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About A-Kid

  • Birthday 03/26/1992

Previous Fields

  • Favourite ride
    Millennium Force, Cedar Point.
  • Favourite Theme Park

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Sussex
  • Interests
    Coasters, Art, Film.

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About Me

Hi. I'm Leigh...

Not really sure what the reason for the username was now. I used to do animation, and it had something to do with that I think.

Some shizz about me that might be a bit more interesting:

1) I have helped Thorpe with the Saw and Swarm viral videos, which was sorta fun....

2) Erm, I do a lot of video editing, including a lot of stuff for Coaster Force.... Saw, Wild Asia, Ghoster Force 5/6/7, Th13teen and Paultons. Probally do one for Swarm.

3) I do Art. A lot of Art.... building and painting stuff like the (working) Hollywood Tower Hotel Sign, Bates motel, Amity style stuff... then add lighting and music to the magic.

4) I like 50's and 80's tunes aswell as film scores and Country. I also have a special liking to our Swifty!

5) Is followed by the numbers 3, 9, 13. If you can work out wtf they mean tell me. I could provide you a list of the times this has poped up.



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