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Everything posted by Benin

  1. Benin


    Worth a giggle this page... http://www.centives.net/S/2012/the-cost-of-being-an-unbeatable-evil-overlord-2/
  2. Looks rather nice tbh... I'll always remember those cold and wet morning briefings under the heaters... Ice Cream place NEEDS to become a dedicated Ben and Jerrys place... It's pointless being generic Merlin ice cream with discounted quality right next door...
  3. Benin

    2013 Changes

    So THAT'S what's new for 2013 with Swarm... It's being covered in foam... Notice the distinct lack of backwards rows at the rear of the train...
  4. Gun-toting nature? Wasn't even on about that, it was more about the corporation style presentation of Cyberdyne Systems, especially when you had a brilliant actress doing that role...
  5. Benin

    The Smiler

    Merlin and Fanta have never been subtle...
  6. Being replaced by Despicable Me... A shame really, Terminator 2 was always an entertaining time that could only work in America...
  7. *COUGH*Visit to Chessie on the other day of the weekend*COUGH*
  8. Benin

    The Smiler

    TTF posting more photos tonight apparently... Expect most of them to be censored then
  9. Benin

    The Smiler

    If it rides like Fluch, or Rage, or Speed, or Mystery Mine, then we'll be fine... Or have lap bars \o/ Also, GERSTLAUER CAR OF JOY!
  10. 1.1m restriction... What's Rhino Rally/Kilimanjaro? This sounds a bit... Awkward...
  11. Benin

    2013 Changes

    I did this years ago...
  12. Benin

    The Smiler

    Have they REALLY spoilered a zero-g? WARNING - POTENTIAL SPOILER!
  13. Benin

    2013 Changes

    If it's that, then Thorpe will have just wasted their money again... And will prove that beyond coasters they have no idea what to add to the park...
  14. Benin

    The Smiler

    Great, until you realise people aren't meant to post staff news to the forums...
  15. To be fair, some of the stuff that has happened at Chessie (Fastrack on extremely low capacity rides, Vampire operations and lack of third train as two examples) they have deserved some stick... The zoo side of things though are extremely good... I remember talking to the Zoo Manager two years ago and you could tell he loved it and wanted the park to build on the success of Wanyama... The Conservation Evenings show as much...
  16. Benin

    The Smiler

    Runaway Train before anything else please?
  17. Yep, we know http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/7601-sw7/?p=147704
  18. Benin

    The Smiler

    DOUBLE POST! But, news from TowersStreet! Heinz - http://www.towersstreet.com/news/2013/x-sector-due-for-makeover-and-sanctuary-to-return/ BLIVVY REPAINT! THE WORLD IS GOING MAD! MERLIN DON'T REFURB RIDES!
  19. Benin


    And then you have to do it all again when you move out of home after uni! ADULTHOOD FTW!
  20. My post mentions that I throughly enjoyed TTD, Maverick and Wicked Twister... That was it... Aside from maybe Magnum, I wasn't too fussed about anything else at that park... Everything just really didn't do anything for me personally, by themselves in the case of Millenium Force, in comparison to other coasters of the same/similar type and for just being plain damn crap (Mantis and Mean Streak)... You'll find my top 10 in my signature, it's rather varied if you ignore the 3 B&M Inverts actually... Maverick misses out for being killer on the neck mind... Which is a similar situation on all Intamin rides for me, otherwise it would probably be in there, as it is a fantastic ride... Just for me, a ride has to be good... Unfortunately, in many cases at Cedar Point, they weren't...
  21. Awww cute little things... Have a feeling this will probably be the UK's best addition this year... Whether or not that's a good or bad indicator on the other parks has yet to be seen... Also depends on the cavern finale and how much budget they've managed to sneak into it...
  22. You mean the weekend or midweek? Tbh, very rarely does Chessie ever get exceptionally busy outside of school holidays/inset days/bank holidays... Opening weekend is usually decent aside from the usual long queues on Vampire and Fury...
  23. Raptor is quite simply the worst B&M Invert I've ridden (yep, worse than Silver Bullet, which I find under-rated)... And the less said about Mantis (and for that matter, Mean Streak) the better... Millenium Force(less) is outstandingly over-rated as well... I just didn't get what it was doing, and it has more long pointless straights than Shockwave at Drayton Manor... Magnum is alright, but on the same trip I had done Phantom's Revenge shortly beforehand, which is tons better... the family coasters are also pretty poor, with only Blue Streak being better than decent... Disaster Transport was also a good ride actually, but since it's gone now it doesn't matter... Iron Dragon, Gemini and Cedar Creek are all pretty poor coasters too... TTD, Maverick and Wicked Twister are the 3 best coasters there... That's my view on the park, which is exceptionally overrated... Magic Mountain is a similar situation, though I haven't been since they've changed X, added a new wooden coaster and removed a few others... Very over-rated rides, quantity does not equate to quality... It shares a LOT of similarities with Thorpe does Cedar Point, but 3 quality rides out of 15 (discount Gatekeeper, although it will probably be very good) is a poor ratio for any park... It's a thing you see in a lot of American parks where there's very little quality outside of the major rides... Especially when you look at the European parks and see a complete difference in style and effort...
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