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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. StevenVig


    I'm glad to know that Legoland dont "have the time" to inform theyre staff when they've been employed. They decided to wait for me to call them, nice.Well, at least they actually did sort me out in the end, despite the fact it is one of two jobs I said I would NEVER want to do. At this point I'm not fussed as I need monies.Carts & Stands, come buy your lunch from me.
  2. StevenVig


    Wanna debate that? :lol:JOKE! Hold On, aren't you meant to be with Lady GaGa?
  3. Surely the person that died, knew it was a Killer Whale?Just a thought.......
  4. StevenVig


    Heart Attack on a plate.Want salt with that?
  5. Who deleted my post!? WWTP - Amity Speedwayhttp://www.mediafire.com/?ayyqndnw2ui
  6. Amity Speedway WWTP Radio PlaylistSome of the songs listed aren't used anymore, but all of them have been used on a loop at somepoint since 2006Enjoy!
  7. Also if you are referring to any of the Station Music/SFX, none of them have been publicly released.
  8. Well it was definitely worth every penny I spent to get in.
  9. I actually left the queue once to try the Tombs, this was of course after I had already visited The Dungeons.It's not cheap at all, infact, The Dungeons looks cheap compared to The Tombs.
  10. I have to say, if there is anything I like about Wild Asia, it's the new theme of the Admissions Area's it's brought with it.That is all.
  11. StevenVig


    Happy Birthday to Me!
  12. StevenVig


    Templeman on the Microsite, and your Birthday printed on the wall.I see a coincidental pattern emerging.
  13. StevenVig


    None of them are new though, they're newest one is 8 months old itself. If that's new to you, then what's old?
  14. StevenVig


    That's why I said one of *Royalty Free SFX
  15. The Team were dispatching very very quickly, especially when it was on 2 trains, so the queue was okay.It didn't matter to me as we were all having fun anyway!
  16. Yeah they did brilliantly yesterday.All the queues were also quite short too, longest queue was an hour for Air, but it was on one train when we joined, and 20 minutes into the queue the second train was rolled out!
  17. StevenVig


    8 months is a very long time.......
  18. I Forgot to mention The Park was open 10am - 5pm yesterday!
  19. StevenVig


    That is one of the oldest videos ever made.
  20. It's brilliant. Though alot of people expect it to be like sort of one big walkthrough horror maze. It's not, yes there are a few scares, but it's more a sort of Staged, Bloody History of London. It is well worth a visit though, I've gone about 17 times on my Current Annual Pass.If you want a long, walkthrough Horror Maze that will scare you senseless, exactly opposite The Dungeons is The London Tombs. Go There for a Scare!
  21. Well I had an amazing time at the Towers yesterday, with Peter Fairweather, his sister, his sisters bf, and Dan Oblivion.I'm still too tired to make a detailed post like rich's, so I'll keep it simple.It was my first trip ever to The Towers, so I was eccstatic about going, my first ride of 2010 was Heave Ho! which was feeling a little tired imo, it was cold so I'll give it some credit. Second ride was Mauraders Mayhem, I still think you can get a better ride on Storm in a Teacup, but I do like the themeing and especially the Smoke Machine!I cant actually remember what we did after that, in detail, so I'll just list all the rides I went on.AirNemesis (nearly typed Inferno then!)Oblivion x2Sonic SpinballRunaway Mine Train ("Choo Choo, oh yeah!" Though she wasnt there yesterday. other staff members tried it, but didnt live up to her standard)Singing BarnDoodle Do DerbyHexDuel x3Twirling ToadstoolThe BladeMonorailAir is a good ride, though others will disagree. However, I think the interior section could/should be themed, even though it's short, a plain concrete hut just doesnt do it for me.Nemesis completely owns Inferno, inside out. The ride has alot more force, last's longer and is generally just much better. After riding this, Inferno is nothing.Oblivion is now my favourite ride at the park, although it would seem the holding brake isn't as long as it used to be. I love the force that your up against as you're released. Absolutely brilliant it was.Sonic Spinball, wouldn't call it useless, but theres just nothing there. Queueline ball game things are a nice touch, as are the Ring Collection SFX, but the ride itself is a letdown. It's all about Fury!Hex was just dizzying, but I loved it!Duel hurts my fingers, as do all Laser Shooting Games, but had a good few jumps here and there, my third go, I just pulled my hat down my face and went to sleep, that was fun.Twirling Toadstools, again, nothing like Billy's Whizzer (Monkey Swinger), no force, doesnt go as high, but an advantage here is that there are no Water JetsThe Blade was alright, stands in the middle of Banana (Thorpe) and Buccaneer (CWoA)Monorail was bumpy, is it meant to be? But I loved this too, saves me a hell lot of walking.We all also visited the Hotel, Peter bought a coke for £1.44, which is alright I guess. A Lush Hotel, with a great view of the waterpark from the lobby. The Bucket in Splash Landings is amazing too, takes a while to fill up though. After Peters drink, we all went to the Arcade, I told Peter not to spend his money on the Fruit Machines as he gets carried away, yet he ended up spending all the change he had! Which included my petrol money! I also embarrased myself on the Dancemat, EuroMix 2 if anyone wants the techy details. Got an E on that, got an F on the last one with Keith I think? Dan got a B.Then we went to Tescos, saw BOGOF on Easter Eggs for £2, Me, Dan & Peter then went to KFC, I never did get that crispy strip delivered to me in the end. meh.We finally headed back to the car for sleepy times, more theme park/club music, Peter and his Easter Egg, and a failing TV on my iPhone!EPIC DAY!
  22. StevenVig


    Why have you been locked out? I'm going to Alton Towers Today!
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