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Everything posted by Will

  1. I think his use of sarcasm is just his way of being nice and thoughtful. I'm used to how Seb responds and he wasn't trying to be mean. I would have preferred Seb to be more sensitive but, I'm grateful that I could even get a response from him. One meaningful, sarcastic response is better than no response.And thank you Lordcutter for being nice, thoughtful and for doing what you did. I'm perfectly fine with all three responses.Benin: To answer what you said, I just feel that I'm 21 and for someone who is 21, I should have done all these things. I think that I've had a really sheltered life which has its perks and downsides and I'm a bit down, due to the fact I've never had a serious relationship; which there is something wrong with.I'm not ugly but I can't help but fantasise about how better off my life would be, if I didn't have this Aspergers. At least I would be able to go out and meet people, socialise and have fun. What you said Benin, is really nice and I appreciate it a lot. =D
  2. This July I'm going to be 21 and I'm dreading that day. I'm going to be 21 and I would have just started uni (In sept) and I've friends that have been in relationships and have had intercourse and I haven't been in a relationship ever and haven't ever had 'you know what'. I'm embarrased to talk about it and I feel inadequate and insecure, talking about this. I thought I would talk about it here because it's with you guys that I feel comfortable. I'm not a good-looking guy and I wake up in the morning hating the way I look and wishing I was better looking. I have this Aspergers / Mild Autism and find it hard to communicate and socialise and to make friends and I can be annoying. I'm jealous of people who don't have the problem that I do and how better their lives are and I hate it, when people don't appreciate how well-off they are.I just hate the way I am and if I could change me, I would. I don't know how to move on or how to become a better person. I just wish I had the self-esteem, confidence and the power to move forward and improve these imperfections.If anyone had some thoughts, I'd be grateful.
  3. Will


    Yeh, I saw Tormented probably beginning of the year on DVD. It's really good and it has a good ending.
  4. Will


    You will never fall apart, Xopher you're still in our hearts / Never let you fall part, together we'll dance in the dark
  5. Will


    Love the song disliked the video. The video made no sense and lacked a storyline, it seems like parts of the video were cut and the rest was just thrown together. For about 2 minutes, the video was good and after it sucked. It's not explained why there is a coffin, puppet strings at the end (Illuminati Reference??) and why she is mourning.I think Gaga tries too hard and people who have worked for her, have said she is a bloody perfectionist. Paparazzi: Good storyline, nice fashion references, nice Gaga-elements, nice dance scene, video makes sense (5/5)Bad Romance: Good storyline, nice fashion references (Alexander Mc Queen), nice dance scene, video make sense (5/5)Telephone: Too much product placements, amazing storyline, amazing dance scene, video makes sense (4/5)
  6. Will


    iPhones 4G is being announced on Monday...
  7. The last meet-up I went on Aug 30th '09, we went round in a huge group and it was fantastic. I dont know why this meet-up didnt work. I hate waiting to go on rides especially if it is a busy day and I think for the sake of our sanities, meet-ups should be on less busier days.Even the Frite Nites meet-up could be on one of the less busier days.
  8. When I had my very first meet-up (Feb 14 '08) I knew a few people but no-one talked to me. Phil (Caudell) and Mark were the first people to introduce themselves to me. I was the one who made an effort to talk to people and everyone just treated me like I was some stupid foreigner, giving me weird looks and acting like they couldnt understand a word I was saying. But as time went on, people became more familiar with me and I got on with people better and became friends or good friends in some cases with them.I think that the forum has gone downhill and many of the original members have left or gone onto better things with their lives or simply because they don't have much time. I think to have lasted all these years is a miracle based on a lot of hard work on behalf of the forum members and most importantly the admin team.With forum meet-ups, I feel that everyone goes around together, as a huge group and this has been the case for most of the meet-ups I have been on. There are times, when we do split up and go into smaller groups. If what you have said is true, I find that this meet-up to be a huge failure, because no-one should be left alone or left out. It's completely unacceptable and it defeats the objective of what a meet-up is supposed to be. We're supposed to spend time with our forum members who are our friends and with other members who aren't our friends as much and to become better friends with them and make them feel welcomed.. The structure of our meet-ups need to be revised and have ammendements made to them, hopefully in time for our next meet-up.
  9. Will


    LOST: Finale is being shown Monday 24th at 5am (5 hrs time) & on Tuesday 25th at 9am and Friday 28th at 9am, to save UK fans of the show from having to spend five days dodging web spoilers.
  10. Will


    Justin Beiber got nominated for a BET award / BLACK Entertainment Television award and Jimmy Kimmel (US Host) got Black people's opinion in South Central. A woman says something really funny:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPvcsU99ffA&feature=player_embedded (Justin Beiber nominated for BET award)
  11. This might interest most people, but a few it won't, but I've decided not to go and I'm not sure if I will be going for any future meet-ups, not until I have a big health / medical problem sorted out.
  12. Will


    I thought you would have had your fair share of candy Chris?
  13. Will


    It doesn't really mean anything since one of my teachers in high-school lived opposite me. In that teacher's case, he might be friends with the boy's dad or mum etc....
  14. Will

    It is the nose a m-m-monster makes

  15. Will

    Yes it is the noise a monster makes. Do you know of a better noise? :D

  16. This is what I think about immigration and unemployment. I think that when it comes to jobs, that people who were born in this country should be made a priority. I feel there are just too many people coming into this country with around 600,000 illegal immigrants. With Australia, you can only come into that country if you have skills which they urgently need. We shouldn't allow people to emmigrate into this country unless they have a skill that we are lacking in and are useful. And any skills that they are lacking in, the government should invest money into training people into using those important skills. This is because there are so many people who are unemployed and they are people who were born in this country and can actually contribute to society and the moving forwards that we need.I hate the fact, that people are spongeing off us taxpayers and they think they are doing nothing morally wrong by wanting more and more money. If you are working and want to move forward in life, want to realise your full potential and work hard, then there's no reason why they shouldn't get benefits. I think that people should only get benefits if they work or are in some special cases, are taking care of someone who is ill and they are a taking care of children. Q)How can Davey Cameron, Gordy Brown and Nicky Clegg expect to run this country if they can't even control their own parties and make sure their party members aren't claiming money, that has been spent on porn?I mean, if the material was for the party member and they purchased it, because they were stressed; they thought it would help them relieve their stress and then help them to get back to work...maybe that would a suitable reason. Otherwise get it off the internet like the rest of us.
  17. Well let's hope there will be more jobs for us unemployed people.
  18. My high school about 10 people who were gay/bi but not openly and it's sixth form had one boy who was openly gay. That boy got so much crap said about him. I seriously can't blame people for staying in the closet or not telling many people.
  19. I think we should!Michaela as you asked about the BOGOF Voucher, I might be coming and if we both have the money to come, then we could share.Put me down as a maybe, Marc
  20. I roughly know this situation but it's not like Rich is an actual threat. It's not like he's an Axe Maniac, he's Rich, he's a nice guy, he's funny, he's one of us! I might be coming to the meet-up and I am not one bit afraid of Rich and I would love to spend time with him, if he came.I did some stupid things and people gave me a second chance. What Ryan is saying is right, everyone deserves a second chance and any mistakes Rich might have made, doesn't bother me one bit.I respect you - Marc and the Mania Hub Team for trying to protect its members, but they are protected
  21. Scary rant:I had my consultation at the Kingston Dentist Ward. I might need to have three operations. The 2nd / main operation is to re-align my teeth so they will be straighter, in-place and to reduce crowding.The first operation is to remove 4 wisdom teeth; from top left and right-corners and 1 from bottom left and right-corners of mouth. They are doing this operation so when they carry out the main / 2nd operation, they will have more space to work with. The third op, is to fix my top-middle crooked teeth but they said I could have invisible braces instead, which would be done privately (not NHS) and would last 12-18 months. If they didn't remove the wisdom teeth, there is a huge chance, that later on the wisdom teeth will start to come through and push my other bottom teeth causing a lot of pain. Since my bottom left and right (1 each) wisdom teeth are beneath the gum and can't be seen, they will have to make an incision (cut) to remove the teeth. There would be stitches and they would disappear within 1-2 weeks.Risks:The wisdom teeth are near my bottom nerves and the teeth, will either be really behind or in-front which is OK, as there is a lot of space. But...the nerve might be next to it. And when they make the cut / incision, it is possible that the nerve will become swollen / stretched and could cause 2 problems.1) Taste buds might be affected (low risk)2) A feeling of pins and needlesThe 'pins & needles' feeling can be temporary lasting up-to 6 months but there is a 1-in-200 chance. The chance of it being permanant is 1-in-400 and it is 'apparently' very easy to live with.3) Along the top of my teeth, there is our synases. It's a gap of air that is associated with sneezing. Since they would be making a cut, there is the chance that when I drink water, it might trickle through, or when I sneeze, I might feel air coming through into my mouth. There is a very small chance of this happening, and if it did, they would block/ fill-in that gap. They suggested I undergo a general anaesthetic which I am all for. There's no way in hell, I want a needle going into my gums, which the doctor said is 'unpleasant' which is code for effin' hurts. After the op, I would feel numbness and after that wears off, I would be given meds to deal with the pain. I'm just very worried and nervous about having this done.
  22. Will


    Ask me a question:http://www.formspring.me/WillXavier1989
  23. I once sat to Jack from LOST (Matthew Fox) on the Rapids ride at Islands of Adventure, got an autograph from Ainsley Harriot (Ready Steady Cook), met Sayid from Apprentice in Favourite Chicken in Raynes Park. I was in Starbucks in Raynes Park and Joely Richardson (Nip Tuck) saw me staring at her, not knowing if I recognised her; she waved at me and walked off.I also saw Ashley Cole in Harrods but he was talking to someone, so I couldn't get an autograph.My Mum works at Harrods and has seen and / or served hundreds of famous people in the 25 years she's worked there, from Pierce Brosnan, Nicola Roberts (Girl's Aloud), Pussycat Dolls, had a wave from David Beckham - true gentleman. She also had her picture taken with Alexandra Burke (very nice) and a member of the Royal Family who is closely associated with Harrods management.
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