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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Ellie


    Ahh yes, biology revision here, I sympathise greatly!
  2. Ellie


    I suggest using white shorts and a black felt tip pen. Best get on with it though, might take a while...
  3. So, after my exams I only go to lessons that I'm taking at A2 next year meaning I only have three subjects. This is good as I have maximum two lessons a day. It's horrific, however, because I now have two days with a four hour gap between lessons, with nothing to do! I can't even go shopping or anything... my college is in a tiny town... hm.
  4. Ellie


    Ahh, well done Holly! where is that?
  5. I wore all black converse at my school. Win.On another note, people only care about you or your life when you're being happy or funny, not when you're feeling rough or sad.I hate people. Not everyone, just people in general.Edit: Lol, how ironic
  6. I don't even care. Because you WILL be there.
  7. My pass runs out the day after!! So lucky
  8. Don't you just hate two faced hypocrits. Those people who bitch about someone, then are nice to their face. And those people who promise something, then turn round and do the opposite.Anyway, my rant is about being stressed. I've been quite stressed the past month or so and I've been dealing with it in my mind really well! But now my body is showing my normal signs of extreme stress including my hair falling out in my hands (which I know a little bit a day is normal, but this is more than usual), scalp condition brought on by stress, headaches etc. Ohh this is fun!
  9. Ellie


    Just compared the mm side of two of the same brand rulers. One of them is longer than the other! As in, the markings, not the actual ruler. Which one am I meant to believe?!
  10. Ellie


    DOUBLE POST.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8aprCNnecU
  11. Ellie

    Youtube Videos

    Hey guys,So I just found this video... It's interesting timing for me to find this as a week ago my friend told me that she was told she may have skin cancer on the sole of her foot. She had a hospital appointment to get the results of her tests on friday. When I asked her the results she said she'd tell me some other time. Whether she has it or not, it shows that cancer really can and will touch all of our lives.Please pass this video on and let other people know.
  12. Ellie


    Big spider just crawled across my wall. I clapped my hands as they usually just stop moving but it jumped down to the floor under my bed... LOL. Niight
  13. Well in a big group, we can both be on top
  14. Can we make an attending list? My name at the top of course
  15. You don't get thanked for everything you do in life. You should do things for the gesture, not the thanks.
  16. Ellie

    Nicki Minaj

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JipHEz53sUAs fake as she is, hot in this video! With the pink hair, mmmm...
  17. LOL. Love this! My school was seen as the school for rough, slutty girls but it was always the grammar school girls that wore their skirts like that, we were decent! And we hated them
  18. Ellie


    I take your Neil Morrissey and raise you... Steven Morrisseyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpkPWwTJTSw:(
  19. Nah, I understand the reasoning etc. but he just didnt derserve it. Very intelligent post though
  20. May be controversial but I dont think he deserved a religious funeral. I feel his soul was too evil to be deserve the comfort of a religious ceremony.I also wish they'd burned his body, I don't feel comfortable knowing he's still... all in one piece. Like the want to shoot a dead person, just to make sure they're dead, even though they're laying in a pool of their own blood and not breathing (as seen in films )...
  21. Ellie


    Combining our two favourite things...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Eb-lUF-Ugs
  22. Ellie

    This Or That

    I was thinking when I started writing 'Don't forget the 'this or that' part.' Fail. (I cant answer yet though so it's still..)Aluminium or Mild Steel?
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