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Everything posted by Phyciodes

  1. erm blud. Do you want me to shank you?

  2. lol! I hope we scare the noobs away! And ma sites well boomting you wasteman, bare long making it though!

  3. May as well just add this on whilst on the topic of it.Obama won the elections As expected. Guess most people know, been in the news everywhere today!
  4. you can be my first member :D


    I think I may start a site like that. Only it'll be called- www.freewebs/shutyourmouthblud.co.uk

  6. American Elections today!So will be very interesting to find out the results tomoz!I personally am hoping Obama will win, but am not entirely convinced he will. Polls show him to be in the lead position but polls can be wrong and still his colour could affect the results. With the death of his grandma last night he could be getting the sympathy vote from some.
  7. erm blud... do u wanna shut up.

  8. oh ok I am there. skeen

  9. erm blud... u best put me bk on ur friends list or I'll shank u init

  10. Rocky Express!T mobile or Orange?
  11. Haven't been on Duel so I'll have to stick with tomb blaster.Kingda Ka or Top Thrill Dragster?
  12. Depends what type or whats on it But proberly toastStealth or Old flying fish?
  13. Phyciodes


    Its ridiculos how early some of these things start. Was in a garden centre about a week back and the whole place had been taken over by christmas, with decorations everywhere. And it was only october. Well tbh christmas will come before you know it
  14. Merlin Annuall Pass FTW! Get so much more out of your money than the thorpe one. Saying that I've so far only used Thorpe Park on my annuall pass . But then again I didn't buy it till August and I have the theme park closed season to explore the london attractions. Plus all the discounts it comes with!
  15. Erm... Canon Ebay or Amazon?
  16. waste cadet init, tshh this place is well dry blud

  17. Interesting reading this. Bit late but *claps Tommy* well done for coming out! Brave thing to do!Well I've always been straight.
  18. fine I shall post in the sexuality topic xD

  19. lol you have a failed dp boy :P

  20. Awww poor you Sounds like my experience on air, on my last Alton visit.It was on a school trip a couple of years back which was a really! sucky day. Got on 2 rides! Corcscrew and Congo River Rapids. Queues were harendous! Loads of break downs. We queued about an hour for air and by mistake entered the front row queue, then it broke down and as it was a school trip and their fussy about time we had to leave the queue and return to the school meeting place. What made things even worse was I found out that the group I was originally with who I lost and then had to join onto another group, got on all the major coasters. So yeah very bad day.I still love Alton though
  21. From the rides I've been on Inferno front row in the dark! Amazing! Love the lights in the tunnel. The night breeze adds to the experience as well.Samurais pretty good to, especially with the smoke turned on.
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