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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    This Or That

    Blue ;)Poker Face or Just Dance?
  2. Paul

    This Or That

    WaterThe Sun or The Moon?
  3. Paul

    This Or That

    Being tickled ;)Spanish or French?
  4. I'd love to go but I've got school .
  5. Paul

    This Or That

    Shopping ;)Walking or Cycling?
  6. Paul

    This Or That

    Flying Fish ;)60's or 70's?
  7. Paul

    This Or That

    Tinchy StryderHolly Steel or Shaeen Jafrogoli?
  8. http://www.snapdrive.net/files/600843/Launch.wavIt's a pretty clear recording I found on the forums.
  9. It was annoying, I told my friend all about them only to find they had been removed last week.
  10. I always start the day with Inferno. It's dead over that side of the park until around half ten, so as you say, you can usually get up to 5-10 re-rides if you want without a queue. Last week, we got over to Inferno around 9:45am, and stayed on the ride for 4 laps.That trick has never failed!
  11. True, every time I've been it has had a late opening.
  12. Paul


    I'm in Year 10, and taking Music for GCSE was the best choice I made! The coursework is all pretty easy, as is the listening and theory. (Only if you listen during lessons). The only bad thing is we have to do 30 minutes of listening exercises during every lesson, which are incredibly boring.
  13. Paul


    Listening to Things I Like To Do - Ben Kweller.
  14. Paul

    This Or That

    The AsylumNick or Margaret? (From The Apprentice)
  15. I have quite a few, but on my old computer. Within about a week I should have them all transferred, and I'll try to PM them to you if I can.
  16. Yes. I think it has already been re-timed once, because it worked much better the most recent time I have ridden SAW, whereas it still needs slight adjustment.
  17. Indeed it was. And it has a name! Eclipse whilst at Thorpe, now goes by the name of Peeking Heights.
  18. That's quite a demanding request! :lol:Do you want MP3 files?
  19. Well, it's quite a strong statement to make, as obviously queue times change from day to day, so this is not necessarily always the case.
  20. I would have thought that the discount with the Annual Pass was the same at all Merlin Attractions. It would make sense wouldn't it?
  21. Not at all? Is it only food outlets that allow discount at Thorpe?
  22. Oh I see. Thanks for that.
  23. At least someone knows what I'm on about . I thought noone would understand what I meant.
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