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Everything posted by James6

  1. Just yesterday, only went for the afternoon/evening though :)

  2. I don't think you can buy them at admissions, but they won't have sold out at opening. To be honest I doubt you'll even need express pass'.If you enter through the South ( grass car park) entrance, then just next to the sign for toilets is an Express Pass Kiosk, and I'm sure there is one close-ish/ near to the north entrance as well
  3. Right... Well!I got to the park about half 2 and left , annoyingly at 8.15, but we can forget about that,Walked down a very nice looking Towers Street, to much lower than expected queue's. I had heard Nottingham and around there were on half term last week so I'm guessing that's why. When entering I saw Air: 35Nemesis: 25Oblivion: 0Rita: 35So first ride was of course the unbelievable Nemesis, and then on the more believable Air.The park, apart from Towers Street had barely anything added really. A couple of smoke machines here and there, the Nemesis Bus getting a spruce up, Skeleton's on Oblivion's hole and I think that's it really.The park really does look stunning in the dark though, with the Towers illuminated in green and then Towers Street reflecting on the water, it is a great place to be when it's dark.Duel:Live was , as last year brilliant, more actors this year, a couple just to say hello, others which physically made my hair stand on end. :)Ok so lets get to what I all wanted to tell you, Nemesis queue was advertised the whole day at about 20/25 mins but actually if you queued for it, it was about 10/15. After half 6 it was walk on-5 mins.I of course took the opportunity to use the single rider queue so I wouldn't have to walk around the queue lots of times. Your not going to believe it, but I did single rider 5 times , and 4 times I was at the front... It was incredible.So, sorry Vampire but not even your incredible tunnel is enough to hold your place against Nemesis, in the dark, at the front, 4 times :DOh and possibly the highlight, Runaway Mine Train was running the fastest it's been since the crash which is fantastic!Ride CountNemesis x6Air x 2Oblivion x 2Spinball Whizzer x 2Rita x 1Runaway Mine Train x 1Duel: Live x 1Bit disappointed by that but company limited number of rides. Sill I've never had 4 rides at the front of Nemesis :PChessington is definately my preffered park, Alton just feels a bit "empty" if you know what I mean.Pictures!Is that enough Nemesis ?I think that's pretty much it! Thanks for reading!
  4. I got in the queue about 2 and it was 25 mins/30 minsI think later it would have been about an hour.
  5. Oh awesome :DHocus Pocus Hall: Bewitched was brilliant Forogt a Ride Count, so here we go :DDragon's Fury x 2Vampire x 3Rattlesnake x 5/6Safari SkywayBlack Forest HauntHocus Pocus Hall: BewitchedBubbleworksSealife CenterRunaway TrainNot a lot but a truly great day.
  6. Here is that leaflet Outfit was talking about ( I assume )Also look closely and you can see, the logo has had an update. I think it looks great
  7. I went to Chessington yesterday and it was just fantastic.There effort made is second to none and it really was just incredible, first thing we did was head to Vampire for the little'un and the atmosphere in Transylvania was electric, especially as there wasn't anyone else here at that time, but spiders, lights, witches webs etc etc made it just incredible.Just a quick report today as I'm tired and getting ready for an evening session at Alton Towers tonight HighlightsHocus Pocus Hall: Bewitched! This was absolutely brilliant, I don't really know what else to say without spoiling it! One thing, we queued from the point where it said 60 mins, and it took 20 mins, which was great, but we were almost put off by it, and I'm sure a lot of people would have been. 9.5/10Black Forest Haunt: Like HPH:B This was just fantastic, the effort made was unbelievable, smoke machines everywhere, lights, hearse's just everything. Once again I don't want to spoil it but all I'm going to say is... "I crashed my hearse and my dead body ran away" Plenty of laughs to be had on this. 10/10Vampire: In the dark, this is my No.1 ride. The tunnel is one of the single most fantastic experiences ever. You plunge into the smoke filled tunnel and hear wolf howling noises, then after being blinded by the On ride photo camera, racing lights around the corner tease you before that "phwoar" moment. Hard to explain, just experience it and you'll know what I mean.And just the general effort around the parkI don't have one bad thing to say but a couple of things to improve.The flames on Dragon's Fury were so infrequent and short I doubt many people would even notice them.Oh actually, one bad thing. If you are visiting Halloween Hocus Pocus, don't waste your time with the Fiery Faun show. Lets just say he's more like the excruciatingly-boring-less-fiery-than-a-teabag- faun.He spends so long telling a story, and then eventually gets to one fire blow thing and that's pretty much it. You spend the whole time waiting for the fire and it doesn't really happen. Not even the tiny-tots with me today enjoyed it.Oh and one annoying thing. Whilst on the Safari Skyway I saw one kid amongst the hay and pumpkins near the North entrance, and was picking them up and moving an throwing them around! And then further along, more kids were playing catch with the pumpkins near Seastorm. How can parents let there kids do that?It really was incredible and you've just got to experience it.Edit:This is the one of the single best things I have ever seen, if you've seen it, you'll know why :DAbsolutely hilariousThe majority of my pictures from yesterday were rubbish, sorry to dissapoint guys
  8. I did this yesterday, and...It was one of the best attractions I've done. I was wrong and it is an actual sort of walk-through thing where you queue for and are shown around in groups.It was fantastic and a must for anyone going to Halloween Hocus Pocus. It was scary, a few jumps here and there but it was absolutely hilarious
  9. Thanks, Wow that sounds quite impressive and a lot "more" than I was expecting I stand corrected
  10. I agree, I much prefer the idea of area's themed to different places in the world
  11. Great to hear you had a good day, I'm looking forward to that trip report :)I'm going tomorrow and really am very very excited :DDragon's Fury in the dark , Woooo
  12. James6


    I would say that's definitely a coincidence, good thinking though :)I also thought Mortalis was a good name and rolls of the tongue along with Nemesis and Oblivion. If that is the name, I think we can definitely believe it's not going to be a "family" coaster :)As long as it's not "The Woodcutter"...
  13. I think it's a great name to be honest, and as others have said, suits ChessingtonIt will sound to kids like a big ride which they'll love and the majority are likely to know what a Cobra is. I can't think of another species of snake that kids are likely to know apart from Rattlesnake, and we all know why they can't call it Rattlesnake.If they chose Anaconda for example, then I think that sounds too "scary" to appeal to the whole family. And I'm afraid that's pretty much my total knowledge of snakes, off the top of my head anyway The whole area looks really exciting and Cobra fits in well with Wild Asia.
  14. I also agree, it is the only ride that no matter how many times I go on it, I am shaking like a little girl. Such an adrenalin rush when you get off though
  15. That honestly looks fantastic, I can't wait
  16. I'm really looking forward to seeing the changes made around the park, and the lighting you speak of Gandhi sounds brilliant.Also can't wait to do Dragon's Fury in the dark
  17. As long as no one takes Dragon's Fury from me, I will be happy
  18. Oh brilliant, thanks very much.All this talk about it is making me more and more excited for Monday
  19. Yeah I wouldn't expect anything like the Fright Nights maze's to be honest.I'm still hoping to try Hocus Pocus Hall: Bewitched when I go on Monday Should be good fun!
  20. So basically, it's going to be the path from the bottom of Transylvania to Black Buccaneer that's received extra attention for Halloween and will have actors walking around :)But it's unlikely the actors will be "scaring" you :)I'm looking forward to it.
  21. Woo! :)Really looking forward to seeing the park all Halloween-ified, and the Black Forest Pass should be good
  22. Argh Jake You'll have a great half-term anyway. You'll catch up with everything soon and your girl-friend will either come back or you'll get a better one soon I wish!
  23. I guess, to be honest, apart from a few the majority of boys in my year are absolute *****But yeah it is quite difficult, but half-term now so hopefully I'll have thought of something by then
  24. I'm a bit confused at the moment, I have one awesome best friend, and to be honest most of my other friends are girls, but I don't get on with many of the people I'm hanging round with and I wanna go with my girl friends as I get on with them better than I do guys to be honest. But I just can't, it's hard to explain
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