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Sam P

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Everything posted by Sam P

  1. I dont mind going on by my self because when you are with your friends or family you dont really see each other and it is separate seating so I dont mind be detonated by my self.
  2. The Vampire music does play at Thorpe during FN so in a way it is park music.
  3. It has always been there when I have gone during weekdays so yes it does.
  4. The first ever time I went on Detty I was pushed on because everyone else wanted to go on it except me ( I was on a school trip) I was so scared it didnt look to high from the ground but when you are up there it seem bigger. Anyway when I first went on it time seemed a lot slower when we was going to the top it seemed to take for ever to get up there. Then the countdown started and by the time we had 2 seconds before detonation I was shaking like a leaf then when I got off I said never again then 1 hour later I was back on it and I have loved it ever since. I think riding in the dark is best seeing the whole park lit up.
  5. Sam P

    The Blade

    The best one I saw was at Dreamland fun park in Margate but cant remember what it was called it went really high. (Dreamland now has half a ride ) so it is a great place to visit.
  6. Sam P


    I wish Thorpe was like that.
  7. Not sure it might have something to do with it stopping at a funny angle last Sunday or it could be waiting for a new part but I don't know.
  8. Sam P


    And what grrr for?
  9. Sam P


    Yes they do both swing at the same time but only when it is busy they were both up and running at FN last year I should think they have a 2 swing op this easter.
  10. Sam P

    This Or That

    Spongebob Samurai or Detonator?
  11. Sam P

    This Or That

    Corn flakesCoke or Fanta?
  12. For me there are two Monsters inc and Wallace and Gromit.
  13. Sam P


    I know it is a bit of a random topic but oh well So do you have any pets or pets that many other people might not have?I used to have a dog but she passed away 2 years ago:( so now I'm boring and got fish.
  14. Sam P

    This Or That

    Facebook.Stealth or Rita?
  15. Hello and welcome to TPM James enjoy your stay!
  16. Sam P


    They had smoke but only on selected days I believe or that could have been 2007 can't remember.
  17. And thats is very unlikley.
  18. Sam P


    I'm 99.9% sure it wont open as Paul said and I think everyone agrees that it is so unreliable.
  19. Sam P


    You never know it might of re-opened by then.
  20. I was thinking the same that will never happen.
  21. Sam P


    Not sure if it has been spitting wax and rust then I would say no but not sure it could be but just think it will be shut and if it is open it is a bonus.
  22. ^ The Vampire tune I have has the 7 chimes.
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