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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. If you call up, they ask you a load of questions and if they want to give you an offer, it'll be verbal over the phone and is only guaranteed for a certain period which varies for every uni! You then have that time to decide and add it to track. Only add it to track if they give you a verbal offer though otherwise you'll get an immediate decline. The earlier you do it the better but if someone gets a few verbal offers and doesn't accept the offer where you want to go, that space might open up again. It's at the discretion of admissions to accept you below their typical entry requirements. Best to call up and ask! I called several admissions departments last year, they're always very helpful!
  2. Although a uni goes into clearing, that does not mean they will accept ABB. My friend had AAB and Durham didn't want her! Clearing vacancies are also adjustment vacancies and adjustment is for when students do much better than they expected and have the opportunity to get into a better university, therefore may be applying to places like Durham with the typical entry requirements. Clearing can mean someone held an AAA offer elsewhere and they missed this, achieving AAB (or A*AA down to AAA). Many well qualified students end up in clearing too. I'm very glad I didn't have to go through clearing, it's a messy process! But I was very concerned I would be and so made sure I was fully prepared for how it works.
  3. The reason more people who miss their offers are being accepted is to do with this new policy which allows universities to accept unlimited numbers of applicants who achieve ABB, above or equivalent, without being fined for doing so. It's to ensure that 'first class' unis fill up sufficiently, leaving 'second class' universities with plenty of spaces for clearing for those who do not achieve ABB+, giving everyone a better chance of getting in. Obviously, it is up to these 'first class' universities as to whether they want to accept someone who hasn't achieved their offer or if they want to go into clearing to see if students with higher grades take those places. (Hope this explanation doesn't offend anyone, it is merely how it was explained to me)
  4. Got my A level results today, achieved AABC and got in to my firm: Exeter uni to study Zoology!! So excited and proud to be going to such an amazing uni!
  5. Ellie

    Post Your Desktop!

    Thanks me too! It's so adorable. wallpaperswide.com in the cartoon section I think. I have a few others from there too that I love!
  6. Ellie

    Post Your Desktop!

    In anticipation of results day, reaching for the stars.
  7. Ellie

    The Smiler

    Fingers crossed it's open tomorrow. I'm heading up there and wasn't aware this was all going on. Booked a ticket for my friend via MAP's friends and family thing on thursday which is non-transferable and was no mention of any trouble with the Smiler. I hate to be 'that guy' but I will complain if it's closed tomorrow. It's a long way to travel and for booking non-transferable tickets with no info on their website/over the phone, it's not fair, especially as they're still advertising it. Should I really need to check a forum every time I plan to visit to see if there are any ongoing problems? Yes, the terms and conditions or whatever state that ride availability cannot be guaranteed on the day (and it's understandable with unforeseen breakdowns etc) but with ongoing problems, it's not difficult to mention it over the phone or put up a clear message on the site! /endrant
  8. Good luck to you too! I have Chemistry F324 and Environmental Studies 4 left
  9. Have an A2 Environmental Studies exam tomorrow for which I have done absolutely zero revision. Instead I'm panicking about the Chemistry exam on Wednesday which I'm not prepared for AND my university place rests on it.
  10. Happy Birthday Tom (Tommy)!! 🎂
  11. Mental health issues can be a genetic thing so I wouldn't necessarily put her attempted suicide down to a bad upbringing.
  12. Ellie

    The Smiler

    This confused me, I thought it meant one of Chlamydia and HIV was a roller coaster. I thought too long about this. :|
  13. Unfortunately, being from Reading, both jobs I've had its been impossible to get time off for fest. That being said, I love Kodaline so much that I intend to go the Friday for them alone! Gutted Imagine Dragons aren't the same day though!
  14. Ellie


    Love the semi colon one, such a nice idea behind it!!
  15. Ellie


    I used to work in a Waitrose store that was on the road known in my town for prostitutes and drug dealing! We definitely saw a fair few chavs, mostly young chavvy kids though. It was great watching my security guy running after them sometimes.
  16. For those of you saying 'only in Britain' and how crazy it is that a spider colony can halt a big project, this is a common situation. People called ecological consultants are regularly hired for big projects like this (for example when building/expanding roads and building new housing) to assess the area and check how it would affect local wildlife. There are lots of rules and regulations that must be followed and so this is just another stepping stone to the project. Ecological consultants can arrange for the transfer of a species and so that's possibly what might happen, providing they can find a suitable location to transport them to. So stay calm
  17. Ellie


    http://theoatmeal.com/comics/dog_paradox Pretty accurate for my dog Roo. Edit: This is pretty funny too (and sad): http://theoatmeal.com/comics/house
  18. Ellie


    I'm wide awake at these hours too but if I have very little sleep (as for college I'm usually up early) I'm buzzing, hyper and alert that day and then it hits me the next and I can barely last the second day. When I first joined TPM I could quite happily live with 4 hours sleep maximum per night, I was typically awake til 4am with Hepburn! I never felt tired, the only difference was the purple under my eyes. Nowadays, I couldn't do that at all!! Eventually your body just can't cope any more. Annoying really, I inherited my late body clock of sleeping/getting up late and I like it that way!
  19. It started as sporking with Chris and I but I turned it into spooning I've heard it had some weird rules?! Hope you guys haven't ruined my game
  20. I hope it was made clear who the spoon game originated with.
  21. Ahh! Hidden away, nice one Ryan. I'm not intending to go, just being nosey
  22. Don't know if this has been mentioned, but I was having a nosey on the booking page and it seems you can't book without buying a ticket? I can't see a way to book if you have an annual pass. I'm guessing if you called up, there's probably a simple way round this, but it does seem a bit annoying really.
  23. Hiya! Thought I'd just share a girl's point of view! I'm a size 16-18 and am 5'4, not sure on chest measurements but not exactly small! Some rides are particularly uncomfortable on the chest, I'm thinking Vortex (very hard restraints with firm pressure) and Samurai! Most others aren't too bad. Depending on if you carry weight around your hips/lower belly or if it's just wide hips, you may find Rush a bit uncomfortable (but saying that, I've been able to sit a little forward, giving myself space while locking restraints before relaxing, without a problem). These are the main rides that come to mind! It sounds to me like you should be fine, and it's more the comfort that might be an issue. Ride attendants are usually more than happy to give a good push to make sure you are perfectly secured to ride, not that you'd need it! I've seen this on Rush most.
  24. For anyone that was interested (if anyone at all), my scans were also inconclusive. So with both tests inconclusive, she assumed I have the genetic disorder which is mild ATM. I asked what they could do for me and the response was just hormonal contraception, even though for many of the symptoms I know there is other stuff available. I'm really disappointed with my GP's response but, aside from a few pains, it hasn't been anywhere near as bad as it was in December thankfully. If it does come back severely again I'll have to get the implant. Oh joy.
  25. Ellie


    I once helped a passed out lady on the side of a road and barely remembered any first aid training from brownies! Tip 1. Don't crush their glasses. I signed up for the next available course at college and paid £40 for the privilege!! Just because I wanted to be more prepared as it always seems to be me that's first to help someone! If your employer is willing to pay for it I'd say do it. The certificate lasts for a few years and if yours is first aid in the workplace (which mine is) you can show future employers and they may pay you a bit extra for it! I haven't done so for my job because some places require you to do their own course. Good add on for a CV though Also, once you've seen one unconscious person it's super easy to spot the fakers!!
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