repulsive, I think I'm a good-looking guy and I'm happy with my body. I've begun to accept myself and when I look in the mirror, I don't see a fat, grotesque, young boy, but a happy, healthy-looking guy.Don't always look for the faults, try and see the good things inside and outside of you; you'll soon begin to see yourself differently (just like I did).
  9. What I've recently realised, that some of my favourite songs like 'Bad Romance' and 'Alejandro' have instrumentals that are very nice. That's what makes me love music, in the last 18-20 months, I've begun to really appreciate the production of the songs I like. I would be ever so blessed and honoured of being in an industry like that.I agree with the point about music as an escape from stress, it has helped me get through a lot of bad problems in life and I find that classical music to be very good at helping me concerntrate. A family-friend / tutor asked me a while back if I wanted to go see an Opera; they're very moving and powerful; I don't know if any of you guys have been to one but I can't wait till I go to see my first one.
  10. Maybe we should share ideas, I've got a song I've nearly finished; maybe you could take a look and tell me what you think. Maybe this forum should have a songwriting thread?When I was talking about the PCD song, I thought I'd highlight the song because it's a catchy song which is nicely-produced and has a fantastic, catchy hook. Dan's right, it does depend on the type of song you write. A ballad for me, is about pouring my heart out and being honest about how I feel. I find the best time for me to write a ballad, is when something has happened and I'm emotional or when I'm angry, happy, etc. For some reason, I write at night time or when it's raining or when I'm emotional or when I listen to music. I feel that catchy lyrics / heartfelt lyrics / honest lyrics (for examples) with a good production makes a song. If I've left out anything Dan, feel free to add to what I've typed. I feel that the chorus is the most important part of the song's structure.I hope anything that Dan or I have said helps or is persuasive in your debate =D
  11. I can speak from experience, as I write songs myself and want to be a songwriter / producer when I'm much older. Lyrics are important in a song because they are supposed to represent how the writer is feeling and it's his aim to convey these emotions and feelings in the song. The song when heard; people can relate to the words and can feel moved, if the song is emotionally-powerful and compelling. Lyrics can be influential and thought-provoking and can help someone to feel better or get through a hard-time.A song should be:Catchy with a good chorus with a hook; most choruses are simple like "Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't ready my poker face, she's got me like nobody". Catchy, simple, easy-to-be-remembered but some can be very-well written like Pussycat Dolls: "Don'cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me, don'cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me, don'tcha". The hook is what catches your eye / mind.The other half is the song should sound good; it should be well-produced and many songs are made to be commercial, mainstream or sound good to listeners. There are songs like Dance-Pop / Electro-Pop songs from artists like Lady Gaga, songs from Katy Perry, Hip-Hop songs from the Black Eyed Peas; which are upbeat, up-tempo songs which we sing along too, sound catchy and we dance to.There are other songs which are songs that Mary J Blige, Leona Lewis and Alicia Keys sing which are RnB / Soul songs that are often heart-felt ballads. They're not always the type of song you dance in a club to, but they are songs that can make you feel happy, upset, moved and feel good. Both catchy-sounding choruses and well-written lyrics with hooks are equally important.Quote from Lady Gaga - Billboard magazine:"GaGa writes mostly at the piano, and to her, if a song doesn't come easily, it isn't meant to come at all. "A hit record writes itself," she says. "If you have to wait, maybe the song isn't there. Once you tap into the soul, the song begins to write itself. And I usually write the choruses first, because without a good chorus, who really gives a ****?""
  12. My opinion of you Josh is that you are someone who puts themself under a lot of pressure or has very-high expectations. Those teacher's predicted grades are just rough estimates of what they think you'll get, but it doesn't mean you fail if you haven't achieved those grades. They could have given you a very-high predicted grade, when they might have given you too high a prediction.I understand that the predicted grade is a prediction made up of your performance over the year, but nerves does play a huge part and the fact that time management does too. When I did my Science GCSE, I knew what to expect. I always did well on my GCSE Science modules apart from Biology. I was put in for the higher science paper, but I found it hard.Like Michaela, I would have faired better if both of us knew we had this SENs and had the support from our teachers. I'm only 21 and I've my whole life ahead of me and I'm doing very-well so far...but I already have some regrets.Don't feel put-down by your grades because I'd happily take your grades anyday and you should feel ecstatic. Just put in the same amount of effort as you did; which is a huge amount of effort or maybe a little bit more and you should be OK. Then again, A* Levels aren't for everybody; it depends on what you want to do.
  13. I would like to apologise to anyone offended and also congratulate them on their successes. I don't think GCSEs are easy but rephrasing, I don't think they are hard as they used to be. It's not hard to imagine that in the 6 years since I took mine and the 13 years since my Sis took her GCSEs, that they have become easier. They are still hard but just not as much as they used to be.And the grades that someone gets is a reflection of the input during the year, the results of coursework and how well someone performs on the day and how strict the exams are marked. It might be the case that GCSEs have gotten slightly easier (which is very possible) but AQA and Edexcel are more generous with their marking; which is very common.I have ADHD and Autism and I was in the lowest class in my year; not because I'm stupid but because I have SEN's and they never realise I was smart and capable but just had learning difficulties. I never knew how to write essays until I was 17 and was properly taught how to. You're right Matthew, there are good teachers everywhere, but there are not-so-good teachers everywhere but either way, to succeed in teaching the class, the teacher needs to be able to control the class.I failed by AS (1st yr) after realising they weren't for me and did a BTEC in Multimedia and another one in Business. I re-took my English and did well on coursework on the exam and came out, learnt how to write exams, evaluations, summaries and analyses; which I am proud of myself. I learn at my pace and I feel that BTEC was for me and A Levels aren't for everyone. I have seem some of these facts myself via TV and what is published but via the reports, this family friend has. I would show them to you if I could but I can't.If anything, I am a little envious of you. I wish I was doing my GCSEs this year and I sincerly hope that you do well on your A Levels.I'm going to leave it at thatxoxo
  14. I'm annoying? At least I know I can be annoying, you're in denial.You're unbelievably annoying and I don't like you because you're arrogant and you accuse people of being horrible when you don't even know them. You can't read posts properly and you get 'easy' confused for 'easier' or 'less harder'. You just won't back down because you don't want to admit you misread my posts. So...I am going to be the bigger person by backing down and walking away.Kthanks bye
  15. Why don't you give it a rest and stop trying to make me out to be a bad person? I never said gcses were easy, I said theyre not as hard as they used to be; I said they have become easier. I can say that something has become easier but still being difficult or a challenge.Read every post of mine on this topic, if you are that bored. GCSEs are hard but they're not as hard as they used to be. You're just reading my posts wrong.
  16. I never said GCSEs were easy, please read what I type. What I did say, was that according to the government and to family-friends of mine, they have become less harder than they used to be. If you want to disagree that's up to you. I am not a horrible person and anyone can tell you that I am not like that.
  17. OMG!What is wrong with you??!!I was just sharing with you guys that the government and the BBC news has stated that GCSEs and A* Level results have increased once more and that many experts have stated that the exams are getting easier or that the the exam boards are being more generous. I am telling you that a family-friend has said that GCSEs have gotten easier because she has seen these papers and have had discussions and big meetings with the other HoD's and senior staff at this one school.You probably get a better quality of teaching and you probably work extremely hard, you probably don't have any SENs or disabilities like ADHD nor are in the lowest set where all the bad boys of the year are in, disrupt the class to the point that small amounts of teaching takes place. I am not trying to put anyone down. You don't know me and anyone can tell you, that no matter how annoying I may or may not be; that I am not a HORRIBLE person who is so wicked, nasty that he will put down anyone to make himself feel and look better. I feel insulted because you are making me out to be a bully, which I am not. And if you knew me, which you don't, you would know that I am not a nasty person and is quite the opposite.Ask anyone if I am nasty or horrible, people might say I am annoying or very annoying. But no-one is going to say that I am horrible, because I am not horrible.
  18. A* Levels weren't for me, I did 1 BTEC in Multimedia and one in Business and I've just got a £1,500 per year scholorship to my chosen university. And for what was the 'one of the slowest / dumbest kids that everyone said I was', I am doing quite well. I'm quite sure you will excel me in every way. I am jealous, I am very happy for everyone. I wish I did my GCSEs this year. I haven't seen the stats that this family-friend of mine has seen but I have seen the stats that the BBC news aired on results day. Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean that I'm lying. The government can lie to people; the prime minister lied about how much debt the country is in. Everyone is capable of lying.The GCSEs success rate has risen for the 22nd year, with 22.6% of students being awarded A and A* grades. 69.1% of all students have passed at grades A*-C with one in every 77 GCSEs failed. Girls passed 25.5 per cent of exams at A* or A while boys managed 19.5 per cent. The amount of students taking the individual Sciences has risen. 850 private schools have switched to alternative qualifications - known as International GCSEs and one in ten exams in English and maths is now taken by pupils aged 15 or under. A total of 83,179 pupils took GCSE maths aged 15 or younger, against 60,712 last year and 32,908 in 2008. My original point was that there are a number of factors, it be that the quality of education varies from area to area and it also depends on the type of school you go to (I.e. Grammar, Public, Private, Indepedent) and how much support you recieve from your teachers.Someone who is one of those drugtakingknifebearingsexoholicetc teenagers is not going to do better than someone who works hard and gets the necessary amount of support from their teachers.You just said "You're making yourself appear more important compared to us drugtakingknifebearingsexoholicetc teenagers". Are you confirming that you are a teenager that takes drugs, wields knives and is a sexaholic?I think I am better than someone who takes drugs and wields knives. I think it is disgusting to take drugs and wield knives in a very anti-social and ganster-like way. Who the hell wants to be a drug-taking, knife-wielding teenager? I dont.I am not trying to put you guys down to make myself seem bigger. I think that you guys have worked very hard despite the amount of pressure you have been under. I am just sharing some news that again this year the government is saying GCSEs and A levels are easier.
  19. Ryan, I don't mean to offend you and I'm not that type of person. I am just voicing my opinion and saying that GCSES are hard, they are very, very hard; I just think that they have become easier than they used to be. So all of you guys should be glad, that you didn't take your gcses when you were my age or before. If you did take your gcses when I did, you might not have been so lucky and you might not have done as well.I remember crying my eyes out and having my mum shout abuse at me; saying I am a disappointment to her because I didn't get all As and Bs. If I could be your age and do my GCSEs again, I wouldn't say no. I don't think for a second that the difficulty level of GCSEs over the last 10-20 years has remained the same; it's gonna change and adjust to the changing times.A Levels aren't for everyone, there are many people who are ready to leave school at 14 and start working and earn money. They would leave school at 16 and start working, start to gain experience and work their way up the corporate ladder. This fam-friend told me that she has seen the feedback reports of girls who've returned from work experience, saying how X girl performed amazing and how they would hire her on the spot, if she applied. And with the 97.4% of A Level students who this year achieved A*-E and the 27.5% of students who achieved the new A*-grade, you've nothing to worry about and I wish you Ryan all the best. =) Let's face it, you did better than me at GCSEs, so I bow down to you and you will probably end up doing well than me at A* Levels.A* Levels weren't for me, I did 1 BTEC in Multimedia and one in Business and I've just got a £1,500 per year scholorship to my chosen university. And for what was the 'one of the slowest / dumbest kids that everyone said I was', I am doing quite well. I'm quite sure you will excel me in every way.
  20. I did not shoot myself in the foot; I never said GCSEs were easy, what I did say was that they have become easier. They are still hard but not as hard as they used to be. There definately weren't people achieving all these A*s and As back in my day; 6 years ago or in my Sister's day which was 13 years ago.You want to see these statistics, you can go onto the internet but, you might have to dig around a little bit. As for the statistics that this family-friend of mine has seen via teachers discussions for this one individual school, then you might not have any luck because I'm quite sure this family-friend is not very willing to compromise the professionalism and security of her job, by passing the results on to me, just to pass them onto you or other interested members of this forum.I am not insensitive but I think it's quite narrow-minded to assume that because students, who have only taken their GCSEs once found the exams hard, it doesn't mean, the exams you took were not harder for students of previous years. I think the government, the exam boards like AQA and Exexcel and the teaching staff want the exams to be easier. To show that the money that they inject into the education system is working and is making difference.As you and everyone else knows, the money that goes into the education system is funded by the tax payer's money. Tax payers would want to see results and if the % of students getting X-results drops, they wouldn't be happy and they would question, to what use is the taxpayer's money being used for. The taxpayers would want to be told that their money is being used in an efficient and effective way and is therefore, causing the students to get better results regardless if that is actually happening.I think exams are being made easier / less harder but still hard in order to make exams more accessible and to allow the student's to go onto A* Levels, prove that they work and to allow them to get onto university. The government would bend the rules to prove that their procedures and processes are working, just to apease the masses. Governments do tell lies.You guys know me well enough, to know that I would never want to offend any of you lot.
  21. I understand that it is in Steve's personality to be sarcastic in his humour and I can see that it could be also found to be insensitive. I'm sure Steve was only joking and didn't mean any offense; but I think it was boarderline rude. Ellie, Coaster and Gemma are right, everyone makes spelling mistakes; no-one's perfect not even you Steve.Exams:I still stand by my opinion that GCSEs have gotten easier. I'm not saying they're easy but I have family friends who've worked in teaching and are career advisors to students. They have meetings with the headmaster / headmistress and the other heads of departments to discuss the GCSE and A* Level results; I have been told they've gotten easier.I'm not trying to rubbish anyone's results but the statistics do not lie. Another thing pointed out, is that the way the questions are phrased is different to how it was for us and multiple choice makes exams easier. It could possibly be that teaching in certain areas of the country have gotten better. It could also be that staff or exam staff are more generous with the marking. Coursework might have gotten easier too.Another thing is that teachers might teach not teach the whole syllabus but might teach FOR the exam; they might teach what is going to be in the exam and therefore, not teach material that is not going to be in the exam. I can tell you that in our school (in the different classes), not many people got tons of A*' and A-grades. I think the revision techniques are better and it is very possible that the standard of teaching and material has improved.
  22. Will


    Sky Ferreira is tipped to be huge and was family friends with Michael Jackson and cried when he heard her sing at their local church. Her UK debut single - One by Bloodshy & Avant (Britney Spears' Toxic) and her debut US single Obsession by Ryan Tedder (Leona' Lewis' Bleeding Love, Run and Happy) are huge songs. Natalia Kills, discovered by Will.I.am is a British artist and has been compared to Gaga and called the British Lady Gaga. She does dark electro-pop and has 2 promotional songs, Zombie and Activate My Heart and her debut single: Mirrors has been released. Debut album due this November '10.Lolene, a British Pop artist does 80's and 90's pop and has two big songs 'Rich (Fake It Till You Make It)' and the amazing 'Lionheart'.B.O.B (Ft. Haley Williams from Paramore) - Airplanes Katy Perry's Teenage Dreams album (Fireworks, Teenage Dream, Circle The Drain and ET are highlights)Florrie - New Indie / Pop artist (Working with Xenomania, the people behind Girls' Aloud)Marina & The Diamonds - I Am Not A Robot & Oh NoTinie Tempah (Ft. Eric Turner) - Written In The Stars
  23. I thought it was Ellie too

  24. Will

    I saw that too, I thought you were the same Ellie as that girl; who sounds like you.

  25. Hey Josh, it's OK.My sister whose 28 told me that I should be proud to have go the grades I got. I agree that there are variables that affect the results of any student's GCSE grades such as:Student's input throughout yearQuality of teachingFinal input on day of examInput revisingDistractions in the class was a huge factor for meAround 2005, I got:B in FrenchC in EnglishC in MathsC in Double ScienceD in English LiteratureE in Religious EducationE in ICTF in HistoryI know that I should have done much better. When I was 14/15 doing GCSEs (year 10 and year 11), I never knew I was Autistic or had ADHD but I always wondered why I could never concentrate. Not knowing that I like other Aspie's are often highly-intelligent, I thought I was thick, dumb and stupid; I even believe that I was a spastic (which is what other people said) because I was behind and wished I was like everyone else..capable.I was then put into the lowest classes with all the bad kids in my year, where it was like pulling nails to even get through one 50 minute class and as I left the classroom, I would feel exhausted, dissatisfied and depressed.I didn't get the support I needed in my GCSEs or in my A* Levels. Only since 2008 when I started my 2nd BTEC (In Business) did I start to make huge amounts of progress. I think it was because I was ready and it was the right time. I wish I had got the support I needed when I was in middle-school or even in primary school; for if I did, the end results would have been a lot better.I think if you did any better than me, you're perfectly fine. I am now doing fine and I'm on my way to University. Don't be so hard on yourself =D
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