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Everything posted by Topsyturvy15

  1. In times of a recession the lift hills are the first to be cut, spitball whizzer has even less I believe?
  2. Has anything ever been done except ERT?
  3. With the new season fast approaching what addition would you add to the events calender for 2012? For me a 'Fourth of July' fireworks and late night event would be good as although it is an American event it would still add a good feature to the calender in a time with little else on.
  4. A good point, it was one of the best flats in the park. It would be hard to theme a diving show as all it has nearby is Steeplechase which is hardly well themed.
  5. Surely if it lands near vortex they will need a need a new entrance and also a link for those traveling straight from the car park rather than the park? Wouldn't it be easier for the boat to go straight to the car park area and allow people to enter through the normal entrance?
  6. Any idea what is happening to the space where Bling used to be?
  7. In general it looks pretty good! Can anyone clarify whether this is the actual speed or just a trial speed for the first run? Looks like its going to be a great ride
  8. Isnt the rodeo area a bit small for the jumbos? Also how do the jumbos fit in with the mine train :s
  9. Canada Creek Railway (5)Colossus (5)Depth Charge (5)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (4)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (8)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (7)Samurai (4)Saw Alive (3)Slammer (4)Stealth (4)Storm in a Teacup (5)Storm Surge (3)Tidal Wave (5)Vortex (4)X:\ No Way Out (8)Saw alive +X no way out -
  10. http://www.hydeparkwinterwonderland.com/news/#winter-wonderland-begins Looking good!
  11. Sounds good! Will be interesting to see how different it is from the towers ones as they are based around kids where as this could have a very different target audience!
  12. The Vampire is world class (and nemesis). Controversial as it may seem its not scary but it is old, well themed and was remarkable for its time. Everyone likes it (few coasters can say that) and it is surely an iconic ride. A coaster doesn't need to have loops or overwhelming speed to hit top class
  13. Really hope its done again, the atmosphere was great and the DJ was pretty impressive. The music made the park end on a high and it the whole day that bit different. The stampede to the stealth opening was pretty savage though and luckily no one was trampled!
  14. I would like something to be done with CCR as it would be depressing for it to stay SBNO. Perhaps leave the track but manipulate the station to a new shop or other attraction. Also a new water effect on Rumba would be good to add something new to the ride!
  15. I noticed this bumpyness more than usual on sunday, has it become more pronounced as the year progressed?
  16. I saw the display from nemesis, four rides throughout the fireworks
  17. The interior theming makes a first ride pretty surprising! The axes on the drop and crossbows.
  18. Yesterday lost it for saw for me and Colossus beat it hands down! Last ride was too bumpy, still the theming will always be had to beat!
  19. Zoo days now include sea storm, bubble works and hocus pocus hall!
  20. Who else reckons they will blow up a tank in preparation for the swarm?
  21. One of my first years of no visits! A sad fact and the Halloween events sounded good! Oh well, always next year
  22. This is all happening pretty quickly isn't it! Looks pretty good though if the starts anything to go by!
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