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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Hmmm I'm not sure about this, it would have to be pretty loud. The Train does make a fair amount of noise in that tunnel.No Doubt, I will check this out tomorrow!
  2. StevenVig


    Ask Me Anything!http://www.formspring.me/TPKabz
  3. Its called mist. It's quite simple.I also love how you have just decided to dismiss both mine and JoshC's. posts about your rudeness
  4. StevenVig


    Haha oh yes! How could I forget the old ORP's, I remember these!
  5. StevenVig


    Does anyone know why the exit area is so spacious? I know the baggage room was originally here and Disabled Access is also located here, but it is still fairly big....
  6. Do you Actually want to pull your head out of your arse just for a few moments, you stuck up n**bI'm pretty sure your no more better off than anyone else at the park.
  7. Well, yes, unless you want to find out the hard way that your ear is not immune to being ripped off.
  8. The Queues are just like any other Theme Park.Horrendous during Peak Periods, and fairly quiet during Off-Peak
  9. Well they don't *actually* remember each and every person they check nobbys nuts :PThey have no idea who you are, and the most unsuspecting people are usually the offenders.
  10. I love that shot of the park from 0:04 - 0:07 :PAnd I love how Rush is only on One Swing!
  11. StevenVig


    Those Rope Lights could have easily had an effect on them, flashing or something. They're standard on all Rope Lights, so it was possible.
  12. Welcome to the Mania Hub Community 'DOHHammie'
  13. Well the interior of Saw: The Ride will stay pretty much the same, I think only these things will changeThe Trap in the Queueline will be Removed/Replaced with something that isnt related to Saw Any Billy Dolls will be removed and replaced with a different model The Preshow may just become a TV Screen with a preshow video or something The Man in the Bathroom Scene will just be painted a different colour so it doesnt reflect Saw SFX will also be changed Those are just my ideas, and are not official, obviouslyIt will be interesting to see what they do with Saw: Alive though.
  14. It means the contract that Lionsgate (The Owners of the Saw Franchise) and Thorpe have signed to allow the use of Saw Themeing and Promotion around the attractions.When the contract ends, it means that anything that relates to the Saw Franchise will have to be removed/altered.
  15. Tomorrow. I'm joking. I Don't actually know.
  16. The general idea is that it's set for 2014. Legoland's hotel is set for 2012 in aid of the Olympics.
  17. Your not *actually* getting any of this are you?
  18. I will not be at the park until April 24th!
  19. The actors are not usually present here.
  20. The station was themed better when it first opened.No doubt though that the organist is pretty neat. The queue for the ride is indeed relatively speedy I have to admit.
  21. For both Chessington & Thorpe Park, the magic has been lost for me. Because I visit so much, I know whats there, I know what to expect. But I dont visit solely for the rides anymore, I go to see friends and socialise.Keith you should work Full Time, then the novelty will wear off.
  22. This relates to Jobs how exactly? It doesnt.
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