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Everything posted by Phyciodes

  1. Lol I dont think it would be quite the same experience going through a dirty lake rather than a clear blue sea surrounded by sharks/ dolphins
  2. Lol well its all very well saying that but from what I've heard a lot of the rides breaking down yesterday had been open for the last month anyway with thrill chill. The park really should have sorted themselves better for official opening, sounds ridiculous.
  3. Lol any age mate. It really is just a meet up with people from here to ride a couple of rides together.
  4. Ah I have a rant. Which is not really complaining as it couldn't have been helped but more of a DAMN IT! type thing.Just got my computer working again after its been broken for a while, the guy came to fix it yesterday. And it works fine and everything but the whole bloody things been reset so everythings been wiped Should be fun re downloading the whole lot =] Have to check with my dad if he managed to back anything up.
  5. Saws a nice little addition to that map. I guess its being emphasised quite a lot this year as the map shows. Rather than actually having blood dripping down I assume its just a sign to show what sort of ride this is.
  6. Phyciodes


    Erm I doubt you'll be able to find the script from the west end play anywhere online Buy try googling jersey boy scripts and I'm sure you'll get some script, or parts of the script anyway. Whats it for? A play?
  7. Right I was making a general point summarising what everyone else had been talking about.But yes back on topic, it is extremely close now! Time has flown
  8. Completely agree with Mike here!Chavs are all over the place and I think this chav business is becoming a bit of a cliche. I guess at Thorpe chavs are stereyotyped as the ones wearing hoodies, smoking in the queue lines etc, but I personally haven't seen any vandalising going on in queue lines so saying that themeing will be vandalised by chavs is a bit of an over exagerated expression which is doubtful to happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of chavs either, but I feel as if some people are worrying slightly too much about chavs potential dangers, their not all terrible.
  9. Phyciodes


    Yeah heard bout that, aged 65 which really isn't very old at all to die.
  10. It must be counting down to the day of opening rather than the hour of opening.
  11. Phyciodes


    OMG! Who watched Waterloo Road?
  12. Phyciodes


    Just come back from seeing The Killers at the 02. It was actually IMMENSE!!!
  13. Out of all the times ive been with you we're never been on one of these two first, lol.Erm lets see...Mine are-Ride Stealth, if its openGo to the BBQ place- ever since I've started going with Martin anyway xDUsed to ride Quantum first all the time, now I'm not so botheredErm usually go on a watser ride in summerYeah thats all I can think ofI'm mroe of a go with the flow type person =]
  14. Guys I know its getting exciting and everything, but there are quite a lot of questions I've seen here that realy can't be truthfully answered by people here
  15. Oh wow those signs do look sexy :PI am also for the first time quite excited about this, the themeing/experience part anyway, not so bothered about the actual coaster.
  16. Violet Hill! Actually love that song :PBrit Awards or Grammy Awards?
  17. Ok lets try and get a ride count for last saturday,Nemesis- 3 I thinkDetty- 2 or 3Vortex-1Zodiac-1I'm sure there was more than that, my memory fails me. Not a bad day meeting/ seeing people wise. Highligh has to be the Calypso Quay BBQ or whatevers its called
  18. CheeseErm... Chris Brown or Rihanna?
  19. Phyciodes


    Another Man U Victory =]
  20. Phyciodes


    Meh, won't be seeing them anymore :/ Ahh well saves £80
  21. Jesus you still remember your fright night trip. Lol
  22. When the hell did you post this! LOLYeah today was good. I've already had a rant bout the ride reliability in another topic so cba to do it again.
  23. Any lower and it could be a great hazard! The head chopper will be effective in the sense that people will be looking down at it from above and from that angle it'll look like you're gonna hit it.
  24. Yeah some nice pics there. Was nice to see that squeaking sound appeared to have stopped! Its looking very smooth as well
  25. Phyciodes


    Seeing The Killers live at the 02 monday after next. Am actually really looking forward to this!
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