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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Ellie


    I saw the advert for this on FX and it looks really cool. It starts tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10pm
  2. Ellie

    Youtube Videos

    I love the song, the video, and Psy. From what I've seen of tv appearances, he seems a really sweet person! The only thing that annoys me is when Psy and the two girls are walking in the foam, the girl on the right is hiding. It ruins the whole shot, especially because Psy's really going for it!
  3. Ellie


    This is an absolutely gorgeous song. I've had it on repeat the past few evenings The video makes me cry every time too. Also, I quite like this Katy Perry song but I found it awkward to listen to at first just because of the story behind it. But I got over that!
  4. Sorry nobody replied, we get lots of these on our forum. It's always good to have a search through before posting. Hope it went okay anyway!
  5. I hate people. People suck. People in general are pathetic, unreliable and selfish.
  6. It looks like schools aren't back til the Tuesday so some people may have the same idea as a before school treat! I'm not really sure but that's my guess.
  7. Tensions are high in the Big Brother house TPM.
  8. It's funny that if it's about someone else it's 'inoffensive' but something by someone else is offensive. Everyone is as bad as each other in the sense that everyone says/does things that others don't like and everyone gets stressed about it. Don't try and make it seem like you're the better of two sides here.
  9. That was probably the only perk of working at a supermarket. At the end of the day going over to my friend on Patisserie to see doughnuts for about 10p. Yes please!
  10. Got into an argument in the cinema today because some woman thought it was a good idea to take a 4 year old to a 12a film and let him climb over three rows of seats and shout and jump on/punch chairs without even attempting to make him stop. And then she had the nerve at the end of the film to say I was in the wrong for getting an attendant, while he was punching and shouting her. And yes, she told me he's 4...
  11. I think the Shard looks amazing but its going to be £25 per person to visit the viewing platforms!! That's £6/7 more than the Eye and if I'm honest, if it wasn't for my AP I wouldn't go on the Eye either so the Shard is just too much for me. Disappointing but expected.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-berkshire-18663636 FFS...
  13. 1. Only parts of ride were in focus- my favourite bit The music just because I like the song! The voice was quite similar to the actual adverts so keeps consistent with other adverts 2. The wiggling letters were childish The panning of the park was a nice idea but too simple and boring Didn't like the 'looks too good to be true' comment but I can't say anything more constructive about why 3. No because I don't know anything interesting about it from the advert- why is it different from other parks? 4. Doesn't say what kind of park; family or thrill? How can I find out more about it? Phone number or website? I hope you don't feel my comments are mean and hope they're useful
  14. This is interesting as I said something about this in the survey! I'm obviously not the only one. I'm impressed Merlin are doing something about this so soon, even if it is a trial! Nice to know they're responding to feedback.
  15. I have never paid full price for a merlin annual pass (tesco points/staff discount) but the last time I saw, I don't remember them being that much! They were at one point £120 for sure. Just checked the Thorpe Park website and it's £156 on the day... For a standard. It's £192 for a premium on the day, almost £200. That is insane. And just to add, last year I only paid £62 for a premium annual pass (not sure if it was a renewal) with staff discount which I think was a lot lower than I expected. Maybe somebody made a mistake or maybe it was a renewal and the discount was on renewal price. Either way, that was way better than £192...
  16. Couldn't find where to post this so put it here instead. How long has it been since it became £35 to upgrade from standard to premium merlin annual pass?! It used to be £30. Have I missed this or is this new? And how long has a standard pass been £140.40 per person when at one point passes were £120?! This is just getting ridiculous, whether or not anyone tries to respond with 'they need to increase prices to keep up'.
  17. Ellie

    Video Games.

    Nope because it's used WITH the wii as a controller rather than a separate games console. I am not a fan of the idea so far...
  18. Ellie


    Yea, I've been quite tempted to go myself with some friends! My work friends threw around the idea but we've not gotten around to it! It could be demolished at any time though, so it's not a permanent attraction. And of course, it's quite pricey! Looks a bit like the mall in Left 4 Dead 2 though, haha!
  19. Ellie

    The Banning Game

    Banned for having the same name as a country. How awkward for them. Benin does look like a penis though so they kinda got their revenge.
  20. Ellie

    The Banning Game

    Banned for being too friendly!! I mean 'keep smiling' as a signature? Really? Where's the hate?!?!?!!
  21. I feel this is an appropriate post from someone who is suppose to encourage other members to welcome newcomers. (Someone edited my post to change the meaning! Changed it back.)
  22. Ellie

    Youtube Videos

    So who remembers these guys?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYwyaCd8MyIhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1K0pUSSFUo'What I did was your fault somehow'. Genius.
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