Clearing the queue-line was not the best idea for the staff to do, usually the queue remains open but a staff member would be chucked on front gate to inform guests entering... So unless Chessie have changed it then that operator/platformer was doing the wrong thing...It seems as well that they didn't have a cleaning kit in the control box... Meaning people got sent off to grab the gear...Then the powder (NOT salt), was sprinkled and left to dry for 5/10 minutes... It is harmful to a degree but there was no need for them to evacuate the entire queue, having cleaned Vampire seats in the station before which is much more dangerous due to the enclosed nature, hell I've had to ride Bubbleworks once to clean up some in the boat... ;)Then would've been washed away... Testing would be to maybe just get rid of excess crap...Without seeing how much sick there was and more importantly WHERE it was on the ride it's hard to say if 25 minutes is too long or not... I've had Buccaneer closed for a similar length of time because of epic vomit over the seats, floor AND platform... So if there was sick on the seats that would've been made completely clean... Platform not as much but still needed to be cleaned...