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Everything posted by th13teen

  1. I like th13teen

    I am very Bias though because I went to the th13teen vip event

  2. I come on your saying you have never been in say x when someone has? Considering there is no true ventalation.The light I feel works because TOTT uses it (yes not real but designed to look like it) and they has great effect! But we both have our opinions!
  3. I think the bubbleworks is fantastic when you enter the station, and you smell the buubleworks air and you hear the theme music! I feel thats what makes it what it is because it brings back the memories (yes leather imperal) Memories now but still, I can see beyond the advertisement!
  4. I must agree with your statement Bill I remember being very small and seeing all the amazing theming etc and as I got older so have the attractions and they simply have not been given a makeover! Hopefully wild asia will carry on the trend!But I fear the bubble works may not recieve the correct treatment!
  5. The bubble works needs a few quid spent on it because last time I went into it I felt it was looking a little dated! Still love the bubble works all the same!!!
  6. th13teen

    SAW: Alive

    I know that its just the belle has so much potentail and considering thorpe park will only dock it after 5 years! I would like to see something done to it!
  7. oh it will this year being so busy due to th13teen! Plus stealth goes 80, making it much harder to launch. The oil needs to heat for that matter but it takes a much longer time to thats why it never goes in the morning in the winter usually!
  8. I never realised that vortex only runs 350 people per hour! No wonder the queue is usually an age!
  9. I can take a big swing and say stealth breaks down during fright night 1. it is running for 12 hours straight and a ride like that cant really cope and 2. the colder it gets into fright nights the longer the time the oil has to wark or at all!
  10. th13teen

    Pirates 4D

    Time voyages would best be suited to a simulator and a proper queue because then people would all flock to it because it look official. because being thorpe park you have to have a queue
  11. th13teen

    SAW: Alive

    I dont see why thorpe would just get rid of saw alive when the lease is up! If I were them I would (in 5years) turn it into a haunted looking belle and instead of having actors have automated stuff like alot of TOTT is at the begining. I feel this is a much better idea than just getting rid of it. If you added air cannons etc you could make a full on haunted house/mill!
  12. Providing they can walk for a prolonged period you are fine!They have a staff member escort you through the maze to make sure nothing happens and the actors know not to be to rough!
  13. th13teen


    I dont know weather you have noticed but the track is very close to each other so creating something along the lines you were thinking I dont think could go there but It would be a great thing to have but being thorpe park I very much doubt it. Thorpe park can show just how they can blow £60 thousand on stuff which mostly does not get used!
  14. th13teen


    I like the idea but far to complex for such a ride, plus this would cause the ride to be closed for a rather long time I feel to produce somthing like you suggest! But the tidy up and new lights I totally agree with!I dont see what wrong with having a few lights and a couple of pannels throughout the ride to look like the workings of a computer!
  15. th13teen

    SAW: Alive

    I also do not see Saw alive staying in the long run and I think thorpe park will only have it operating on say special events and busy periods such as summer! I do like saw alive but unlike saw the ride once the films have dies down you have not got a chance of making it worth while!
  16. th13teen


    X should keep the lights on but I have the same colours as the queueline lights to be honest! How hard is it to go buy a disco light? They are only about £20 and it would make the whole ride so much more enjoyable!Plus on the topic of queueing inside and outside I love to queue inside but it can be really uncomfortable in the dark and when someone lets rip inside!
  17. are they as difficult as before? Because I know when your in a rush to get seated and attach the safety buckle it can be akward to place the safety buckly in, in such a short space of time!
  18. Is it just me or does stealth suffer badly during fright night after about 6 at night? What was the problem 2 years ago when it was only open for the first week of fright night then no longer opened again untill next season?
  19. th13teen


    I know many people don't like X or dont think its worth staying! But we all know it is staying for a good few years to come, and in my opinion if your to have a ride you are to keep it to standard no matter how popular or boring it is, you don't go to a posh resturant where the food is expensive, if the resturant is filthy do you? So its the same with X thorpe, you have it you keep it to a standard of the entrance price!!!Also all this talk about wanting to get rid of it, I think if that happened it would happen exactly the same a black hole at alton towers and being left for years with nothing inside!!!
  20. Disney has an all year christmas shop and shops like that always do well! Its one of the only shops in disney as well as the glass place where I see it packed! Thats what thorpe need more than just pens pencils and whats the deal with selling divds and t shirts that have nothing to do with thorpe park!?
  21. I meant like the amazing christmas snow globes and christmas decorations sorry for not being clear!
  22. All I can say is all of Merlin parks Merchandise is rather naf compared to Disney where they sell you anything from ride photos to Ball balls and snow globes and I feel thorpe etc need to introduce more than just the standard T-shirts and pens!
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