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Everything posted by Topsyturvy15

  1. I meant how long were the main queues that you skipped?
  2. Topsyturvy15


    Is it still in the light like in the summer? I thought it looked impressive as a track when they did that, perhaps if you had things coming at you in the dark it could be better, like a rollercoaster ghost train?
  3. Sounded like a pretty good day, how long were queues when you had fasttracks?
  4. Ah no I quite liked that coaster, are they replacing it with another coaster? Are any other rides coming back?
  5. Okay my mistake, hasn't loggers leap changed completely though?
  6. Topsyturvy15

    SAW: Alive

    People clearly have other priorities to begin to and end their day. It's understandable that in such a great theme park a maze isn't seen as the best first thing to do
  7. Topsyturvy15

    SAW: Alive

    Did they let people in early that day? It must have been because people wanted to be the first in it
  8. No even with looming GCSEs etc I still couldn't stop the craving for theme parks
  9. Topsyturvy15

    SAW: Alive

    Do people think that thorpe will change the layout and scare features for next season or will it stay the same?
  10. Slightly harsh that Depth Charge is so low as it is the second oldest ride I think? after Rocky Express? For this reason it is iconic due to its age I think
  11. Are any of those the Euro Coaster as it is shown online but I can't find it on the list?
  12. Hi, back using the site after a long time without :)

  13. Hi I'm Ben, I used this site quite a lot about a year ago and so it only seems appropraite to reintroduce myself I am 16 and I live near Brighton, I love Thorpe Park and Chessington and try to go there every year!
  14. When its at capacity how long do the queues reach?
  15. If you look on the chessington website its shut at the moment, anyone know why?
  16. Great news, I think it will only be a good thing but I think the dungeons should be a separate attraction
  17. Topsyturvy15

    SAW: Alive

    Do you go in groups like at fright nights or just with your group e.g. 1, 2, 3, or 4 people?
  18. Yep jungle coaster is gone due to complaints, I think noise id the probleme
  19. Just showed it to my mum and she didn't mind
  20. Wow looks good and I never knew of the new part for june!
  21. All these reports sound great, would people agree that 11 to 5 openings would be better if the weather, ice has an effect on the speed of the rides?. One more thing do you et a god view of Thirteen from the top of oblivion?
  22. Pretty cool, something I would want to do sometime. Good luck with it!!

  23. Thats quite a long way to go to work at Chessington isn't it?

  24. No, village of Ditchling, u?

  25. Cool, I'm not the only one from Sussex :)

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