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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. Just a quick note about today... Had generally good experience with the staff, and ride up-time was excellent with the exceptions of Slammer and Samurai. Inferno's mist is looking great and the lighting is also very good at the moment. Being a weekday we lost count of ride counts but suffice to say Inferno x9 pleases me greatly Have added LC12 non-news to the relevant topic.
  2. Heh thanks, glad to help The only work I actually saw in progress today was on the bridge. There were a few diggers meandering around as always, too.
  3. Nothing to report from today. There still look to be ~10 footer shells stacked at various points around the site, but other than than nothing is happening. I also saw no supports moved to the front of the site as had been reported. Track is still sitting where it was 2 weeks ago.
  4. Dead is where Beastly Kingdom is. Has been for 15 years and nothing will change that now. Strangely enough, when Disney kick out a load of Imagineers and they go flooding to Universal who just happen to be designing a new park, some ideas... Migrate. Not that anyone ever did build an inverted dragon coaster set in a burnt out castle.
  5. Why the need to use that meme yet again? It's really not that crazy; DAK hasn't received any investment for longer than any of the other parks. This could turn out great, we could be looking at any number and scale of new attractions which could really bring the park up to scratch and beyond just a few hours trip. We don't know anything yet. But we mustn't be optimistic must we
  6. ^ Not being sarcy but has Air ever been repainted? It always strikes me that it and Colossus were added in the same year and painted almost identical shades, yet the difference between them now is astounding. Is B&M track treated differently?Also, just noticed the lift hill base segment in that photo on the previous page
  7. First decent track shot we've had, thanks!
  8. Raptor does look bloody gorgeous. I love the look of the swamp, it's very atmospheric. And I know everyone is tired of me saying this but that train... In your pic of it in the corkscrew where you can't see the gaps, it actually looks like one long reptilian scaly beast
  9. I found Cheetah Hunt's restraints perfectly fine, even compared to a lap bar I found they gave perfectly sufficient freedom. I don't think it and Verbolten are really that comparable, but this does look cool. I don't get why they didn't just go with Intamin anyway for the actual coaster though tbh.
  10. Wonderful. Going up bloody quick too! That entrance feature is absolutely exquisite.
  11. AdamY


    I've had it once or twice when it's refused to zero for ages, although most of the time it's only a few seconds. It's fine by me though, kinda fun just hanging there
  12. Good to see you guys had fun! I agree with both of you about Rome, I really love it there. The combination of blistering heat and endless walking on painful cobbled streets really took it out of me though after about 3/4 days. I really like how there's something interesting up every little side street, be it another little ruin, or a pizza joint Some of my favourite places were the Spanish Steps & Trevi Fountain, and the massive ancient garden I can no longer remember the name of, did you visit either of those?On the theme park front, Rainbow Magicland just seems so hit and miss to me - some bits of it look world-beating, but others are pretty shocking (excuse the pun). It's weird. Huntix looks brilliant though.And Katun... Yeah, 'nuff said. I've always thought it looks great, I'd love to get on it some day. I agree on the inverted cobra roll beating the seated version, it's so much better. I've only done five Inverts, but I think Katun is top of my next-to-do list.
  13. Fire is just associated with war... Whilst water seems likely, I'd be surprised to see fire effects used. I'd like it though!
  14. AdamY


    ^ I swear you're only 12 anyway.On an overwhelmingly more interesting topic, I'm reading about Pterosaurs and Spinosaurus! Dinosaurs are so fascinating... I would love to be able to go back in time and see our world when it looked so vastly different to how it does now. And don't you dare mention Jurassic Park
  15. I spotted this at the start of the season, thought it had already been mentioned. It's pretty obvious I think, drawing the bridge in the correct place would have required a lot of reshuffling of information ect around the map, so it's more effort than it would have been worth for such a tiny piece of pre-advertising. For next year they will make the effort to change the map up a bit and show the bridge in the correct place I'm sure.
  16. I quite liked Hellgate really... Some days last year it beat The Curse for me but others I guess it was the weakest. Certainly not the same level of crap as Dead End.
  17. Due to the crushing failure that this ride is, I'd been ignoring the topic and only just read all the stuff about it stalling. I actually laughed as I was reading ^_^Thorpe's greatest comedy value attraction, dear dear dear...
  18. Shotgun troll bashing! *sharpens stick*It would be very kind of Thorpe to start supports or track around the weekend or Monday, give me something interesting to look at next Wednesday
  19. The Stealth one was updated way more frequently than the Project Dylan one was though, so I hope they do actually keep the updates fairly regular. I think this will be as good as impossible to follow from outside the park.
  20. Cheers for those Val, top work!
  21. We should also remember that Halloween is just a way bigger deal in America than it is here. Sure we ask why we don't get US quality coasters sometimes which is a fair comparison, but we really are coming at Halloween from a whole different angle to them. In the US every street is decorated up to the nines, people create 'home haunts' in their garages ect, so of course the in-park events will reflect the bigger cultural significance of Halloween. Universal have a world-renowned park to stage in, massive visitor numbers from all over the world, a massive budget and are located in a country where Halloween is a huge date in the calender. Thorpe have a much smaller market, little to no in-house themed design capability, and are in a country where half the population tries to ignore Halloween's very existence. I think in this way we're lucky to get as big an event as we do.Still hate the tents though
  22. AdamY


    Technically, this is a song.
  23. AdamY


    Lots of love for Miss Goulding. <3
  24. Well I have an inset on the 21st and shall be at Thorpe with the entire rest of my school
  25. Just back from Jane Eyre. Will wait until a slightly more civilised hour to write something proper, but an excellent film. Probably not many people's cup of tea around here, but really astoundingly good. Brontë's powerful and intense creation masterfully translated to the screen with some impassioned performances and quality cinematography. Highly recommended.
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