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Everything posted by Benin

  1. Paging Ryan to see if he was OUTRAGED about Kong have staff trials when the park was open...
  2. See also any TPR review ever for "OMG SO GOOD!"... Unless Lord Alvey decrees otherwise of course...
  3. Wonder if these queue line actors will be cut in the future?
  4. Who built Swarm? Since Merlin used TG Cruise for both Gersts they've built and we all know the trouble they've had with land slips and the like... The oldest Eurofighter in the world had fewer kinks in it that Saw... There must be some external factor that means that many non-Merlin Eurofighters don't tend to bash you into oblivion...
  5. The MASSIVE JOLT at the base of the main drop is the main culprit... Still amazes me how smooth many other Eurofighters are... Must have been the construction at Merlin...
  6. No, they didn't... You'd be daft to think that such an image wouldn't have been taken swiftly offline if it were real... Also, staff would be told verbally or via a note in the staff room... Not via an online image...
  7. Midweek would be ok... If it wasn't school trip season...
  8. I'm amused that when certain aspects of what the ride entails have been mentioned (yes, it has, I should know I've been one of those people), no one has cared much... Yet a timed ticket system is apparently too unbelievable for people they need proof? Good game...
  9. One would assume that as it'll be the only option, it shouldn't be that problematic... If they make it clear that system is in place there are no room for complaints... Though of course what does it mean for ambulant disabled guests? And of course the inevitable breakdown and backlog of tickets... Should be fun...
  10. The Zacspin is awful, forgetting it's existence is what keeps me going...
  11. Benin


    I too assumed that Ninjago was proposed instead of Ghost... Ghost is ok, the walkthrough section is cute and the drop is the same as any of the others... Shame if they cant have both though...
  12. Yep, dunno if those have been shelved for good though... It's basically a mix between Blackpool but in the space of Adventure Island... Twister is amazing, and Bla Taget will get old school ghost train fans going crazy over it...
  13. Is the EU referendum not news? Go and enjoy your #ChanceofReign Ryan, you'll feel better for it...
  14. They could barely fit a Sky Rocket in... Unless this is spiting one of the shot or drop towers, this is a strange choice... Huge though, surely as big as their Starflyer?
  15. Who's being extreme? Like? What are you actually on about? People are quite rightly stating that Merlin, for all the customer number, second to Disney, etc. Stuff that they pull, there is very little actual quality to it all... The ride delays, ride closures and shabbiness is there for all to see, and any criticism levelled towards it all is pretty fair game... It's not extreme, it's accurate... Look what happened when Disney half arsed things, we got California Adventure and Walt Disney Studios... The extent Disney have had to go to in order to raise the quality shows what happens when you focus too much on instant returns and little consideration to the guest...
  16. Quantity over Quality (3 in UK, 1 in Italy, 1 in Germany, several Legolands and then numerous Midway attractions)... It adds up to arguably the largest number of parks under any company bar Six Flags (and look how badly they do)... ANY company deserves heckling if they're not being particularly great at their job... What a daft thing to say...
  17. Would it really be a surprise if the delay is down to mismanagement and poor project handling? Whether Archive knows or not on the actual issues doesn't matter when he's busy hitting the nail on the head on Merlin's way of running the parks... If innovation is a drop tower with actors in a scare corridor, or in this case a simulator with vr and a themed walkthrough with demonic puppet, breaking the industry barrier they are not... Chasing obscure worlds first (FULLY DEDICATED TO VR) is part of this problem...
  18. People are bored of the doom n gloom from Remain? Like Brexit don't do that either? Today they're going on about how there's apparently thousands of foreign criminals on our streets (though why they're not in prison I don't know, surely if you cant deport them they go there?) Both sides have been guilty of scaremongering, just Brexit are able to play on the current fear of immigration... Michael Gove is simply dreadful, could never support anything he does after he destroyed the education system... There's a reason his name is met with anger in every school...
  19. I hope they open it midweek just to watch all the schoolchild tears because they couldn't get first public ride...
  20. Think our resident Baron will be jumping for joy...
  21. Doesn't help with the poster is over critical and hypocritical though... Could've spent that money going to Towers going to a different park, especially after spending the start of the year being adamant that they wouldn't visit at all...
  22. Benin

    Wicker Man

    What's also disappointing a lot of people are the original plans/talks of this going in Forbidden Valley and being a RMC... It's a good thing, but just not got anything 'WOW' about it...
  23. Getting around 800 to 1'000 an hour in the peak operation times is not what could be termed as rubbish throughput... It certainly gets more now than Galactica does I'd wager... Which would make it the 4th highest throughput coaster on park now I believe... Don't write opinions as facts...
  24. Smiler is still the most popular ride at Towers though, even with the crash... It's anything but meh outside the enthusiast circles... Assume once Thorpe finalise a date (again), then they'll advertise it to all and sundry... There are no brakes on the hype train after all...
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