They may be playing to a shameless generation, but this is one 'fan' who is ashamed of this map, and the endless failures in Thorpes PR machine.Looking through the screen caps, some things are actually clever, and well thought out, others are simply reckless and cavalier - which leaves one image so out of place that it becomes distasteful.This poor guy (and I have seen this for real in Blackpool) is being made a fool of by people in the shop.Drug induced stars?Looks like beer bottles at a Theme Park is acceptable?Quite humorous actually.The minister who blessed Stealth is a clever inclusion.No ideas about this one.Gay cowboys?As JoshC pointed out.... no doubt whats happening here with trousers, tshirt and pants lying on the grass.And finally, to ensure they comply with all of the minority legislation requirements we have this guy.As most of you know, I do have a pretty good sense of humour, am pretty open minded and certainly not a prude. However, for a Global Corporation to endorse such publicity is beyond my comprehension. The website was bad enough, but I bit my tongue and said nothing. The map is something which will have been printed in hundreds of thousands, and distributed to all visitors to the Park, and will form part of the lasting memory of peoples visit - I am sure that most people have a collection of maps from places visited. How will this map stackup in the grand sceme of things in the future .... I suspect not that well.As Steve said, Sort it out Thorpe.