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Everything posted by James6

  1. James6


    I really don't want a flyer or floorless, we've got a flyer and floorless' add nothing whatsoever and aren't something new/original. It would be a B&M version of Colossus. If you've not ridden one, I can see the attraction, but there really, not great.
  2. If they change I wouldn't think that would be the main reason. With 2010 being the re-launch of Chessington, I expect they will try and make everything look new and remove any little things like that.
  3. Yeah, I think it was terminated soon after the ride opened.All original theming ( that I know of) still remains though.
  4. Ah, I forgot about Disney :PExpedition Everest is incredible as an attraction, everything is unbelieveably realistic.Tower of Terror is, like you say Sheepie, similar :)Revenge of the Mummy at Universal Studios was another favourite of mine, and I'm sure Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit would've been as well had it been built then.
  5. James6


    I really would like a Hyper Coaster, one with no loops or launches, just a little bit of height and lots of hills with awesome airtime :)Something there's not much of in the UKOr, to be honest I'd just like a good length coaster, one that lasts an amount of time that is worth queing the length of lines that Thorpe gets.
  6. James6


    I quite like it to be honest :)If your standing right next to it, it is a little annoying, but you move quickly past it.
  7. Apparently it was excellent, and I can see it being an official Scarefest Attraction next year.Hopefully
  8. Hulk was my favourite while I was over there.Everything really is amazing over there.The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman is INCREDIBLE ! :)Kumba and Sheikra at Busch Gardens are great as well. Agh there's too many to choose from,Have a great time in May
  9. Which is such a great thing to do, and adds a lot to the guests experience. I doubt the staff are over the moon about it when it happens though
  10. I would like to see the current trains have a little work done on them, The new restraint's from Vekoma for that type of train looks awesome, and very "free"Presumably they'd be lighter and thus you'd swing further. ( Or is my logic the wrong way round there ? )
  11. Yeah but the supports and structure of the ride wouldn't be able to cope with it.Also, the track would look great in a really dark purple
  12. Hmm, thanks everyone :)It is likely I will start it up again once the season has re-started. And possibly if I get bored during the closed season. :PHopefully it isn't the complete "end"
  13. Themeparkmad, I agree with everything you said.Half way through this year I visited Chessington out of annoyance from Thorpe Park, I absolutely loved it and I didn't realise what I was missing out on. Chessington is just awesome, and I would carry on but Keith has said everything already :)Well done Chessington.
  14. Some weeks only a couple of people entered, and then an even lower number of people voted.I would love to carry it on, but people don't seem to want to enter a picture, and then vote.
  15. James6


    No TopsyTurvy :)I agree Ryan, some really original trains would be fantastic, I just can't really think of anything "new" though. Possibly and Sit Down Swinging Roller Coaster, like the way Vampire swings around the corners, but a sit down one, where you would sort of sway.
  16. Hmm I dunno, it's probably something where the majority of people who go live very close.And to be honest I think Chessington's Zoo is better than London Zoo. Seriously I thought London Zoo was terrible!
  17. James6


    I saw some on TowersTimes, they are now putting a sort of plywood on the outside of the building. Presumably to hide building work and keep secret what's going on there during Adrenalin Week and from sneaky people going through the forest
  18. I guess because it still needs work and touching up during the closed season. Also it means they have to have people to operate it. I think it just wouldn't be worth it, it's not something that would make more people go.
  19. I could not be more jealous That is all I can say
  20. I think the sadder thing is, that there is only 1 day left of the Chessington season! :)Roll on 2010, which is hopefully going to be a fantastic year with the addition of Wild Asia.
  21. Guys... I think it's the end. I have loved running this competition, I started it because it combined 2 things I love, theme parks and Photography,It's quite sad, and I would have done anything to make it work, but I guess some things just aren't meant to be.Thanks to EVERYONE, who entered or voted. Thank you :)It's a sad day
  22. Please, leave this site, we're a community of nice, friendly people, who have a passion for theme parks. You just want to cause trouble, your one of those people who like to see people suffer.

  23. James6


    I hope your banned for that...Seriously what's your problem, If I had fallen for it, hours worth of coursework would have been lost.
  24. This year was my first year to Halloween Hocus Pocus since 2003, and I loved every second of it. I think it's by far superior to both Fright Nights and Scarefest. The effort made around the park is just fantastic. I'm already looking forward to next year!
  25. People get exit passes if something has happened, which detracts from the visitors day. I didn't say all 50 would be disabled, but some of them. And think for every disabled person, how many can each person take with them?And then Exit Passes, are again for groups.I'm not 100% sure what your complaining about, the Exit Pass line was busy... So what? it didn't make the main queue any longer, on peak days the 2 back rows are always used for disabled guests and people with Exit Passes. Those people haven't found a sneaky way to get on the ride without queueing very long, everyone in that queue would have a justifiable reason for being allowed on the ride through the exit.
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