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Everything posted by Phyciodes

  1. Wouldn't you get on well with mr Kanye West
  2. Hey, hey, hey people! This topic is not about arguing, its about people like me boasting over what a great day at thorpe I had whilst everyone else was suck at home xDYeah today was good, part from the maddd journey home :/ Queieng system seems ridiculous to me and is far too confusing, hopefully they'll go back to how it was. Park busyiness wise was moderate today and didnt see any break downs, orightish weather and yeah not a bad day at all xDRide Count-Stealth-2Saw-2Nemesis-1Fish-1Colossus-1Slammer-1Rush-1Zodiac-1Samurai-1Loggers Leap-1 I think that was itCycled from staines to thorpe for the first time and only took 15 mins xD But cause of the bike I had big problems on the way back!
  3. Wow, Law and Ethics and Philosohpy as a GCSE xD Nice one
  4. Phyciodes


    Theres nothing wrong with liking music like that mate, so do I. Anyone who has a go at you for liking that is just being sterotypical. But it aint as good as number one
  5. Phyciodes


    It is a funny film yeah, and a strange change from directing spider man. I still think everyone who watched it had to have felt oh s**t at the ending though, regardless of whether they saw it coming or not.
  6. I'll be going tomoz... providing I can find sum1 to go with, ne1 from here wanna go tomoz?
  7. Phyciodes


    Its the ending that freaked me out lol, and the ceremony was pretty scary when they tried to rid the spirit, the talking goat was quite funny
  8. Phyciodes


    just watched drag me to hell :/ bloody scary
  9. Its later than 11, I think around 12ish they have a lunch break or something then it continues to run but a lot less regularly, something like that
  10. The chances are I will be on park this day but with another big group of people, so if I can il come say hi at some point in the day! If not have a faun day y'all xD
  11. One trip to empty thorpeShawshank redemption or the bucket list?
  12. Lol theres a saw game now! On Xbox/Ps3. Saw an advert for it on youtube.
  13. Grrr Cheryl Cole is over rated.
  14. Proberly going to watch a bit of TV then off to bed, not much else planned for this evening though.
  15. Jeeze thats a whole lot of themeing you got going on But if its what you'd do with the park, then thats fine. The problem with painting nemesis inferno blue is that the " inferno " part is all about fire and the redness and the 'hell' bit. And as its been themed around a volcano it would kinda take away the inferno aspect if you paint it blue, lol.
  16. Nope.Speaking of AP's mine runs out on 6th August Renewel time, (forking out more money time!)
  17. Ahh well with the ****** summer weather we're proberly going to be getting an awful lot of this year it proberly won't be as missed as much as it would be had it been a hot summer, or if the weather was like it was in easter. Saying that the weather could completely change to sun sun sun and it could open tomorrow.
  18. When I grow up I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna write movies!Or however the hell it goesOn a serious note id love to be an actor, and thats not randomely out of the blue ive been doing acting classes for years now
  19. LOl you guys think the securitys tight at Thorpe, get yourself down to Blackpool pleasure Beach!
  20. Phyciodes


    Have recently turned into a Family Guy fanatic xD
  21. Lol I went to Abergavenny on a Geography trip for a week a couple of years back.Anyway... I don't really have any rants, apart from the fact that I have a haircut thats too short, and I think it looks stupid. But I guess itl grow back, anyway bye for now xx
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