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Everything posted by Phyciodes

  1. Phyciodes


    Oh god! Just shows how quickly the season flown by!Yeah 3 days. Really not long. Even though it will open on the 9th November.
  2. Phyciodes


    Bl**dy hell!A prosphetic leg!I pity the person who lost that riding corcscrew. And yeah just a couple of weeks left now =[
  3. Oh nice!Never have been to a Chessington Hocus Pocus but sounds like they've done a lot with the themeing! Fury in the dark sounds good fun with the flames and lit up immelman turn.
  4. I love riding Colossus in the back seats. Being dragged off the top of the lift hill is great! Don't get too bothered by the head banging. Just keep your head back againts the head rest.
  5. Phyciodes


    Oh yeah that was pretty good to Better live though.Well theme park music wise I am a huge fan of entrance music! And vampire theme! And The Fray- How to save a life
  6. Phyciodes


    It Ends Tonight- The All American Rejects
  7. Well when I went with Marc a couple of weeks back we got on zodiac and it failed to rise. They closed the ride and evacuated it. Don't know if that has anything to do with it .
  8. Porridge Circus of Horrors or The Festival of the Bizzare?
  9. They have flames on the fury !Very nice Where are they on top of the lift hill?
  10. Phyciodes


    ! that is really not good! lol. Get well soon! And yeah its freezing cold outside.
  11. Wal MartMr Burns or Smithers?
  12. Banana Custardoasis or blur?
  13. Oh wow I didn't realise there was a huge indoor section and 2 drops before I saw that POV vid. The utube vid I watched only showed the final drop, and all this time I thought it was a really short ride Yeah not the best POV in the world but I can see how great the themeing is! Long ride as well
  14. Lol take ur comments back =D

    *Hands James his comments*

  15. HAHA! yh but I had that chant from the wizard of oz in my head at the time " lions and tigers and bears oh my" And WheatabixGolden Syrup or Maple Syrup?
  16. Saw Lion or Tigers or Bears?
  17. Deal or No DealQuasar or Paintballing?
  18. Just found out about this ride from this topic. Been taking a look at the utube video for it and it does look great fun! Short but thrilling drop from the look of it, themeing looks incredible! And I'd love to get the chance to ride it someday.
  19. HAHA are you refering to the one with the grandma with her grandson telling her he was gay in the yesterday episode?
  20. Phyciodes


    They look real enough to me . Clouds play tricks with your mind.
  21. Phyciodes

    Logger's Leap

    Ahh loggers, what a ride Great length and very enjoyable final drop! One thing I like about loggers is the peacfulness and awayness from the rest of the park. Well the section between the first and second drops anyway. I will miss that next year with the noises of SAW.
  22. Granny Smith Arsenal or Man U?
  23. Phyciodes


    I bought fastrack at Alton once, on airs openeing year, whenever that was, the queue was verging 4 hours or something stupid like that, and we bought the fastrack for nemesis and air, both single. But yeah, Alton obviously do enforce a much better fasstrack system.
  24. Probelry about 40. Whenever the Vampire queue is long I buy fastrack The Chessington Fasstrack really is AMAZING value! I do like the vampire queue line though! And I like the way the ride swings above the queuers heads.
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