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Everything posted by th13teen

  1. You realise its a discususions page so its bout Thorpe park and my thought was involved around Port aventura in the idea of opening so thats the only way to get the message across of how I would like to see it done!
  2. Port aventura has a completely different way of opening that I dont think from what you say many britions would like!
  3. does it every get boring running it or is everyday another experience?
  4. Go on then what have you seen or yourself have done?I have a strong feeling that the bucanner really needs gates to cause the annoying backlog of people letting others go past them in the queue so they can go on the ends!
  5. It might just be when I was young I cant remember exactly. I do remeber going there when I was youunger expecting a huge queue and there was and the past few times I have been there have only been a shot waiting time not using the extended queue line (not having to use fastrack)what was it like to operate it I have always wanted to operate one of the rides.
  6. I'm not saying to get rid of it seriously it just needs to be revamped to a high standard before I feel its worthy of carrying on thats all. I love the vampire but the way I feel about it sometimes changes
  7. Well even just letting you in the park to choose your ride before it opens would be good enough for me!
  8. I guess its because I'm from canterbury so its better for me to have a merlin than a thorpe season pass so I can use it on all London attractions
  9. Agreed Colossus has an appaling throughput!
  10. gone of the days when this ride used to always have 60minute queue now its barley 10 I feel ever since the Rodeo left the ride has been limping on one foot!
  11. It needs to go but at the same time if chessington said they were going to remove it I wouldent want it to go much like the corkscrew at alton.I thought those models looked familiar
  12. I think its time is in the next 10 years in my eyes though unfortunatly going on the corckscrew years! I would to like to see it re vamped to a more 'vampire' theme. hay at least they have put some models in the queue lines of vampires. hay ho thats what you get when you have 5 minutes to come up with something to ease the hard work of queueing
  13. yes definittly I dont want to see it go but I would like to see it have a crash course make over.
  14. No what I meant not as big as they used to be I remeber when all throughout summer the queue for it would be a constant 2-3hours now its only sometimes makes 2
  15. It needs to go now I know lots of us think it but I bet when they do get rid of it eventually it will be sadly missed like the corckscrew at alton. Its still a great coaster at the front but no where else in my opinion!
  16. They load this so much slower than it needs to be!
  17. Shame its on a boring setting and I used to like it when both ramses and Samurai where there because they used to compliment each other nicely!
  18. why does this not have an end seat queue because it always causes backlog in the actual queue for people waiting for the ends plus why did they get rid of the loading bays which once stood there?
  19. I feel the theming is now to dated on dragon falls and its just not as popular as it used to be!when they had the bigger queue.I do feel the whole Mystic east need some TLC mind you chessington have concentrated so much on the zoo for the past 3-4 years they almost forgot they had a theme park to look after but at the least the water squrting elephant is working again!
  20. Thorpe park should have early ride time plus they need to open the gates (turnstiles) about 30mins before the park opens and hold everyone in the dome this one because it will reduce the backlog out side the park and 2 it gives people the chance to already start buying much like alton towers do with the towers street!
  21. Nemesis yes but Colossus no. the power of 10 has or seems to have a bigger pull than the 80mph speek machine. I think its because when people think rollercoaster they think scenic railway or a looping star! so the more loops the more popular! Nemesis will always be a 'what' ride because unlike the amazing alton towers nemi it has no substance to the ride to keep it lasting
  22. Alton has the experince I think is the best way to put Alton e.g Disney style where as Thorpe is just blackpool pleasure beach!
  23. Its due to sonic being at the entrance so people go there first thing and last thing and because its so slow loading by the time the queue is getting to a reasonable time its the end of the day rush! Plus chssington has 2 entrances/exits where as alton only has 1 for 22 thousand people on an average day!
  24. th13teen


    I meant its the thought because many first time riders cant tell weather they left the track or dropped and that is the worst fear.read between the line mate my explanation is terrible in typing
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