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Everything posted by James6

  1. ^ Agreed, the location of the ride is great, it's the rest of the area that is the problem.And yes , Runaway re-paint is first on the list
  2. ^^ I don't think that means they never will, it was just good business sense to buy successful attractions and build on them. There still a very new/young company.I would personally go for the Woburn Abbey site, which is actually the other place considered when Tussauds wanted to build a park along with Alton Towers, obviously they chose the Towers in the end
  3. Ah, all these things happening with coasters at the moment, this is a little "funny" though, like everyone else, sounds like the people were ok.Wouldn't like to be stuck upside down for 20 mins with those restraints....
  4. Looks like the park is doing well, good timing as my first visit of the season is this Saturday Looks like Stealth's problems have been sorted!
  5. James6


    ^ Ah ok, I'll try that, thanks :)In other news, didn't want to create a new topic for dodgy looking coasters, but does anyone else think the joint of the pieces of track on the left look really bad... ?And this looks a little strange too...
  6. James6


    Anyone know how to remember 200 words quickly... ?
  7. ^ Agreed, the rides look more terrifying on the show as well, heck even Nemesis Inferno look intimidating! But definitely agree, some of the shots were amazing
  8. sounds very quiet! Hopefully will be similar queue times next Saturday
  9. Just watched the first episode and whilst I thought the actual rides/games looked good, Duncan James I thought was diabolical! A really terrible host! Still enjoyed the show overall though
  10. Just to let you know the last time you will be able to enter is Friday evening and then voting will start, voting will then be closed and the winner announced on Sunday evening
  11. James6


    Apparently it goes off about every 3 minutes. Yet to see it for myself whether it's too little so not many see it, too much so it's annoying, or just right
  12. James6


    Ugh Double posts suck...Apparently the Tesla Coil is now operational :(As well as this it seems that Thirteen's ridiculously poor reliability has actually been sorted with the ride running very well the past couple of days. Well Done Alton for getting these 2 things sorted.
  13. It is rather annoying I agree. I wouldn't actually mind so much for someone like Stacey Solomon, but for people that need to be slapped to another galaxy such as Katie Price, that is especially annoying. It is strange how they could afford fast track but they still get exit access. Only thing I can think of is if they are mobbed in the confined queue area, could cause problems, but yes it is irritating.
  14. Ah ha Thanks very much, I actually remember Honey:ISTK being quite good, but I was like 4.Will have to make room for those shows etc. Also, why is the left side of the BTM queue quicker ?Thanks again.
  15. That's great thanks :DFinding out a ton, basically I am going to try and do everything. Some rides will be fantastic because I had ridden them when I was young and then re-riding them now, and also experiencing all the new ones!Big Thunder Mountain and Casey Jr. were my favourite's as a kid so they are MUST rides Crush is also one I have to experience and therefore am planning on going there for the Extra Magic Hours which you get because of staying at the hotels. Ahh, very very excited
  16. Of course thoroughly enjoyed the 2nd episode yesterday And pleased about a question of mine being asked
  17. ^^ As true as that is about calling someone something behind there backs, he's the Prime Minister, and is supposed to lead and represent our country. For him to go straight in his car, call someone a bigot, talk of the disaster that the interview was and then blame who's idea it was is not exactly great is it?... It seems he can't do anything right, he wasn't exactly popular before that.
  18. http://onride.de/onride-upic354529@fullDifferent angle of the incident:DUnbelievable, you would think that kind of thing is impossible in that day and age, I assume that it's anti-rollbacks holding the train in that position? But seriously, in shock because of this....
  19. Did check for another topic on DLRP but couldn't find one, if it was just me being an idiot, sorry :)Basically I visited Disneyland Paris (or Euro Disney as it was then) twice when I was younger, and I'm visiting this summer and would love to know any tips/ or what has changed. Or even just to discuss opinions on rides and attractions.The most obvious change I can see is that there is now a second park. Also I am staying on-site at Santa Fe (any reviews on this particular hotel?) , I have read that hotel guests can get into the park 2 hours before park opening, does anyone know what rides open/ usually open at this time, and also I read a while ago that hotel guests get extra time after the park closed as well, does this still happen ?Any tips appreciated, but even just to discuss the attractions available/ the resort itself. I personally am looking at it through 2 eyes, going back and comparing it to what it was like all those years ago and riding the ones I could when I was young. But also experiencing anything I was too short for, the most obvious ones that come to mind are Space Mountain and Indiana Jones. Thanks and look forward to what people think of the place I remember as a real life "dream" throughout my younger years, in fact Big Thunder Mountain is the ride that started my theme park/ride loving off, along with the Dragon at Legoland.
  20. ^ I haven't even read it yet and it looks amazing The Phantom Factory is a brilliant name, can't wait for a chance to read it a little later
  21. James6

    Doctor Who

    I feel he potentially could be very good, just so far have been slightly dissapointed with the new series, although as pointed out may be down to new teams learning the ropes So hopefully will continue to improve.
  22. :)The exam is on work/ my work experience/ what I'd like to do in the future. If you/anyone could help would really appreciate understand if it's more effort than you can be bothered to :PBasically I have to write a passage, be able to memorize it and recreate it under test conditions
  23. What an awesome and detailed, love a LOT of those ideas One thing however, thinking about the track and the ride system itself, I doubt the boats would be able to be square. :S
  24. No-one hear by any chance is fluent in spanish ? Got an exam next week which is %15 of my final GCSE and struggling a bit :s
  25. Well, it's cheaper the more people that go, so just tell them that and then more of those wanting to go are likely to help persuade the others :angry:It is unbelievably irritating when a trip is cancelled...
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