bieber. :PWe would also like to remind members that violence towards each other is completely unacceptable and you are lucky that you weren't punished for today. (Aimed at smartguy, this isn't the first time you attacked Matt)These meet's need to be re-thought out, with a proper structure and point to them. Today was a shambles and I am embarrassed that the guy who created this site had no in-put into today's meet up. Marc Simpson you fail. Instead of gathering everyone together, for a photo and ride, you kept to your own little group and left it to us younger members to sort out. I tried to get the photo going but people wouldn't listen to an immature 15 year old like myself.If we are to have meet's in the future, then they need to be sorted out. Today was a disgrace and I feel ashamed that the newer members did not enjoy themselves as I did on my first meet up.Seriously guys, we need to sort this out.