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Everything posted by jjh123horry

  1. Well thats one thing, but not the answer ive got. If no one get the answer by 8:00 this evening, I'm giving the answer
  2. Well thats one thing, but not the answer ive got. If no one get the answer by 8:00 this evening, I'm giving the answer
  3. oh him, lol I had write about one of his stories in english, 'The Tell-Tale Heart' I think it was. So really there are two meanings to the riddle 'Why is a Raver like a Writing-desk?'
  4. Yh thanks, its not there anymore,my mistake Thanks
  5. If so, I learnt it in English It was, kind of, Good try though,Ive got anothertheres a man in a really deep well, and he CANNOT' climb out. If he shouts no-one will hear him, as he is to far down. The only thing that he has in the well is a table.How does he get out?
  6. Heres 1, might be a bit hard. Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk?the answer will baffel and confuse you,
  7. erm, a little notice about the website,I dont know if anyone has noticed, but the title at the top of the screen on the home page says 'Merry Christmas for the Mania Hub Team'.Just wonderin if that was gonna change at all.If you get what I mean
  8. lol, ive been I went tuesday 1st , it was a good day n I cant believe I got my bro on saw the ride n saw alive, hes only 11, n he dont usually go on roller coasters n that
  9. Is it, last time I went in it, it wasnt really that scary, I found the actors really needed some help with well the acting
  10. Hi there, I'm goin on tuesday next week, just wonderin if anyone else is goin, I'm goin with my little bro, n hes gonnna be doin my head in all day, so please if anyone is goin say, I dont want to be a larry
  11. Hi there,Just wondering if anyone is going on June 1st, I'm going with my brother, but hes a bit 2 young 4 my liking. I mean he will go on the rides, but I want someone my ageish to mett up with too :oThanks
  12. Kl, thanks for the info, I'll be goin in there tomorrow
  13. jjh123horry


    Thanks for the replies, great help
  14. jjh123horry


    Just wondering if anyone knows how much fastrack prices are for the following rides: SAW: The RideNemesisColossusX:\NWORushVortexThanks
  15. I'm going tomorrow as it is an inset day, now in the guide it says the queues are going to be quite busy, do you think this will happene tomorrow as most people will be back at work and school???
  16. Quick question, 'The Glass House Bar and Restaurant ', is it doing a 2 meals for £10 offer at the moment, as it did last year. Thanks
  17. I was in that queue, quite boring really. I do feel for the lady that collapsed, did she actually collapse on the stairs or was it outside, my mate who was outside werent to sure. I also found the ride was very bumpy when we left the building, the inside part was okay. I also noticed, the bathroom scene now has better lighting, so people can now actually see it a thing which was a bit of a downfall was the crossbow / syringe part, the gas cylinders were turned off, but thorpe have changed a few things in there, which overall I found was quite good.
  18. jjh123horry

    SAW: Alive

    The gluttony scene is a recreation of the scene from the film, but I think that is it though
  19. I get that all the time, really annoying. I'm also going in the next week, actually it is a week today It will be my first time for the season, n plus I have to go in SAW: Alive, as I have to review it for my school. Just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to review it, as it will be my first time Non the less though, I'm hoping the day will be good, and when I say good I mean rain, coz hopefully the park might be slightly emptier Cant wait
  20. jjh123horry

    SAW: Alive

    You do have to remember that se7en is also based around a 18 movie, the movie se7en. I really think the press should have looked into the parks past history as nothing has been said for se7en. Now I know se7en isnt really that brutle or anything, but the fact that they are just singling out saw:alive really isnt fair in my opinion. But there you go
  21. Quick Question. Are the actors back at all, coz it would quite nice to actually see them in there, as everytime ive been they haven't been in there, which was and is very displeasing.
  22. To right I love that seat, but I think its just the fact that I got to see billy
  23. jjh123horry

    SAW: Alive

    Well if I dont find it good enough when I go, I will contact her
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