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Everything posted by James6

  1. Just realised the Runaway Train music is used in the current Mcdonalds advert
  2. James6


    Indeed, had a 2 hour humanities exam today, and done so much revision for that, so tired of revision yet got a biology exam on Friday!
  3. James6


    Ahh that's what I should be doing
  4. James6


    *James6 dislikes how quiet the forum is tonight*
  5. Would love to join but unlikely, at least at the moment :(Have fun at Blackgang Chine, been there before It's unique to say the least :oHave a great trip.
  6. I'm afraid, pineapple on Pizza is where it's at
  7. Especially if the queue's were worse than Thorpe's...But anyway, lets say the park is open 10-6 which is common in the summer. There's 8 hours, I find it hard to believe that the queue's were THAT bad.
  8. With all due respect, I'm sure your family aren't theme park enthusiasts, and therefore those of us that are, I'm sure have a much better understanding of the park, rides and there queue's.Of course your aloud to express your opinion but all we're trying to get you to do is open your mind rather than listen to just 1 visit and a few others visits, for YOUR benefit to experience what is (by far compared to Thorpe) the best park in the UK.Also, Thirteen kicks all kinds of ass :oI can see where your coming for with Rita, but if your saying you think there average, to be honest every main coaster it Thorpe is distinctly average bar Colossus which just about scrapes above.^ And to back up Mr Astro, I went to Thorpe last Saturday on a quiet day and experienced 70 mins for Saw and 60 for Colossus, and I was there at the quietest part of the day! Which you just wouldn't experience on a quiet day at Alton, partly down to the size of the place.Plus the actual queue's for the rides at Alton, are in general better, I feel (Except Rita ofc)
  9. Oh wow :oSounds awesome, thanks Benin. Like you say, it's a shame bits like this aren't kept.
  10. There was an old Runaway Train queueline ? Where did it go? Any pictures ?
  11. Thanks , I thought I read that there was somewhere. And there's of course the maintenance area, when I stayed at the Holiday Inn there was a good look at an outdoor part of it with a Bubbleworks boat with the old colours.
  12. Oh wicked, thanks very much :oThe ones that were recognisable were the Skyway train and the Splatapults. Isn't there a storage place near Vampire, or is my memory playing tricks on me ?
  13. Sorry for moving on from the train for a second, just remember something from my last trip, the other day walking into the park there was the area that is hidden from view by the big black fence opposite the picnic area next to Dragons Fury, I saw some bits from old rides but didn't have time to have a good look. What bits of rides are kept there and what other areas at the park are ride bits and pieces kept?
  14. To be honest, I always thought the train was removed years ago, but it was only 1997!^ And sounds likely , thanks. Does anyone have any pictures of the little remaining track, will have to look out for it on my next trip
  15. And a map from that time that'll likely help :oDidn't realise how big an area the railway covered, are there any remnants/ noticeable areas where you can recognise where it was today?Also, anyone care to tell me what "Hawling Hank" was, to the left of the Runaway Train.And no problem
  16. Don't know if this helps anyone figure out the trains route.Also, are any of Vampire's old cars left hanging around anywhere?
  17. Only things I can think of at the moment are:- The cupboards in the queue and on the ride of Tomb Blaster- The horse from rodeo still in it's areaProbably will remember more as we go on Interesting/awesome topic.
  18. James6


    Awesome POV, but gosh the ride looks slow, barely makes it over some of those hills, damn those trims
  19. Also, your going off what people who visit most likely on school trips, one of the busiest times of the year.Listen to the theme park enthusiasts I for example have been Alton 4 times this year and Thorpe for an hour, and in that 1 hour at Thorpe the queue's were worse than any throughout all 4 of those trips to Alton... All we have been trying to get across to you is to not base your opinion of one trip, or what other non-enthusiasts think, and for you to give the best UK park another chance if you want to stand by your opinion, fine.
  20. Here's a picture from last Saturday, the actual animals area/building was definitely complete.Sorry for the poor picture, stupid tree
  21. James6


    That Tesla Coil really does look awesome I assume it'll make the atmosphere in the Station building even better
  22. James6


    Oh wow Really interesting, cheers AstroDan, Are there any pictures of all the queueing areas/old queue when it opened? Would love to see as struggling to picture it at the moment
  23. James6


    That's great news I hope they go through with re-opening it Any idea when?
  24. Oh Halloween Hocus Pocus is an absolute must
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