Ok another trip report for you guys to feast upon.Got to thorpe today around 9:40ish, place looked packed from the outside. Intended to ride Saw first but it wasn't open so went on Samurai with about a 20 minute queue, during that time Saw opened and half the Samurai queue left to ride it. Anyway went on Samurai then headed over to Saw and went single rider, got on it in about 10 minutes or so. Pretty good ride in the rain . Then went over to Loggers and queue 20 seconds for it if that. Then went to Slammer I think and queued 5 mins.Ok I can't remember or be asked to give details on my whole day so heres a ride count with general queue times from what I saw-Saw- 3, all SR, longest queue for saw was about 2hrs, 30 minsStealth-2, from what I saw it reached about 70 minsLoggers Leap-1, looked pretty dead all dayRumba-1, Around 20 minute queuesSamurai-1, didn't really reach more than 40 minutesSlammer-1, Max about 20 minutesRush-4, Reached about 60 mins but went right down to about 10 mins in the late afternoonQuantum-1, Erm... quietMotor show- 2, Pretty good show, shame it was limited due to weather conditionsThink thats about it, Colossus and Nemesis both looked pretty busy with around 80 minutes queues.Oh yeah met a very interesting Isralian man from Theme Park Review at the park who joined us around the park for about 2 hours