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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. So you think Thorpe should do nothing to increase their gate figures and in turn profit? Thank God you're not in charge of the park!
  2. ^ I think there'd be a bigger problem if the park had 3 hour queues in July... Give them a chance to try it out, if they didn't believe it could've worked they wouldn't have spent a lot of time and effort on it. If it works then it could be really good for Thorpe and the theme park industry as a whole. If it doesn't work then oh well and at least they're trying new things.
  3. Yeah they cancelled it to make some changes ready for their next trial on Friday.
  4. They haven't done any since Monday and are continuing on Friday I believe.
  5. Like has been said, they don't have the room to strip down 2 cars at once. They can store 2 yes, but not strip them down.
  6. I seriously love you.
  7. Tree Trains? That might be their problem...
  8. Looks like fun, I'll do it when I'm back tomorrow
  9. Yeah they were there yesterday when I went. It was so random and obviously Windows 8 was failing in their demo, but you can never turn down free ice cream, even if it means having to use Windows 8 for a few minutes.
  10. They were some of the best dodgems I've been on, though I haven't been on many, and well they are just dodgems at the end of the day. Was also quite fun when my car decided to have a mind of it's own and started going sidewards!
  11. The dodgems are very good and quite fast. 4D cinema is fantastic and the effects really do make it a great experience.
  12. ^Click the timestamp on the tweet so it comes up like this https:// twitter. com / JasonPWills / status/466193546312441856 (added spaces so it doesn't embed, for example) then copy that link straight into your post. EDIT: You got it
  13. Looks good, the theming looks alright too.
  14. Ryan


    Godalming, Surrey represent.
  15. Ryan


    ^ They'll probably open it as soon as they can.
  16. Ryan

    Youtube Videos

    Surely it's fake...
  17. Ryan

    Youtube Videos

    This is so cool, can't wait for Watch Dogs
  18. Don't think so, I'm sure the Shark Hotel would be used as a cheaper option accommodation.
  19. http://thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/16-05-2014/Resort-Submit-Hotel-Plans Plans for new hotel have been released
  20. You've only seen a tiny bit of it!
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