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Everything posted by Will

  1. Will

    2013 Changes

    I know what people think about Jump2s, but there's only one in the world....in Canada. Jump2s are unique because they spin you around as well as swing you up into the air and are said to be very scary because it looks like arms jumping about and when you're up in the air and get spun around, thats what people find to be freaky.http://coasterbuzz.c...read/32998.aspxI mean you've got people complaining about Topspins but if Thorpe installed a Topspin (Calypso Quay) that was as well-themed as Talocun and had a decent thoroughput, would you really complain?Or how about a Huss Delirium?http://www.hussrides.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=100&Itemid=155A Gyroswing or Topple Tower would be brilliant, you could send Vortex to Chessington and keep Delirium on Swarm island, themed as some natural disaster.Slammer though a hassle, I thought was brilliant. It was scary and I actually was scared to go on it and thought it was great but a novelty ride. Rush has been brilliant for Thorpe and was something decent and new and one or two more flats would hardly be bad.They could always install a duelling Zacspin which would be fantastic and could act as a flat ride.
  2. Will

    Your Thorpe Park

    I thought I'd make one, since it's been ages: 2012: Swarm opens to a glowing reception Tidal Wave effects turned on An alternate path has been opened via Sunkern Gardens to Swarm Island 2013: 3rd train added to Swarm 2 flat rides installed on Swarm island to act as filler A HUSS Gyroswing with outer seats themed to a Tornado-disaster with special effects An enclosed, Giant HUSS Topspin themed as a subway train caught in an earthquake with effects 2014: Nemesis Inferno is renamed Inferno Rumba Rapids - Major overhaul and layout extended Inferno effects brought back (smoke, drums, water) and station looks like proper volcano Detonator (Tower) replaced with two launch towers (120-125ft) (Fits the name DETONATOR) Dynamite themeing and sound added to Detonator ride 2015: Treasure Island (site) New themed area with a Stargate portal that guests walk through and it 'transports' them to Prehistoric times An intense, Flyer with five inversions called Terrordactyl Including an unique, double-inversion called the Infinity Loop Themeing includes Prehistoric Monster in the water that the riders interact with Elements include near-misses, sections over water, bogswamps that squirt water, smoke and insect noises Coaster is themed and landscaped well 2016: Stealth: Reloaded (Campaign) Stealth's layout extended according to original plans Operates on three trains and has original grandstand themeing Logger's Leap refurbished with new layout and themeing improved Miss Hippo's Fingal Safari removed in preparation for Wooden Coaster in 2018 Future Installments:A Wooden Coaster on Canada Creek: Fly-through station 5 steep curves Mine cart through mountain theme Lots of air-time with head and leg-choppers Quite a long coaster that goes around Logger's Leap and behind MHFS and Nemesis Inferno Saw: The Ride: (Renamed PSYCHO)Theme: Psychotic caretacker exacting bloody, revenge because he was fired Story:10 years ago, accidents occured at the Canada Creek Logger Mill and a caretaker was made to be the scapegoat and was fired as a result. Due to the recession and the events taken place, he couldn't find employment and his Wife divorced him and took the children. He was left lonely and heartbroken and became bitter and wanting revenge. TV Advertisments: News headlines remembering the events of the Logger Mill accidents News headlines of teenagers going missing CCTV footage of the Logger Mill become operational and teenagers investigating CCTV footage of teenagers screaming and one female teenager running away and falling on the ground, calling out to the CCTV camera for help. She starts screaming as a mysterious hooded man, approaches and drags her away. Her hand and arm can be seen shaking violently and suddenly it stops moving Video Autopsy shows forensic scientist examining a sawn-off, bloodied arm with the message: "Curiosity Killed The Cat"; the girl is identified as Catherine due to a bracelet that was found around her arm Other: Layout extended inside and outside Station extended and queueline relocated Mechanical Kuka-arm with plastic circular saw that will act as a headchopper themeing Fake Logger Mill control booth controlled by the psycho caretacker Themeing includes dummy of a teenager attached to circular saw contraption and smoke illusion to look like he's getting sawn in-half and water gets squirted to look like blood X-Car Coaster: (Similar to Abismo) (Depth Charge, Beach & Slides and Neptune's Kingdom demolished) Location: The section of land marked on MTDP as a 2nd location for 2015 coaster (area behind the Dome) Theme - Wild Jungle theme Cars: Standard Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit Trains Capacity - 6 trains, 2 cars per train, 3 rows per car, 2 passengers per row (6T x 2C x 3R x 2 Pass = 72 total) A bigger version of Abismo with multiple inversions Plenty of block sections to space out the ride and give breathing time On-board sound system Layout - Around Depth charge, the Dome and the Lost City flat rides area (rides moved or relocated) Samurai and Quantum are relocated near the coaster to act as filler attractions and Vortex is relocated to CWoAR. A HUSS Jump2 is installed and themed as a venus fly-trapper and is named 'Frenzy Plant'. XNWO: (Slammer and Arena demolished) Replaced with an indoor-outdoors rollercoaster Outdoor sections take place in demolished Arena Family-thrilling coaster with no Inversions Best themeing for a Thorpe Park attraction Themed to an Egyptian curse and a runaway minecart chase from some evil Capacity - 6-8 cars on track at one time, 2 rows per car, 4 passengers per row (6-8 cars x 2 rows x 4 pass = 48-64) Plenty of block sections to space out the ride and to give some breathing time
  3. One sarcasm point for Fred, keep up the good work. You're on the right path to Sainthood.iTunes:Song titles that begin with the word The isn't listed under the letter 'T'. So, 'The Only Difference Between Suicide and Martyrdom is a Whole Lot of Press Coverage' is listen under 'O' instead of 'T' or 'The Fame' is listed under the letter 'F'.I never knew that...But with MS Word documents, all titles between with 'The' ARE listed under the letter 'T', which is strange.
  4. Will


    The cutest thing in the ENTIRE world!!
  5. I wonder if the Safari Trail got approved, will they have space to move the Trail of the Kings up there?Trail of the Kings/Transylvania/SeaLife/SeaLions ExhibitIf the Trail of the Kings was to be moved up next to the Safari Trail, that would free up loads of space. I like to think there are 3 big areas in park:Africa, which is the Madagascar stage show which Chessie called Africa and combine that with Forbidden Kingdom and Mexicana, that would fit in well with the proposed Safari Trail and Wayanama Village, Europe, which is Pirate's Cove, Translvania and Land of the Dragons (England) and Asia, which is Mystic East and Wild Asia.With Africa, Europe and Asia, it would make sense to have a 4th area which could be called Antartica and if the Trail of the Kings was moved next to the Safari Trail, there would be room to build a new area. It would be nice to have a ski village and a minetrain coaster like Expedition Everest or Mammut at Gardaland via the alps mountains like the Rhinefield (Germany) themed land in Busch Gardens: Williamsburg.Not forgetting Bubbleworks could be themed as a Brewery or some magical folklore legend and Transylvania's Vampire could be themed as a family-version of Alpengeist. You could even have a Polar Bear exhibit, since you have the SeaLife attraction and the Sealions exhibit. It would make sense and it would be consistent and would fit-in well.
  6. I'll be coming, since I'm going Florida this Late Sept/Early Oct, so I might as well get used to queueing. Hopefully since it's a Friday, it won't be busy.
  7. LOl'd so much when I saw what you said. Mer in this photo does bear some small resemblance to Ricky...and Ricky does look like a girl
  8. I knew it was themeing but I wasn't sure where it would be.Helpful people here
  9. Is it a piece of themeing?? I thought it was a piece of themeing on the coaster trains but then that would be too heavy.
  10. If I come, I will try to get there for about 4 o'clock / 4.30pm. I've ridden all the other rides and Swarm and Storm Surge are the only rides I haven't ridden.
  11. Many people put their hands up on rollercoasters and rides, it's just how it is and it's got nothing to do with being stupid. If someone gets their hands maimed by SWARM, it won't be the guest/rider's fault.The riders should be able to raise their hands without getting their hands maimed and its down to Thorpe to prevent that. If the coaster has the slightest chance of maiming riders, then it will create huge problems for Thorpe and we can only hazard a guess as to what would happen...
  12. For some of us, who don't have AP's. Since it's 30 mins of free time, do we have to buy a ticket?
  13. WOWI'm gonna try to come in the evening. I missed out on the Stealth ERT in 09. It would be awsome if I'd be able to come. I'm an NON-AP
  14. Will

    Lady GaGa

    Double post:Does it matter if she isn't a "looker" / good-looking?Not everyone singer/popstar/artist has to be good looking. There are a lot of artists like Britney Spears, Ke$ha, Katy Perry and Rihanna, who are gorgeous but don't have brilliant vocalists or have fantastic singing voices.Then there are artists like Amy Winehouse, Adele, Florence Welch (And The Machine), Gaga and Madonna, who aren't terribly attractive or have sexy bodies but have brilliant voices, write amazing songs and are very smart and creative.I don't know about you, Pluk, but I'd rather have the second category of artists. They have more credability and are more talented than the former.
  15. Will

    Lady GaGa

    So you're saying only Michael Jackon is allowed to make a mini-film for his videos and no other artist IN THE ENTIRE WORLD are allowed to do the same because that would qualify as pretencious and self-indulgent?Michael Jackson is dead and he was one of the greatest artists in the world and it doesn't mean other artists aren't allowed to do the same or similar or want to achieve great things.Secondly, why does she HAVE TO knock out a normal video? Why can't she make a mini-movie, she's not doing anyone harm. When an artist/popstar/singer makes a music video, they have a vision for how they want their music video to look like. Sometimes a normal music video doesn't suffice. Sometimes they might want to tell a story or include a prelude to explain some past events, making what you see, make sense.Why can't artists/popstar/singers aspire to be better or to push themselves further?
  16. I agree with what Fred says.The point I want to make is, that Chessington are supported by Merlin and whilst all the other parks are doing well, Chessie is kinda falling to pieces. I agree they have it harder than the other parks but that shouldn't stop them from getting a move on. It's a shame that the Safari Trail is happening in 2013 and not sooner, like it should have.If it happened in 2006/2007, we could have Trail of the Kings up north too, meaning by now...we'd have some new rides and attractions by 2012/2013. It's just a shame it's all happening now and not sooner.The Runaway Train:1) Old = 23 yrs old2) Heavily outdated3) Bad thoroughputDragon's Fury:1) Doesn't have enough supports for the lifthill2) Doesn't run on full capacity3) Is unreliableVampire:1) Someone mentions it runs on 2 trains2) Is hard to maintain3) Unreliable4) Old = 22 yrs oldRattlesnake:1) Has bad capacity2) Run with 2 per train instead of 43) Has a tough heigh restriction
  17. I absolutely love the new drop tower at Paulton's. It looks brilliant and well-themed.
  18. I know that :DWhat I'd like is for there to be the Safari Trail to be granted permission. But to also move the monkey, birds and Trail of the Kings up there too. So they're expanding their zoo and also freeing up space (where the zoo used to be) for new ride space.Also with the TotK, I noticed that the land sloped downwards, so maybe they could build into the ground more, to have more room for a coaster, which they desperately need.What would happen to the sea lions? If they were to move the zoo, wouldn't they wanna move them too?
  19. If I'm understanding things properly, if the Safari Trail gets the greenlight, they won't expand the theme park side?That's a bit disheartening if so... And on the picture shown above, what's the Safari Trail (Phase 3)???I just want them to use their heads and save some space for a new rollercoaster or two. It wouldn't make sense to have no ride space reserved. Everyone can agree that an aging suspended-swinger and a medium-capacity-run spinner is not good as their two major rides. And a rubbish capacity Wild Mouse and a kiddie's powered minetrain doesn't suffice.I'm still holding out for Chessington WoAR
  20. Soltau??My hunch is maybe Merlin have decided to make more of an effort with effects and themeing.
  21. I don't understand why people feel Cambridge is the only University you can go to. There are loads. I saw a newspaper article written by a girl, who attended Oxford Uni and she said she absolutely hated it because she didn't fit in with any of the students that went there, she didn't have anything in common and she felt depressed and lonely and became ill and as a result, she failed the year.A huge part of university is the social life, when I went to Roe, they said that socialising is a huge point of going to Uni and is a right of passage as they call it and Oxford and Cambridge are known for attracting a certain type of people, with a certain type of interests. You might find that you hate it or don't enjoy it as much.When we did our UCAS applications, our tutor made sure we did it in the first 2 weeks of starting our 2nd year because she said she wants us to apply and get everything done before we get too busy with our work and before everyone else in the country does their apps.The advantage she said of applying early is that the Unis' will give you a quicker response and you will have a better chance. It's this way, that I applied and got accepted into Brunel University for Business Management w/ Marketing (4-yr internship course) and I got in on a BTEC National Diploma.
  22. I feel the same way you do Mer. I generally think some people can be intolerant and ignorant of anyone who is different to them and anyone who doesn't conform to what they want and how they want someone to be, they treat like crap, which hurts even more, especially when that person has done nothing wrong to deserve that kind of treatment.I've had problems with certain people in the past and I realise that those people are weak, insecure and narrow-minded because they refuse to accept anyone outside of their comfort zone and to instead embrace other people's differences, which is what makes us beautiful and makes us stand out for all the right reasons.I've been working at Harrods since October '11 and I've had no problems with anyone working there ever and I work all day 4-5 days a week with them. Maybe the reason is, that as you get older, people become more accepting and mature.It seems that these people you and I have dealt with, are probably immature and afraid because as humans, we fear the unknown and we attack what we are scared or unfamilar with. And if more people were aware or were understanding, patient and tolerant, then maybe these life woud be better.The funniest thing is that those who attack or penalise us for being marginally different have their own differences and problems but yet, they don't get told off when they make mistakes, which is unfair and unjust.But...in the end, everyone gets what's coming to them.
  23. Will

    The Smiler

    On Screamscape, a website called http://parkthoughts....pon-7-revealed/ has posted some really interesting info about the new Secret Weapon 7 coaster.It basically states that they don't think the new coaster will be a Eurofighter and their 'money' is on an X-Car coaster similar to the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit at Universal Studios Florida and based on the coaster Takabisha, which has a vertical lift as well as a launch section.Though it says that the ride is similar to SAW: The Ride at Thorpe Park, a Eurofigher Gerstlauer, they state that this comparison was only given to appease the local neighbours and by using the SAW Eurofighter as an example, it would be a cheap method of gathering noise-level data.Park Thoughts state that the trains on the HRRR has 2 cars per trains, each containing 6 passengers for a total of 12. Maurer Sohne state that they can fit 3 cars per train, totalling 18 passengers per train.The lifthill comparison of HRRR vs. AT SW7, shows the AT SW7 coaster with an opposite / backwards version of HRRR's lifthill. Instead of a vertical lift and a normal, sloping drop, there would be a normal lifthill and a vertical drop.There seems to be 8 inversions outside and they speculate there could be 1-2 inversions inside an apparent dark-section akin to SAW's indoors dark section and heartline roll, which could allow it to tie Thorpe Park with Colossus for 10-inversion rollercoaster. The only problem is that the Chinese are supposedly building an 11-inversion rollercoaster, so will this 11-inversion rollercoaster from the Far-East thwart Alton's plans?The trains on this rollercoaster could be unique and maybe there will be some new style of Floorless trains with on-board audio and unique restraints, that don't restrict the forces and weightlessness feeling that OSR (over-should restraints) have.As Alton Towers typically are, they always have a few tricks up their sleeves and I am keen to wait and find out, But imagine that this could be Europe's first, vertical launching, 10-inversion rollercoaster with floorless, on-board audio trains
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