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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. James - why not just post it in spoiler tags? Or even better, everyone asking - why don't you just enjoy the maze how it was designed to be and explore it without knowing?
  2. Bare in mind the Screamscape article is literally just a rewording of the Southparks article. As I said before, I've heard that X and the Arena could be making way for whatever comes about in 2016. There's obviously some plan for the Arena, but what, who knows for sure? I'd be very surprised if the Arena and Ranger County/Fungle spot are used for the same ride/development though, given it would take a major pathway away from the park.
  3. Here's me favourites. Made up many of my own categories and didn't include others because why not... Theme Park: Thorpe Park Coaster: The Swarm Live Action Scare Experience: Face it Alone Film: Silence of the Lambs Film Series: Harry Potter Film Genre: Horror Book: 'Animal Farm' - George Orwell Book Series: Harry Potter Book Genre: Nothing specific really (chucked the category in for symmetry compared to films) Food: Spaghetti bolognese Drink: Banana smoothie TV Show: The Simpsons (newer and older seasons; like most of them) Restaurant: Any decent curry place that serves hot curries / Nandos Item of clothing: I like underwear. Never leave the house without wearing a pair. And because I'm a mathematician, it would be a shame if I didn't include some mathematical things... Area: Algebraic Number Theory Theorem: The Fundamental Theorem of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups (FTFGAG, for short) Conjecture: Goldbach's Conjecture Proof: Showing that there are infinitely many prime numbers. Maths-orientated leisure book: '17 Equations that Changed the World' - Ian Stewart
  4. Yeah, they sometimes do that as well. My experiences have more been an actor simply hiding in the darkness and banging on the fencing. But yeah, is a shame it's so dark!
  5. It's from Saw 5, so comes just after the Mausoleum room (the smoky room with heavy chains and a metal thing in the middle) and before the corridor which leads to the Carousel room. It's usually very dark and only lights up the table, meaning you miss most of the theming. Sometimes you'll hear a swinging pendulum in it though.
  6. Some photos from inside Saw Alive and Studio 13 from Scruffy Dog's Facebook page (spoilered for obvious reasons)... Scruffy Dog refurbished Saw Alive (the bathroom scene certainly looks fresher!), as well as designed and produced Studio 13. Those sets in particularly are exquisitely themed! Also, a couple of photos from Thorpe's Twitter about the 'Extra Cut' overnight experience...
  7. With regards to the naming of Nemesis Inferno... http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/10112-ert-nemesis-inferno-10th-birthday-celebration/page-6#entry162079 In other words, it won't change it's name any time soon. Not really necessary or anything and Inferno has it's own separate identity to Nemesis these days.
  8. Music and audio is something Thorpe have largely gotten right every time. Ignore the cheap pop music that was chucked onto rides near the entrance and the entrance itself, and Saw's perhaps slightly too well-fitting audio, and I think everything is spot on. IMA Score are great and would love to see them do something at Thorpe, but I imagine they're quite expensive to work in comparison. Given how well Thorpe usually are at making their own music, I'd much rather see IMA Score only used once or twice.
  9. There's Ten Inversion / Ten Ring Roller Coaster in China, which is an exact clone of Colossus. There's also Altair, at Cinecitta World in Italy, which is a newer version of Intamin's 10 inverting coaster. It's not an exact clone, but close enough. That one has Lao bar restraints.
  10. Not surprised the park are ignoring you since you told them you "enjoy watching it fail". Not the best way to be listened to, is it?
  11. Okay, as promised, my review of Fright Nights from Friday evening (all my opinions on Reserve n Ride will be in that thread though). As ever, there will be spoilers; you've been warned! I'll review 'em as I did them during the night... My Bloody Valentine I dunno about this maze at all. I loved Experiment 10 in 2011, and I know it wasn't a 'one tricky pony' for me. It was awful in 2012 (indeed, I remember my first thoughts after doing it then were 'Thorpe have successfully ruined a great maze'. Last year, MBV was okay (at best) in its own right, and had potential, but needed a lot of work. Unfortunately, that work hasn't happened. The starting talk once again is a very nice touch. However, they've moved away from the film's story a bit, which is a shame (especially since it makes the maze make less sense overall). But something like that won't make a maze terrible. The hospital scene is beautifully themed, but being at the front, I got no actor interaction at all, which is a shame. After being directed right, we were occasionally pushed into some of the old isolation cupboards, and then told to get back out - definitely a nice touch. Crawled through the tunnel and an actor was banging on top at the exit of it. That bit works well actually, so no complaints from me. Carry on through the maze a bit more a reach an inflatable thing which means you have to duck under. I can see what they've tried doing here, but it just doesn't work. If you've crawled through the tunnel, if feels like a cheap knockoff of that, and it just doesn't alarm you. Wandered round a bit more, through the forest, and then into darkness. Made our way past some stuff and then encountered one or two actors shouting before leaving... Lack of actors, no real ending and just no real major scaring happening. I just don't get how it's rated 5/5 for scares; it's not long and it's not particularly scary. Maybe I've become desensitised to the whole thing a bit, but I somehow doubt that when I've done other mazes in past more times and still been got by them. This maze needs some SERIOUS rethinking. 4/10 Cabin in the Woods My favourite maze at last year's Fright Nights. Great theming, really clever idea and good actors. The ending needed work, but hoped that would be rectified. This year, the maze lacked the clever idea which made it work oh so well. The idea of choice was lost a bit, and whilst there were multiple routes still, it felt like a gimmick than part of the story, Last year, you would choose a door, then close it behind you and see what happened. This didn't happen this year, leaving us with loads of open doors, empty rooms and a very 'meh' first half. I ended up finding the control room again (not difficult when the door was wide open and not particularly concealed anyway!), and it didn't work. Oh. However, the second half really picked up. Tonnes of actors, clever tricks and lots of in your face scares. It captures the chaotic feel from the facility in the film, which is great. There were an awful lot of clowns on my go, so I do hope that they mix it up a bit on different days (just for the sake of it). However, much like last year, the ending just sorta happened. Okay, so there were loads of actors, but it still doesn't feel like the maze should end there; it just feels like it's been cut off. All in all, still a good maze that I do enjoy, and it's great to see that they've mixed things up a bit with it. Needs a couple more actors in the first half of the maze and an actual ending to improve it though. 6.5/10 Studio 13: The Motel Finally, The Asylum has kicked the bucket. It's no secret that I thought the maze was long overdue leaving, and I was glad that they decided to go with something that has potential for a great story. I was worried this would become 'Asylum Version 1.3' (pun intended), and hearing that the chainsaw ending had returned made me a bit more worried about that. But alas, I kept an open mind. I'm glad they decided not to encourage hands on shoulders. It makes things work a bit better, and suits the idea of 'touring' a movie studio (where you would naturally walk around in groups). I love the opening scene; great nod to the previous 12 attractions and solidifies the idea of Fright Nights being a time when Thorpe Park produces horror films. Plus, I'd love my own copies of all those posters, because they all look awesome.. The actual acting in there was great as well; made you realise the tour was going to be more sinister, adds some story and puts you on edge. The next scene, the Reception, is a bit of a waste. The surprise of the receptionist appearing works, but then nothing other than a flash of light happens during the time. I just think more could have been done with the space really, but hey, at least it keeps in line with the story. We then move onto some sort of editing room I guess, which shows just how well themed this attraction is.. Turning round and seeing some fences and boxes, I was beginning to wonder whether the rest of the maze would end up being 'Asylum 1.3', but I was pleasantly surprised. Reached the blood stained dressing room, and the actor particularly enjoyed playing with 'Lucy', the dead doll in front of the mirror. This actor also picked on us all, which was great. Moved into the actual film set now, and was greeted by some hillbilly family who threatened us, ganged up on everyone and so forth. The next few scenes seemed to just be meandering around some bits which feel lifted from Asylum, whilst seeing the occasional plaque saying which scene we were entering. I didn't mind too much though, as with very little strobes and a different story line for the actors, it didn't feel like Asylum at all. I was at the back, and there were times during this bit I was blocked by actors and left it catch up with the rest of the group. Eventually, we came across 'Scene 13' (which I think was called the bedroom scene or something?), and I somehow knew this was nearly the end. Couple of actors, plus a blooded doll tied onto a bed. There was lots of screaming and shouting and blame going around the place. Being in the room felt chaotic (indeed, I'd say this scene felt more chaotic than Asylum ever did, somewhat ironically!). We then made it down the final corridor and I enjoy seeing all the posters plastered over the walls, for like two seconds... I expected there to be the Director at the end of this corridor, revving his chainsaw to make us run out, showing that this was his Studio, and we were at his mercy. But nope, the horror film spilled out into real life, as behind me, I hear the revving of a chainsaw. Turning around, I see some crazed hillbilly laughing manically, running towards us with a chainsaw in hand. Definitely the encouragement I need to get a move on out! Might not be as effective for people nearer the front, but hopefully (due to the free flow nature), this isn't too much a problem. Definitely think it's a good ending, which feels fresh compared to Asylum's one, despite the fact it's a very old and clichéd way to finish. Great maze overall, and definitely up there as one of my favourites. There's a couple of dead scenes with the theming, but for the most part, it's exquisitely themed. Add a bit more to the Reception scene and I think Thorpe have an absolute winner of a maze on their hands. 8/10 (NB: After reading some reviews from last weekend, it sounded like there were strobes for the majority of the maze on some nights. This wasn't the case on Friday. There was the odd strobe here and there, but for the most part, it was lit in such a way that makes each scene work beautifully). Saw Alive Feels weird to be saying that this is the park's oldest maze now. Even weirder to think that it's now in it's 5th operational season. I don't actually have much to say about this. The maze is consistent and fun. But it needs some story and some fresh ideas. It makes good use of loud noises, smoke and lighting. It has good theming. It has an okay ending. But it needs something to tie this all together. Story, a trick, interactivity, something. Or failing that, just a ton of actors and a full out intense experience. It's a fun maze, but it needs something new to keep up with the rest. 6/10 Blair Witch Project Last year was a bit of a miss, if we're being honest. Great idea, just poorly executed. The news of a new ambient track, along with the fact that the park decided to keep with this, meant that there was chance to make the idea work. Simply put, I liked BWP this year. Plenty of actors, and they all kept with the idea of the film. There's loads of suspense. There's really dark points. Places where you feel truly isolated. The actors keep you on edge, and their scares leave you feel nervous. One thing which I liked was one actor creeping up behind me during the safety talking and just whispering in my ear and give me a nudge, before running into the darkness of the maze. That worked so well. It was also great to see loads of actors simply darting between the trees, but not revealing themselves to the front of the group. Clever, keeps people nervous, but also interacts with the whole group. Kudos also to the actor who was shouting 'WHERE'S JOSH!?'. I said 'I'm Josh', before quickly realising that Josh was a character from the film. The actor remained in character well, and shouted at me 'Where's the map!?!' (again, keeping in line with them film, where the character Josh loses the map) before running around and targeting other members of the group. The finale was fun. Lots of smoke and three actors in the shed. Works well and better than last year. One actor accidentally poked me in the eye whilst trying to scare me. After the entire group had exited the shed, she came out and walked towards me specifically (possibly to check I was alright). After seeing I was smiling and fine, she remained in character brilliantly, made lots of noise and screaming before going back towards the shed.. All in all, good fun. Thorpe really hit the nail on the head with this one and I really enjoyed it. 6.5/10 Couple of other words: -Didn't see any of the roaming actors. Seemingly just was in the wrong place at the wrong time, which is a shame, as they look pretty cool. -Disappointed by lack of theming. This is a must to create an overall feel to the place. However, the audio this year was fantastic, so at least there was some sorta Fright Night feel about. -No actors in queue lines this year? Can't say I'm not disappointed. However, I can understand there could be restraints on this. Face it Alone As usual, can't say much on this (especially since I signed a waiver saying I wouldn't, and I fear what The Director would do if I did...). I did Studio 13 this year and it was incredible. Intense, extreme and just incredible. Very different to my experience last year, but I did prefer it this year. Also great that they ensured the experience tied in with the maze itself (which I think happened in all the mazes). Very much recommend it to anyone who likes scare attractions! Thanks for reading. I'll leave you with a photo of me with the famous Thorpe Park Movie Studios Director...
  12. pluk is a right proper Essex lad who is well reem.
  13. Banned for quadruple posting in the 'Drawings...' thread.
  14. Indeed; I hope everyone has a frightfully good time!
  15. I do agree they should have some system for those without smartphones to use RnR. I dunno if there was any system set up during these trials, but if there wasn't, I do hope it is being looked into!
  16. Yeah, I love Face it Alone, but this is too far. I like the idea of it being like a horror film, but when the only way the experience ends is when you complete the 7 hours or they think you're medically unfit to do it, that's a bit too far for me. Like Turtle mentioned, there's a video online about the newer experience. The individuals mention how they get locked in freezers, eat live worms, simulated waterboarding and christ knows what else. I like scare attractions, and would love to try some of the stuff in the States (Blackout looks good, but probably my limit). But this attraction sees the 'line' of going too far, spits on it, then does a 100m dash past it.
  17. How far did the Blair Witch queue actually extend to?! 2-3 hours must surely be a long way... --- I'm extremely tired, so really can't go into all my thoughts about RnR at the moment. Long story short though... Ny the looks of things, it's being treated as a free Fastrack service by guests, and hence not enough people are using them. This mucks up the quotas the park probably aimed for (giving more to Reserve and Ride guests), which causes loads of problems. If they then tweak this, it means that RnR guests have to queue - defeating the point of the system - whilst still reducing the throughputs of the maze queues. I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but Thorpe need to try RnR with no standby queues. It will give guests the incentive to try it, and make sure that they do actually get full out appropriate feedback on the system. More and more guests are being exposed to the system, so understand the idea behind it. The system is okay (though does seem to have problems still, particularly with not opening at the right time). These trials have given the park something to build - now let's see them build on it!
  18. The Southparks article tells us essentially nothing new... -We've known for a while that the next big thing will most probably be 2016. -Every big new thing since Inferno had been more expensive than the last. -A dark ride has been rumoured for ages. -Merlin love IPs. -Given the visible work happening, the places they list aren't surprising. All just seems very conjecture-based and chucking all the rumours into one place!
  19. Trial is to test the computer system, ensure it works and so forth, and how to communicate it to guests. You shouldn't be able to reserve rides until the queues open at 3pm, I believe.
  20. As ever, if there's no visible work happening on a ride (especially a ride like Samurai where you can see everything), then it's more than likely they're waiting for a part or something.
  21. Has an unhealthy obsession with Nemesis Inferno...
  22. As I've said time and time again, Thorpe need to bite bullet and try it with no standby queue. It's how the system was designed to be used, and creating standby queues and whatnot makes the system more complicated. I possibly think I'd have got moot done last night if it wasn't for the standby queues. Let's hope that next year (or later this year), they can give it a go and see if it works out!
  23. Think Paige makes a good point too, in that the main audience for the film is either in school (on weekdays) or unlikely to visit the park because of Fright Nights. It's supply and demand really - if there's not enough people wanting to watch the film, run it less often. Simple.
  24. You don't know that I benefited from the system failing. In fact, I actually wasted a bit of time today because of the system and its failing. Despite that, I actually managed to get all mazes done and have a very good time. Indeed, it was infinitely more fun than sitting behind a computer tweeting Thorpe Park about why their system is useless when you're not experiencing it first hand...
  25. Quick words till Saturday evening, when I'll post full reviews... Got in all mazes thanks to RnR; wouldn't have done without it. There's some problems with it, but I think Thorpe are overcomplicated it with too many queuing systems. Possible spoilers ahead (worst to best): MBV: I had a leak of actors and it was unentertaining for the most part. How is this the only 5* maze? Saw Alive: Good fun and I enjoy it. Possibly the most consistent maze I've done. Just not as good as the above. BWP: Really enjoyed this this evening. Plenty of actors and they use the space well! CITW: Not as fun as last year, and the idea of being a room and things happening is lost. Still very good though and plenty of actors. Studio 13: Great theming, loads of great actors, nice story that creeps through. Good scares and great fun. Prefer the way the ending is executed too. Face it Alone: Did Studio 13 and it was absolutely ruddy brilliant. Just sheer and utter brilliance and my favourite maze experience to date. Well done to all involved in that!
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