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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. StevenVig

    Pirates 4D

    Well its nothing like Clutch Powers 4D at Lego. That has fire effects!I'm not even being biased. I just find that a bit of dirty water and air doesn't really do it for me. Especially with a pointless story line.
  2. StevenVig

    Pirates 4D

    No thats correct.
  3. Nobody's forcing you to listen to him. If you don't like it, dont listen to it.But you DO NOT insult him.Got it?Good.
  4. StevenVig


    @RichTasker Unfortunately we have run out of Sprinkles on the whole park. Sorry about that Sir.
  5. Pirate Falls is now called Pirate Falls: Dynamite DrenchIts not *actually* had a revamp as I and most others expected. It's merely had a couple of new cannons added, they shoot water.In terms of the area, it's all exactly the same as before. Nothing has been changed. The old picnic area that was opposite The Rat Trap is obviously where Jolly Rocker is. The Rat Trap has been renamed and shortened a little, cant remember what it's called now.The entrance to the area just has a new Banner, which is the same design as Mutiny Bay, but with 'Pirates Landing' on it.So yes....
  6. StevenVig

    Pirates 4D

    Pirates 4D wont be returning. Ever.Sorry to burst your bubble there.That's just how I roll.
  7. 1) Should be Saw: The Ride2) Should be 150 litres of vomit was cleaned up....3) The ride was built in 2009 too!
  8. Thorpe's in my blood.If I dont go to Thorpe for a single day, I go mentally insane.My life would not be worth living without this place.ZOMGFor those of you who are a little bit emotionally challenged. It was sarcasm. Yes.
  9. I can confirm that Merlin are still going ahead with the proposed Annual Coke Vessels. I've sold them so that pretty much covers it.They're £10, and they look odd.
  10. I too enjoyed the loud music, it has changed my Loading Experience dramatically.
  11. StevenVig


    It tried to, I woke up with it on my lips.
  12. StevenVig


    Haha thanks.it was a terrifying experience and I wont forget it.
  13. StevenVig


    That's nothing, try having a spider crawling into your mouth, but you suddenly wake up to realise what its *trying* to do.It has scarred me for life.
  14. haha you get the cookie!Although my hint was admittedly a pretty big hint!My next hunt is for the Church Bell that is looped in the Indoor Graveyard.
  15. I'm too lazy to read back on the posts about the lift hill, but whats *actually* wrong with it?Seemed fine last season, except that time I stuck out my hand and confused the system, which then had to be reset. haha
  16. Haha you got that from my ID3 Tag, clever, but the Jack The Ripper Scene is split into 4 Sub-scenes. Which one is it used in? xD"The Juwes are The men that Will not be Blamed for nothing."
  17. Ive Uploaded a SFX from here.A Cookie to the first person who can tell me which precise scene this is used in. [/nerd]http://www.mediafire.com/?3y2mnznmmym
  18. The feeling of knowing I've been defeated/proven wrong!
  19. The beatbed wasn't played publicly as far as I know.Correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. StevenVig


    To be honest if I were personally in that situation I would have queued for Kobra, ridden it, then left for Thorpe.But at the end of the day its like Michaela has said, just leave him be. I dont *actually* understand why everyone is arguing as if Marc & Ricky have stabbed CWoA Right between the shoulder blades.
  21. StevenVig


    Haha that's cool! All we get around my area are flippin' 99p Shops..... Useful.
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