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Everything posted by Phyciodes

  1. Phyciodes


    Lol! James and your wasteful posters.
  2. Very constructive criticism there TPAddict!
  3. Phyciodes


    Lot of piano players here. I to play it and love covering songs. Have covered quite a few over my piano playing years
  4. In that case. I'll look out for it in the Simpsons break =]
  5. BBBBRRRAPPPP!!!!!!!!



  6. Phyciodes


    Lol I went to Wales for a week, enjoyed the being there part but its the getting down to work part thats the nuicance.I'm starting to think its about time I changed my dp.
  7. Nice, not a bad ad at all. Wonder if we'll be seeing them appearing on tv's/ cinema any time soon.
  8. Phyciodes


    Lol it was meant as a compliment. I do like some chavy songs
  9. Tbh I was looking through them yesterday and most of them did say Saw the Ride such as pens, t-shirts. I guess the saw films are linked in with the ride as well, hence the saw merchandises are linked in with saw the ride merchandises.I was extremely impressed with the range of saw merchandise on offer! Espeically in such a small shop.
  10. Phyciodes


    WOOO Ryan, I like that song :ninja:Number 1- Tinchy Styder ft. N Dubz, chavvy song and not my usual type but thanks to James Hepburn I have it in my head.
  11. Lol its all these new Rumba effects Thankgod I had a raincoat for cover, lol.
  12. Shame Saw's down again. It was doing pretty well and they seemed to manage to get it up and running fine for the majority of yesterday.
  13. Phyciodes


    I must admit I am very much liking Taylor Swift- Love Story
  14. Something about someone being in a restricted area, a member of staff.Rode Saw 3 times today. It was good fun. Personally didn't think it was amazing but yeah nice addition to the park. My first ride was not so good as I managed to pull the safety bar down a bit too far on the drop which really did make the experience less enjoyable and as James said it did dig into more than my right leg.
  15. Starting to agree with you. Recently I haven't really found it to be much of a thrill but more of as you say a ride that just makes me feel sick. Some times I get the odd ride on Rush that I really enjoy and I used to enjoy it all the time. Don't prefer vortex though, have had too many low swings lately.
  16. Capri Sun. Sunny D has so much crap in it. Ahh I took too long on my post Thorpe Park, when the rides are open that is Saw or Mystery Mine?
  17. Yeah if you have an AP and want to go then go for it. Can see no reason why you couldn't get in.And dj olly c I'm afraid that wouldn't be happening. Seemed to go fast enough through that immelma o me, anyway slowing down may be part of the experience.
  18. Good to see it up and running again so much earlier than I'd expected! The fact that they managed to fix what comes across as a big problem in such a short space of time really is great work!Tbh if it had opened yesterday I would have regretted not going
  19. Omg!! Do not insult Alfonso!! He is the biggest Thorpe ledgend :)Guys u knew it would be down today, if you decided to wait around the Saw area today then thats your choice but theres no point complaining now. Anyway they needed today to sort the problem out, so it couldn't have opened I'm afraid. Still, great to hear it should be opening soon!
  20. yeh I'm good thanks. Oh god tell me about it! Sounds horrible! lol, I'll try it again when they re-open saw =]

  21. Heya, how are you?

  22. Tell me about it! Thorpe seem to get an awful lot of power cuts for a theme park.
  23. I shall not be attending now due to very bad ride reliability
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