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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. Despite last night's storm, and having to open almost an hour and a half late, apparently Thorpe were able to eventually open all rides with the exception of Tidal Wave and Samurai today.
  2. Joking aside, power cuts happen. They lead to rides being closed. It's unfortunate, but will happen from time to time.
  3. I'd like to think there'd be random, unannounced, soft openings to help get timings right and the like. Whether they'll have enough time, given that the huge, train-like, thing is still sat outside the building, is a different matter though.
  4. A CF one of New Revolution is up now, and features the same "story" VR-wise... Should be noted that the VR in this video, as well as the one above, is not the same as the rider's are seeing, hence why they're out of sync. Still, the quality seems rather poor. And, naturally, throughputs have been badly affected, and there's reports of anything up to 8 minutes between dispatches on Dare Devil Dive... In other news, Bobbejaanland have been trialling their VR experience on Revolution: http://www.looopings.nl/weblog/5184/Nieuwe-virtual-reality-achtbaan-Bobbejaanland-zorgt-voor-lange-wachttijden.html The VR coaster experience seems to be called Mount Mara, so they seem to be quite big on splitting the two experiences apart. But with an hour long queue (which for the park is huge), 10 minutes between being given the headset to returning it, reduced capacity (though not THAT big an issue on a 60-seater train...) and battery issues, it's still got all the usual concerns.
  5. One thing I find interesting about your views is this... So you spent a long time before the stated release time refreshing the page, trying to get tickets. What would have happened if you were one of the people who got the 12p tickets before they sold out? Would you be complaining then? I doubt it. And what would you be saying if they released them at 10am dead, and you had missed out on a ticket simply by being a bit too slow / unlucky? Would you be complaining then? Maybe, but there's nothing you could do really. With such a limited number of tickets, they were of course going to sell out ridiculously quickly. And many people were going to miss out. And many people were going to be disappointed. This whole thing was to get publicity, and it's done that. Why? They were under no obligation to do this in the first place. Offering more tickets at 12p means that people will miss out again and get all the more angry over it. Simply put, no one is any more deserving or entitled to the tickets than anyone else. It's disappointing that this mistake happened, and Thorpe should try their best to make sure that this sort of mistake doesn't happen again.
  6. So this opened yesterday, and seems to have good reviews so far, despite some awkward pacing during the ride. For anyone interested, I'd suggest looking at the park's Snapchat (walisnaps), which shows the opening ceremony. Fireworks, confetti, dancers, actors, live performances, the lot. They certainly know how to open a ride it seems!
  7. I don't spy a to scale Derren Brown resin figurine. Much disappointment.
  8. Ah yes, I remember now. It's been a while since I've had to use that main queue extension
  9. Unless my memory is failing me, I'm pretty sure that you only pass Swarm and Saw's queue line shops once (same for Inferno and Colossus too)? So I don't think it's something which has quite 'caught on' at Thorpe.
  10. It was themed on a depot near Willesden Junction.
  11. Not yet; but it has been testing over the past couple of days I believe. So fingers crossed it won't be much longer before it opens!
  12. It seems Galactica is having a soft opening today. Source: Adam is on park.
  13. One does have to wonder why they'd stop where they did, given it's always been the plan and the large sum of money they're putting into this thing. Surely the extra few hundred grand to even partially theme it would have been money well spent, and isn't that much when compared to the rumoured £30-40m budget? So maybe it's not even a budget thing, which leaves me all the more curious... It is a shame, as the warehouse is really good, and had so much thought put into it. But the red shed does leave some unflattering angles of the attraction, to say the least.
  14. http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/20-03-2016/Fright+Nights+Nominated+for+3+Awards http://www.scarecon.org/scars---the-scarecon-annual-recognition-awards-2016.html Thorpe have been nominated for 3 SCAR awards. Personally, I think it's good to see that they've been nominated every time for Best Scream Park - quite telling of the comparative quality of Fright Nights all in all. Something which I think is easy to forget.
  15. Phantasialand have posted some lovely photos of Klugheim... Train clearance; looks tight! And some more images from phantafriends.de... Trains! Raik's lift / end of track is fully enclosed. River Quest has also seen some new theming, and in general a bit of love... (Photos from Phantasialand) Still no word - or even a rumours - of an opening date yet for Klugheim, but hopefully not too long left to go! I must say the area to looking a little barren at the moment, but I'm expecting that once the area is 'live', and there's people in the area, music playing, rides running, etc, it won't feel like it at all!
  16. Wasn't that the case with Rita yesterday though?
  17. JoshC.

    Wicker Man

    Literally they could put in a clone of Chiapas and they'd be onto an absolute winner. You don't get that wet and it is an absolute ton of fun.
  18. DBGT won't have any on ride video feature as the map doesn't indicate it. It does have an OR of some description but where, when and how really isn't known.
  19. That's some Derren Brown level predicting there...
  20. Vortex seems to have lost its judder. I rode it once last season and it was really juddery and put me off it for the rest of the season. But today it was really good; one of the best cycles I've had on it for a few years!
  21. JoshC.


    X was running surprisingly well today - don't know if it's just because it was the first ride in ages, but it seemed to be flying through the MCBRs and getting a nice pop of airtime (by X's standards) coming off them!
  22. Went to it today. Very nice ice cream but definitely a premium price for it. Staff in there were a bit...lacking in customer service skills as well, for lack of a better phrasing.
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