It will be very busy, well today there was 14,000 people in the park and according to the boards, 5 rides had queue times over 99 mins.And I don't wanna sound like a idiot or anything and its cool people are making an effort to get photo's of Dylan and that, but do we really need as many photos as we are getting of it!? Its a muddy area with some Portacabins, and some JCB's with a few concrete rings. I thought we were all rollercoaster fanboys, not JCB fanboys. Surely the photo updates aren't gonna be remotely interesting for a good few months yet.In other news fairly good day today, was quite a lol. Did Loggers 3 times, Stealth front row, Vortex, Quantum, the usually small crappy rides. The Colossus nets are hidious but I still think they would look good with greenery.