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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Ellie


    http://www.apple.com/uk/ipad/#smart-cover mind = blown
  2. The tipping out water from the boats is a temporary solution until they get the water vacuums in.I always expected the positioning to look as bad as it does. It looks like someone put a bed in the middle of a bedroom at an awkward angle. It's just wrong! I like the station though and how you can look onto the station from the corner. AND that they have put down some lovely looking grass on the little seating area.
  3. Spoke to a woman today who said they should've been up and running today but it just wasn't working and was told they'll be ready by Thursday. She wasn't too keen to believe it though and it is Thorpe Park, can you blame her? :oThey're not sure if they can get Storm Surge on ride photos because of the speed they spin but they could always put it at the end, like Rumba?
  4. BK in Creek was closed, BK by Rumba was open. On the plus side, unlike usual, the food from BK was hot compared to a bit warm!!
  5. Ellie


    Some old lady threw up at work today. Mhmm.
  6. Ellie


    The sun is always bright and summery. We just cant see it!
  7. That was disgusting! My stepdad called him a crybaby and then realised it might actually have been quite bad. Then he laughed at the idea of him being out for the rest of the season. Chelsea fan right there...
  8. Ellie


    If you don't like random comments, don't read the random thread.
  9. I (oh look there I go again (and again ) know exactly where you're coming from.
  10. Ellie


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxDlC7YV5isYes, it's kinda old. Yes, I'd heard it before. But I'm currently addicted to his version of Paparazzi
  11. Ellie


    Sorry for the serious post but...I'm doing a hunger strike for 8.5 hours tomorrow in memory of Orlando Zapata Tamayo and to raise money for Amnesty International. It'd be amazing if you would sponsor me!! :)Sponsor page:http://www.justgiving.com/ellie4amnestyOrlando Zapata Tamayo
  12. Ellie

    News Desk

    Awesome, thanks Marc!
  13. Ellie

    News Desk

    Just in case it hadn't been noticed; the attending lists aren't working. Not sure if this due to the switch over and if it's just me but thought I'd point it out
  14. The first time I ever went to Chessington! ...and zoo.(Why does Chessington etc filter to Chessington :|)
  15. Ellie


    Once again, well done Ricky! Will be coming to see you.
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